1984/10/24POLLUTION CONTROL COMMISSION MINUTES - OCTOBER 24, 1984 MEETING MEMBERS PRESENT: OLD BUSINESS: Roman Baldyga, Frances. Brautigam, L.A.Chotkowski, Richard Dalidowitz. The meeting was called to order in Room S at Town Hall at 7:30 P.M. The minutes of the September 18th meeti_ng were accepted as read. MATTABASSETT LANDFILL: To date there has been little progress on the ash disposal site bordering Route 72. For the time being, ash is being tempor.arily accumulated on land adjacent to the treatment plant in Cromwell. Efforts to obtain a definitive, up-to-date schedule for construction of the new waste treatment plant and preparation of the waste disposal site from Mattabassett officials have been unsuccessful. The Town Engineering Department also was unable to provide any information on this matter. Mattabassett did indicate that new bids are being solicited from contractors for certain portions of the project. ELTON ROAD WELL: Well #3 is not operating. Analyses provided by the Water Commission to Roman Baldyga were out of date or superficial. The last comprehensive report from the Newlands Lab was for a sample submitted on August 10, 1982. This analysis did not address the problem of organic contamination (TCE, e~c.). Monthly checks concentrate on bacteria]_ contamina- tion and physical properties. However, for Elton Road Wells, physicals are not run. Richard Dalidowitz will verify what is considered "good standard practice" for drinking water analyses. ~-m,~ .~y ~ 9~.~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~sr'~,;^~r~~ .~~ ,~,:~ ;,~,~~~, ~+' ~~?*~tt~ ~~ POLLUTION CONTROL COMMISSION MINUTES - OCTOBER 24, 1984 MEETING NEW BUSINESS: INDUSTRIAL QUESTIONNAIRE: A preliminary draft was submitted by Richard Dalidowitz and reviewed by the Commission members. The purpose of the short, but comprehensive questionnaire, is to provide useful information to the Town's governing bodies about the types of chemicals which a perspective manufacturing/business firm will be using in its daily operations. A copy of Lhis questionnaire with a cove:r letter will be sent to the Executive Board for their comments and also their suggestions about how to implement it into the planning/development process. Dr. Chotkowski informed the Commission that residents in the Porters Pass area had questioned ~im about the relationship between a high incidence of hyperactivity among children living in that area and possible air contamination particularly from lead. Dr. Chotkowski's preliminary findings are that there is r~o correlation between the hyperactivity and airborne lead; however, he will continue to follow up until th.is matter is resolved. Having no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 8:40 P.M. The next regular meeting of the Commission will be held on t.he last Wednesday of the month, November 28, in Room 5 in Town Hall at 7:30 P.M. Respectfully submitt.ed, Richard J. Dalidowit.z Chairman