1982/03/02~ POLLUTION CONTROL COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES DATE . March 2, 1982 PLACE . Berlin Town Hall, Room PRESENT: Richard Dalidowitz, Alan Wiersema, Richard Scalara, John Stanton The meeting was called to order at 7:45 p.m, by the Chairman, Richard Dalidowitz. The minutes of the February 2, 1982, meeting were acceptec~ as written. nr.n RTTSTNF.S~ • Richard Dalidowitz reported that the Mayor is about to chc~ose someone to fill the vacancy on the Commission. Richard Scalora ac~reed to remind the Mayor of this. A discussion was held concerning replacing Gail Craddock a.s Secretary. It was decided that for the time being, the expense of a Secretary would be eliminated, and the minutes would be prepared by Commission members. A discussion was had concerning the possibility of Al Wiersema plot- ting private wells on the map which he is preparing. It was decided that Mr. Wiersema would attempt to plot the areas where private wells are in use, since it would be virtually impassible to locate and plot each individual well. The proposed project of compiling suggestions for proper u.se of septic tanks was discussed. John Stanton raised the question of how to properly dispose of items which should not be disposed of in a - 2 - septic tank. Richard Scalora agreed to check with town officials con- cerning this question and to determine whether it is permissible to include the substances with the trash. Richard Dalidowitz agreed to check with the State D. E. P, concerning proper disposal. All Commission members are to prepare a list of substances which are a problem and should not be disposed of in a septic tank. Items immediately coming to mind included oil, paint, herbicides, paint strippers, pesticides and cleaning fluids. Richard Dalid~witz sug- gested that the proposed project be expanded to include ot.her informa- tive articles. Richard Scalora agreed to compile some inf'ormation as to wells, specifically what should not be dumped near the well site, how to obtain an analysis of well water, and what to do if one has a problem with a well. John Stanton agreed to compile infor•mation as to the proper care and maintenance of septic systems. The Manafort bulky waste disposal site was brought up for discussion again. Mr. Manafort has promised to comply with the requirement of six to eight inches of coverage, and the site will be inspected every Monday. If there is no compliance, the site will be closed. to Richard Dalidowitz raised the question concerning his ability/inspect the site. In view of the fact that there is no ordinance giving the Commission a right of inspection, it was decided that he would not do so. NEW BUSINESS: Richard Scalora brought up for discussion the construction project currently under way in Willow Brook Park in New Britain, whereby . - 3 - the level of the park is being raised to eleviate floodinq problems. Mr. Scalora raised the question of what effect the project: will have on the Mattabasset River which runs through the park and i-uns by the New Britain landfill. Alan Wiersema reported that a resident on Edgewood Road has noticed from time to time f oam and sludge in the brook which pass~s through that area. It was recommended that the resident obtain a sample which the Commission can have tested,and also keep a log as to the dates of occurrence, so that it may be possible to determi_ne a source. The meeting was adjourned at 9:03 p.m. Respectfully submitt:ed, ~ ohn F. S anton /