1983/01/10POLLUTION CONTROL COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES DATE: January 10, 1983 PLACE: Berlin Town Hall, Room 5 IN ATTENDANCE: L. A. Chotkowski, R, J. Dalidowi~z, J. Stanton, A. Wiersema PRESIDING: The meeting was called to order ~~t 7:45 PM by Richard Dalidowitz, Clzairman. DISPOSITION OF MINUTES OF NOVEMBER 8, 1982: Accepted as read. ANNOUNCEMENTS: The 1983 meeting schedule of the Commission was distributed to each member (see attach- ment). A copy of this schedule h~3s been filed with the Town Clerk as required by the Freedom of Information Statutes. OLD BUSINESS: ELTON ROAD TEST WELL Copies of a letter addressed to Mayor Ward dated January 3, 1983 concerning the trichloroethylene (TCE) contamination in the #3 Test Well and the discovery of a small industrial dump site near Swede Pond were distributed among the Commission members present. Key points made during the ensuing discussion were: - Dr. Chotkowski strongly emphasized that any level of a suspectE~d carcinogen in drinking water is intolerable. This position echoes the full Commission's concern about this situatiori. It was also noted that two other wells in town, The Sportsmen and the #2 Well at Elton Road, contain high_Ly objec- tionable contamination. POLLUTION CONTROL COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES - Morgan Seelye has advised that an inspector from the Connectic~ut Department of Environmental Protection will investigate the dump s:ite on Tuesday, January 11, 1983. At least twenty 55-gallon drums were counted at this site. - This incident was cited as ~~nother example of how wetlands havf~ b2en abused in town. - The question was raised regarding why only two of the three wells at the Elton Road site are c:ontaminated with TCE despite the fact that all are within very close proximity of each other. A1 Wiersema will atte~mpt to define the differences among the three wells. - Dr. Chotkowski offered to obtain additional information about a lagoon containing hazardous waste which adjoins the Silver Lake. - 2 - POLLUTION CONTROL COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES NEW BUSINESS: PUBLIC AWARENESS EI~~ Ft~ FILiI~G l, > ~~3 ~`~1~T ~~ ( ~ , . '~ ~F~ICF ~~:.~..:~ 1~ ~ , tt;f((? ~ ~a ~. , G~~~ ~ '~Oi'~d C~,ERY~ - Dr. Chotkowski suggested that the Commission spearhead a campaign to make the public more aware of the dangerous consequences of indiscriminately dumping cleaning agents, herbicides, and other chemicals into wetlands, waterways or along the side of the road. The discussion which followed was supportive of this idea. It was also suggested that citizens be encouraged to report any evidence of suspected dumping to the Commission. Dr. Chotkowski recommended that everyone be asked to refrain from burying any hazardous waste, or disposing of it via a septic system or storm drain. All question- able waste should be disposed of with the trash which is ultimately landfilled at a common site. ° It was noted that this awareness and sense of prevention would benefit the town in the long run since clean up procedures, if feasible, are a very costly business particularly in the wake of decreasing State and Federal assistance. This point is well demonstrated by the Silver Lake predicament. In addition, it was noted that property values are usually adversely affected when a town's reputation becomes tarnished by hazardous waste and pollution problems. Having no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 9:20 PM. The next meeting will be held on Monday, February 14, 1983 at 7:30 PM in Room 5 of the Berlin Town Hall. Respectfully submitted, Richard J. Dalidowitz, Chairman Pollution Control Commission Town of Berlin 3 -