2021-09-24 SpecialBerlin Board of Police Commissioners Special Meeting A Special Meeting of the Board of Police Commission was called to order by Chairman Paul Eshoo at 10:05am on Friday, September 24, 2021. The meeting was held in the Mac Doc Conference Room in the Town Hall, 240 Kensington Road, Berlin, CT. Present: Chairman Paul Eshoo, Vice Chairman Steve Wilson, Commissioner Dave Rogan, Commissioner Ryan Zelek and Recording Secretary, Marlene Kastner (Commissioner Urrunaga was unable to attend the meeting). The meeting was called to order at 10:05am and commenced with the Pledge of Allegiance. Commissioner Eshoo turned the meeting over to Vice -Chairman Steve Wilson. Vice -Chairman Steve Wilson indicated that the purpose of the meeting was to vote for Police Chief. He said that the Commission unanimously picked three finalists from a group of two internal candidates and six or seven external candidates. He indicated that the Commission was there to vote on one of those people. He said that they would keep voting until they were hopelessly deadlocked or they had a clear winner. They would vote for each candidate one at a time and Marlene would record the by person vote. Vice -Chairman Wilson indicated that Melissa Urrunaga was not present but submitted her vote. He then asked Chairman Eshoo who he wanted to have read for Commissioner Urrunaga. Chairman Eshoo replied Ryan. Commissioner Zelek then said he wanted to read a letter that Commissioner Urrunaga had written. Vice -Chairman Wilson said that they were going to just put the letter into the record. Commissioner Zelek then stated that Commissioner Urrunaga asked him to read the letter so he would like to read it. Vice -Chairman Wilson again stated that the letter was going to be put into the record. Commissioner Zelek then stated that this was very unfortunate. He went on to say that the Commission had to have the meeting without her present so he wanted to read her letter. Chairman Eshoo then said that he could just read her vote, you could not change the agenda. Commissioner Zelek again stated how unfortunate it was that he could not read her letter and said that it is not the agenda, it's just reading her statement. Commissioner Zelek then asked if the Attorney is present to ask. There was an answer of no. Following is Commissioner Urrunaga's statement that was put into record and was not read at the meeting: M a rJone T. Kastn From, Melissa UrrLinap Se"t- Thursday, Sopttymber 23, 2021 5:30 IPM TW. Paull Eshoo, Srcve Wilson,- Ragan; Ryan Z cc:� Mailenel". Kastriet- Subjed- Special Meeting 9/24/2021 Attachiments. Letter to lPolice Comr'vj5,soon 9,24,2021 mom fng.dbcx Atlad'ied you will find as letter antl my vote for the next Chief of.policfor Berlin- I would like this lefter read akntd at the ineeting and hiserted into tete minutos since, I am not able to W thea in pja�on or call in due to work "IM'Mi ttlWntS, Sin" -M, 1Y, Melia I.Jmmaga I firmly bellievevve slijare the same rol"nirriltrinerit to protecti rig the 16tizenis of Berlin. T11"le(process of ielectingOUT new Chief of Pofice Ihowever his, not been tronspairent or [ndusNe, It does Wit MelettlTe standards we should set for ourseNcs as Comm issti o nem, or meet the expi,!ictabons of thei• who, elected us. Let me be i The (hief of Police !is a position that should bile dietermined with the utrinost car(and consideration. This person is olur top, law enforcernient officgr, they ant respionsiVe for the safety of our children, They are. reg ponsMe for the, safety of our community. 11his is riot a decision that should Ilbe made behiind closed doDrs or withiout consEinsus. This is an irnportant decisli UnfortunatirAy, thI5 pri has faUd the cithons of Berlin. 