2004-11-10 TOWN OF BERLIN BERLIN-PECK MEMORIAL LIBRARY BOARD WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 10, 2004 Members Present: Frank Steele, Chairman Rosa Brown Sharon Powell Audrey Bertagna Donna Moore John E. Darrow Kathleen O'Donnell-Moss Juliet Benjamin, Recording Secretary Excused: Elizabeth Bennett Pamela DonAroma Staff: Sara Munson, Library Director Cathy Nelson, Assistant Library Director 1. CALL TO ORDER: Chairman Steele called the meeting to order @ 7:00 P.M. 2. AUDIENCE OF CITIZENS: None 3. DISPOSITION OF MINUTES, OCTOBER 13, 2004 MEETING: Sharon Powell moved to accept the Minutes of Wednesday, October 13, 2004, as written. Seconded by Donna Moore & unanimously approved. 4. LIBRARIAN'S REPORT - DIRECTOR/ASSISTANT DIRECTOR: Director's Report - Library Director Sara Munson noted that she has been procuring costs for staff chair replacements. A list has been made of items stored in the Library basement that will be put into the Town auction. Dir. Munson distributed copies of information - one relating to the banning of cell phones in a California library. She noted that they have had some problems with people using cell phones in the building and signs are being considered. Also an article on "Porn Starts) in the Library?" And a third article regarding self-checking machines and their use in libraries. Dir. Munson noted that she is considering a self-service checkout machine. Chairman Steele discussed the difference in circulation at the library from July to October compared with the figures for the same period last year. Dir. Munson felt that the changes might have been influenced by the work in re-doing the parking lot and the fact that students are back in school and have Berlin-Peck Memorial Library Board Minutes - 11/10/2004 - Page 2 less time for reading library books. She noted that it is difficult to pinpoint why dips occur in circulation, but that the summer months were extremely busy and the staff could use the small break. Assistant Director's Report - Assistant Library Director Cathy Nelson distributed copies of two recent Herald photos and articles relating to Story Time for Preschoolers and the Story Craft Program. 5. CHAIRMAN'S REPORT: Chairman Steele had nothing to report. 6. SUBCOMMITTEE REPORTS: . Budget Committee - Dir. Munson reviewed her line-by-line proposed budget for 2005/2006 and explained her objectives in increasing and reducing certain areas of the budget. Account 103 Mid Management - A salary increase to the 18-hour reference position to bring it more in line with other Towns, as listed. Dir. Munson would like to raise this position to $21/hour but needs to see how it will affect the total budget. Account 104 Clerical - The White Collar Union Contract has been settled and adjustments will be made to this item. Dir. Munson also is proposing to increase one existing 22-hour clerical position to 35 hours. Account 124 Substitute - $2,000 increases to meet payroll of substitutes filling in for staff during illness and vacations. Account 201 Supplies - For purchase of Library Cards (this IS done every two years), and DVD Security Cases. Account 205 Maintenance - Asking to return to level of $3,000 by increasing total by $400. Includes toner, drums, fuser kits, transfer parts and service calls for major problems with computers and printers. Account 212 Copying - Adjust from $4,100 to $3,100. Account 219-1 Activities - Restore funding for this item back to $5,000 by addition of $1,000. For magician programs, puppet shows, writing workshop for Y A and animal programs, as requested by the public in the Long Range Plan of Development. Account 248-1 Equipment - Increase of $1,000 for purchase of CD Shelving for expanding music collection. ($1,500 account total). Account 291 Books - After discussion, Chairman Steel made a motion recommending a 3% increase in the Book Budget. Seconded by John Darrow & unanimously approved. Berlin-Peck Memorial Library Board Minutes - 11/10/2004 - Page 3 Account 291-1 Audio /Video Sharon Powell made recommending a 3% increase to the Audio/Video Budget. seconded by Rosa Brown & unanimously approved. a motion Motion was After review and discussion, Audrey Bertagna moved to wait on approval by the Library Board of the proposed budget until updated figures are in place. Seconded by Kathleen O'Donnell-Moss & unanimously approved. Dir Munson discussed the database stating that she is hoping to have the library database connected to the State system, which will remove the Library from the Town of Berlin system and increase the overall speed of the system. The State has installed the fiber optic cabling but has yet to hook up either the schools or the library. Dir. Munson also discussed her memo to Herman Middlebrooks on the Berlin - Peck Memorial Library Goals. . Friends Committee - 1. Director Munson reported that Beth Stowell's program on the History of Berlin was a great success with forty-five people attending. Beth plans a follow up program in February where she will come with a tape recorder to record the audience experiences. 2. The Friends are very happy with their membership drive and have several members who donated $100 and received a tote bag. $50 donors receive two mugs and $25 donors receive one mug. Coupons for the bag or mugs will be sent out with thank you letters to the donors. The bags and mugs will be behind the circulation desk and donors can turn in their coupons to receive the item. 3. The December Newsletter will be sent out to the second 3,000 homes in Berlin. The first set of Newsletters was sent out to 3,000 households in October. 4. Dir. Munson believes that the Friends will be having Diane Smith, Positively Connecticut, as a guest speaker in the spring. 5. The next Friends meeting will be the first Wednesday in February. 6. The Kensington Garden Club will decorate the Library for Christmas on Monday, November 29th. . Personnel Committee - No report. . Policy and Bylaws Committee - No report. 7. COMMUNICATIONS: Chairman Steel read the memo from Town Clerk Kate Wall regarding the meeting schedule for 2005. Secretary Benjamin submitted a tentative schedule of meeting dates and will check dates before submitting to the Town Clerk. After discussion, Rosa Brown moved to accept the Schedule of Meetings 2005 and forward to the Town Clerk. Seconded by John Darrow & unanimously approved. 8. OLD BUSINESS: None. Berlin-Peck Memorial Library Board Minutes - 11/10/2004 - Page 4 9. NEW BUSINESS: John Darrow had a question about Heritage Quest. Dir. Munson stated that the Library has a program from the State Library, at no cost to Peck Memorial, which contains many databases, one of which is Heritage Quest. It is called ICON.Org and there were 359 hits on it during the month of October, with 20 from home computers. 10. ADJOURNMENT: Donna Moore made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 7:45 P.M. SECONDED by Audrey Bertagna & UNANIMOUSLY APPROVED. Respectfully submitted, Juliet K. Benjamin, Recording Secretary