1981/03/03M I N U T E S MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF THE POLLUTION CONTROL COMMISSICN HELD ON MARCH 3, 1981. The meeting was called to order at 7:37 p.m. All five members of the Commission were present, as was Dr. Chotkowski. Alsa present was a representative of Citizens for the Environment. Th.e current negotiations between the Mattabasset Sewer District and t.he City of New Britain, whereby the Sewer District would dump a large quantity of ash and sludge at the New Britain Landfill site in Ber~lin, was the initial topic of conversation. Chairman Dalidowitz a.nd Dr. Chotkowski brought the Commission up to date on recent events. Chairman Dalidowitz had met previously with Mayor Ragazzi and had drafted a letter to the Mayor outlining~certain questions which should be asked concerning the material to be dumped. Chairman Dalidowitz and Dr. Chotkowski had visited the Mattabasset Sewer District site, and both of them described to the Commission the physical appearance of the matter to be dumped. Chairman Dalidowitz also reviewed with the Commission and explained written reports of tests which have been made on the ash. The tests included tests for certain heavy metals and also a leachate test. Chairman Dalidowitz pointed out that there was a very high chromium level and also a large amount of cadmium zinc, nickel, iron and lead in the ash. Chairman Dalidowitz reported having spoken with the chief engineer of the Mattabasset Sewer District, who informed him tha~ in addition to the ash, the material to be dumped includes sludge which has been trucked in from Middletown at the rate of 1,000 gallons per month. - 2 - Dr. Chotkowski reported having spent one and one-half hours at the Mattabasset Sewer District on Monday, February 3, 1981. His observations included the fact that a large quantity of untreated sewage has been included with the ash, including material. caught in filters and skimmed from tanks. He reported that the test had only been done on the ash and not all of the material which is proposed to be dumped. Concerns which were raised were the proxi~ity of the landfill site to a brook and also the proximity to the Sportsmen's Well which is already suffering from the effects of pollu.tion which the Town is trying to clean up. After discussion of alternatives, the Commission voted to oppose the dumping at the landfill because of the proximity of the Sportsmen's Well and because of the sheer quantity of inetal contained in the ash. Also discussed was the Commission's tour of the Stan-Chem plant in East Berlin earlier in the day. Dr. Chotkowski stated that there are three areas with which he is not satisfied: l. The fact that the sink in the laboratory is connected directly to the sewer system. 2. That the air in the laboratory is not filtered. 3. That the air in the paint shop is not filtered. Chairman Dalidowitz observed that the plant represents a typical paint operation, and that it is impossible to control odors inside the plant, but that the big problem remaining is to contr~~l odors outside the plant. He also observed the fact that the monomer tanks are out in the open air, and any leakage could cause odor~s. He also questioned where the drains in the plant's shops actually lead to. - 3 - Commissioner Dennehy commented on the chemical dust whicYi was being vented from one of the buildings. A discussion was had r_oncerning the furniture finishing shop which is located on the premises which is apparently not owned or controlled by Stan-Chem. Dr. Chotkowski mentioned a number of areas with which th~ Commission might be concerned. They include previewing the operations of any plants which desire to locate in the Town of Berlin, lookinq into the potential effects of grinder pump sewage systems, an~i a possible informational release to encourage people not to use septic systems for household chemical wastes. The meeting was adjourned at 9:37 p.m. Respectfully submitted, .~, --.- J n F. Stanton Secretary RECEIVE~3 Ft~ ~'IL~~ ` -~~'1~~~ ~, ~ y~ ~ Z'OW: J ~' ; I~ ~.K'F OFF~C~ ~:_ ~..:~~~~^~ ~~,}~1"~. _~~~~=-_~'~-J l~owx c~