11 do�n'lt say that Illightlly. It's only ,ftpr havinig tried to construct i proem that livas fair, open and obJectilve thiat 1tl rise to speak today. Over the i of this s6lecllom • At iela5t Z of the 0ornmilissiviel never received copies of: the Job jposlin& de,5pite repeated requests. Since we have WIN not rleceIV0a copy of the postln& we those to' reference the Berlin Police Dep Vs General Orders, whildhi list the quallficaVom for Deputy Chief After, reviewing those doriument$it becarne clear that one of thie Fnall candidates does not meet the minimurn qualifitationis to even serv-e as Doputy Chief, let alone Chief, 1lniterviews and me(jtInps with the cainclidALN5 were, Iplaurawd without che,ekling the availab0ftv of all[ ClIOV109,5. I'm a reasunable Iplil 11 kra5w that it may not be possible to attend every intervllm, with every candidate, but to, lui)ownflyqchedulle,intevillows when a commissioner cannot bal avallable Is not acceptable, FurtherflrliDro, tO Imply that creating opportun;liesfor Commissioners to participate electron[caUly during a Pandernic i5 a tourtesy and not Ilrecfimired is disre5pectful.vVe are kill d(Ang our (beat to get through this time arkwe must be rcispectfuJI and treat each, other with grade, lFrom the beginning there was no clear Crnelline for this selection 1process sfiariecll ill the entire comimlisMon. We wer-re promisled ChOM Would be other opploritunitles for diisi and opportuni�Ves to, bold consensus, but those n,ever nialerja0zed, And w0iout the ability to, have a thouightf ull distoissinn and have our questions answered wki're being asked to "rote today, Wqi asked to d tfn nun htrul deelsion, •On mult[Wel occasions, I've rcciij5ted updates regarding the POST Iprrpeess, as well as soinile documentaVion frorn POST that feel, in my professionall opllNon, Is crucial tor me to effediV0'y make a decision on what would bla bi,-q for the citizens and Police Department of Berlin. Thew reliquests hilave been uignored, � I fully 8,upport the selection, of Acting Chief Ciud to starve as Chief of the Berlin Pol'ioe. Let mel be,l:ely transparent about why I Imadethis dedsion, Attirnp f;lhwef° Ciw;i has the educational Ibackground inclludin,g a BA Irn Curiilrrnlfl,al fus'ticow arnd Law Enforcement Adrrninistraflon arnd a MA In Leadership frown university of New Haven, one the prerrmrelr Crifrinal histico, tuniv'ersnties in'the nation, He was electc-d tiro attainthe FBI . desny- wwnatmichn lis a highly connpetitive° arnd , mau ling prowgrorm but a truly phenownenall International aa'lvmnae resource for our comnm unity, DuNng his 27 gears 0 service to our townrrn„ kfing Chief Ourj has mra"t olnt)r maintained the, mfety of loor cornmunity, but as also develop pr grams tobi lld morale, address the physical and rrnental wvwelll-tooling of OUT officers, and btn Ot Nara harms to engage With the corTmunnty. Re hasr'ecelved the ernde�rsernerntof the Bedin Educe IJrvit n. Meaning that: the raffiwc:ers of the Iperlwm police Il partni-ent who are sworn tam :serve, and protect, support him, as their leader. We've heard froin, many, of the rrnen .and woarnern, who have served und;u:r hinm,, that they buallevo heis The bests person to move tbe, departrnenrt farw acrd. Ih ie Ihras a proven track riecerd, one that ware'shoualdl afl he proud' of— one that we shonullld.01 want the oppaqunFilty ha buRld on, If we don't choose Acting Chief C.ln.ncl, what will that ado to morale of the rdepartrnent?'' 'hat are va''e telling the men and worruern Who are s°wavarrnt>co protect us? s le -ders, we [earn frorm thioas,e who care before, us, our leaders also serve as mentors, briogingr w p those behind them;. it is apparent that Acting Chief Ciiu ci Ihas dorme thiat Iba'sed on the nuurn4er of offf ers that have comrrne forward to sulppon hi m, If vva' !wad+ that his utuuallrficaat'ions,, dedication and Ieadlershmp ore not good) enoaaugh — that he 1.,rt good enough, to bp i,otir Irrext Chief,, w e, have failed as Commissioners to foster Ileadership opportuuroitie's. within our 'IDe artrm-ne"rnt. When C took Irmy oath for serve on this Carurnrrni',sWsioni I took it 5eribus1y. l Ilmelieve the selection, of.Acting Chief Ciucu would be time best decisllon'trar this, Commission and the hest doicl,sioni for our town, IrnCerelya Mellssa