1985/10/30POLLUTION CONTROL COMMISSION Members Present: Minutes of October 30, 1985 Meeting Frances Brautigam, Richard Dalidowitz,, Richard Narus The meeting was called to order at 7:40 P.M. in Room 6 at Town Hall. Summary: Minutes of September 25, 1985 Meeting: Accepted a;s read. Resignation; Romen Baldyga has resigned from the ~~ommission because of continuing poor health. He wishes this to be effective immediately. Manafort Landfill: An overview was presented for ~those members not familiar with this situation. This site appears to be an example of the "tail wagging the dog" and points out the extreme caution which should be exercised when allowing areas in town to be "filled". The observation was made that the owners pretty much put whatever they wish into this landfill and efforts to stop them by municipal and state agencies have been relatively ineffective. Groundwater Protection: The need and desirability of a local ordinance to protect groundwater quality was again discussed. The state DEP has been very slow and behind schedule in developing a model groundwater protection ordinance. This model had been promised for the summer of 1985. A letter urging renewed action on this matter will be drafted and sent to DEP Commissioner Pac with copies to appropriate state legislators. As a start, enough data about the potential and value of the town's groundwater resources must be accumulated. Richard Narus agreed to do this. Secondly, examples of local ordinances will be obtained by Frances Brautigam so that the commission can become familiar with the format of ordinances. - 2 - A target date of March, 1986 was established for accumulating this necessary information in order tc~ make the decision on whether such an ordinance would be worth- while pursuing any further. Waste Collection Day: Collection dates have becomE: increas- ingly popular in the state but are quite expensive -$15-$20,000. There is also some question about the long term li~ibility of the town for the waste from such a collection whicYi would have to be placed in a secure landfill. These landfill:~ have been experiencing increasing difficulties and many have been closed. To be more informed on this matter, it was agreed i:o arrange for a speaker at a subsequent commission meeting w~io had ex- perience in organizing such a collection day for a~zother town. Having no further business, the meeting was adjour:ned at 8:50 P.M. The next regular meeting for the commission ~~aill be held on Wednesday, November 27th, at 7:30 P.M. in Room 6 at Town Hall. Respectfully submitted, . `a'6t'L'.~"~y B Richard J. alidowitz, Chairman ~;~ ~ r.= ~r~--- ~ ; ,.~~9. ~S. %cw~' g~l~~~~~ ~~ ~