1986/01/29POLLUTION CONTROL CONIl~lISSION MINUTES OF JANUARY 29, 1986 MEETING MEMBERS PRESENT: OLD BUSINESS• Frances Brautigam, Richard Dalidowitz and Richard Narus. The meeting was called to order at '1:40 PM in Room 6 at Town Hall. The minutes of the November 27, 1985 meeting were accepted as issued. Groundwater Protection: Richard Narus presented information obtained f:rom Morgan See~ye about town water supply locations and th~ amount of town owned land buffering each well. Bicentennial which has the largest buffer (about 100 acres) would be the most expensive to hook up to town water lines while Woodlawn, located in a commercially zoned area and polluted, would be least expensive to bring on-line even with the required air stripper. Little information could be obtained about the Kensington fire district well located just off the Chamberlain Highway. To date no word has been received from Jim Murphy of the Connecticut DEP about a model ordinance for groundwater protection. Waste Collection Day: Frances Brautigam presented information obtained from the organizer of the Southington Waste Collection Day. This endeavor was strongly endorsed by the Southington Town Administration and required considerable cooperation among several town agencies. This is not an affair put together over the weekend but requires months of planning and a committed group of people to execute the plan. Two percent of Southington's households participated - enough for this event to be considered a success and to be rescheduled again for the coming year. Total cost was approximately $9100, aFproximately half of which will be refunded by the State. This topic was tabled until the next meeting when information p:resented by Mrs. Brautigam could be discussed after review by each member of the Commission. PAGE 2 POLLUTION CONTROL COMMISSION MINUTES OF JANUARY 29, 1986 MEETING NEW BUSINESS• EPA List of Toxic Chemicals: Richard Narus advised that the EPA has issued a l~st of 402 acutely toxic chemicals and a guidance plan for communities to follow when dealing with these materials in emergencies. A copy has been requested by Mr. Narus for the Commission to review and to distribute as appropriate. Argo Industries - Abatement Order: A copy of an abatement order from the DEP to Argo Industries was reviewed. This order cites Argo for illegally discharging and storing waste oil and kerosene. Argo has been ordered by Commissioner Stanley Pac to follow a 10-step grogram to rectify this situation. The Commission will f~llow the progress of this order as it proceeds. Having no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 8:55 PM. The next meeting will be held on February 26th at ~:30 PM in Room 6 at Town Hall. Respectfully submitted, " ~.,...~~;x`~- ~ ~~~ ~ Richard J. Dalidowitz Chairman ~ Fs~r ~ 3' ~ g ~~ ~ , ~~ ~,