Ntrlrrun ap Commissioner Zelek asked that I include a letter from him into the minutes. It is as follows: It is unfortunate we are here right now. A decision this important should be made as a full commission, but this meeting was scheduled before confirming all commissioners could attend. To this day I have not seen a copy of the job posting, which was posted without my knowledge, so I am not sure what the job qualifications are but I will say this: Acting Chief Ciuci has a: Bachelors Degree in Criminal Justice and Law Enforcement Administration A Certificate in Public Safety Administration A Master of Arts in Leadership He is a Graduate of the New England Association of Chiefs of Police Executive Development Course He Attended the FBI Academy Over his 27 years of dedication to this town he climbed from the rank of officer to Sergeant in 4 years, served in all 3 of our divisions, and then was a Lieutenant for operations and support services, and most recently as Deputy Chief for the last 4 years, and Acting Chief for the last couple of months. If we are saying these credentials and qualifications are not good enough for one of our own to become Chief of this department, what is going forward? What kind of message would we be sending to our young officers? The support from within the department is overwhelming to me. To have Union support and to see several officers show up at our last meeting shows a lot about the leadership of Chris Ciuci. Officers supporting one another is something we should all be proud of In closing I strongly support Chris Ciuci to be the next Chief of Police for the Town of Berlin. Submitted by Police Commissioner Ryan Zelek Vice -Chairman Wilson then spoke up and said that they would go through the candidates alphabetically. He indicated that the first candidate was Robert Allen. He asked how Melissa voted on Robert Allen. Commissioner Zelek said he did not know. He didn't have a vote. Chairman Eshoo said that Commissioner Urrunaga was "iffy" on him. Vice -Chairman then said No vote for Melissa. Then he asked how Ryan voted for that. Commissioner Zelek voted Nay. Commissioner Zelek then said he didn't know what he was voting on and asked if there was a motion on the floor. Vice -Chairman stated, "We're not making a motion to vote, we're voting." Commissioner Zelek then stated that he believed a motion needed to be made. Vice -Chairman Wilson then passed the motion to Commissioner Dave Rogan. Commissioner Rogan then made a motion to vote on Robert Allen as Police Chief. Vice -Chairman Wilson then corrected his motion to say, I make a motion to have the vote. Commissioner Rogan then made a motion to have the vote. Vice -Chairman Wilson seconded his motion. Majority were in favor. Vice -Chairman Wilson then picked up the voting again with Robert Allen for Police Chief. He said Melissa, no vote. Ryan? Commissioner Zelek responded Nay. Commissioner Rogan responded No, Chairman Eshoo responded Nay and Vice -Chairman responded Nay. Vice -Chairman Wilson then said they would be voting on Chris Ciuci for Chief. He asked for Melissa's vote and Chairman Eshoo said that she voted yes. Commissioner Zelek made a motion to vote on Chris Ciuci for police chief. Vice -Chairman Wilson said that Ryan says yes. He then asked Commissioner Rogan and Commissioner Rogan replied no. Vice -Chairman Wilson then asked Mr. Chairman who said no and then himself who said no. Vice -Chairman Wilson then said Matthew McNally. He asked if Melissa had a vote and Commissioner Zelek indicated that she did not. Vice -Chairman Wilson asked Commissioner Zelek his vote and his vote was no. He then asked Commissioner Rogan his vote and his vote was yes. Vice -Chairman Wilson then asked the Chairman his vote and it was yes. His own vote was also yes. Vice -Chairman Wilson then stated that McNally was the winner. Motion was made by Commissioner Rogan, seconded by Chairman Eshoo to adjourn at 10:10. All in favor. Respectfully submitted, Marlene Way Commission Secretary