1991/11/20Berlin Zoning Commission The Berlin Zoning Commission held a Public Hearing at a Special Meeting in the Town Meeting Room, Berlin Town Hall, 240 Kensington Road on Wednesday, November 20, 199I at 7:00 p.m. to consider the following item: Petition of Town Planner William S. Voelker to amend Section 2.00 and Section 4.11 and to create new Section 6.10 of the Berlin Zoning Regulations to permit and provide regulations for neighborhood affordable housing development. In attendance: Chairman Joseph Suranna, Commissioners Robert Baumann, Kathryn Keams, Paul Query, Salvatore Messina, Dominic Yovino. Absent: Commissioners Frank Lozis and Irving Warner. A continuation of this hearing will be held in the Town Meeting Room, Town Hall on Wednesday, December 11, 1991 at 7:00 p.m. Following a public hearing, the Special Meeting of the Berlin Zoning Commission was called to order at 8:45 p.m. in Room 7, Town Hall by Chairman J. Suranna. Also in attendance were Commissioners Baumann, Kearns, Query, Messina, and Yovino. Absent: Commissioners Lozis and Warner. Town Planner W. Voelker was in attendance. The minutes of the November 13, 1991 meeting were reviewed and a motion to accept them was made by Commissioner Query, seconded by Commissioner Kearns, and carried unanimously. No citizens spoke for the Audience of Citizens. The zone change application of Michael Nelson was then discussed. Comm~ss~Q .ner~ co Kearns stated the application was a non-issue from a zoning standpoint and sl~ no corn elling reason not to change the zone. Commissioner Query stated th~ P · ' change would be consistent with the land use surrounding ~t, may be an enharli~me~ o the property along the highway, and would encourage desirable developmenti~ith i~ette~ uses of land. Commissioner Baumann stated that in his opinion the zone change would only create more commerical land, expanding its commercial use into environmentally sensitive and residential areas. Commissioner Messina stated his dislike of the buffer and his concern for the existing house. Commissioner Kearns stated for the record her concern that residents may be unaware of proposed changes as legal ads are deceptive. 'Planner Voelker stated the legal ads read "text and maps of this proposal are available in the Office of the Town Clerk and Office of the Town Planner" and information may be obtained upon request. Commissioner Query made a motion to accept as stated in the petition of Michael Nelson to change the zone of a portion of Lot lA, Block 140 located on the easterly side of the Wilbur Cross Highway from R15 (Residential 15) to GC 1 (General Commercial 1). The motion was seconded by Commissioner Baumann. Further discussion included Commissioner Baumann's commenting his opposition to the application as residential property would become more landlocked and commercial property would encroach into sensitive environmental areas. Town Planner Voelker read into the record the Planning Commission's recommendation for approval as follows: 1. The zone change conforms with zoning in the surrounding area. 2. The zone change will promote economic development on the Wilbur Cross Highway. Upon Chairman's Suranna's request for his opinion, Mr. Voelker stated his opposition to the request because of his concerns for the integrity of the surrounding area, as the potential for impact from commercial use is greater than residential use. Commissioner Query commented the wetlands issue is one for the IWWC. Commissioner Baumann responded that in a decision of zoning, the sensitivity of an area should be considered. Voting in favor of the motion: Voting against the motion: Commissioners Query and Suranna. Commissioners Baumann, Kearns, and Messina The application of the fill permit of the City of New Britain was tabled as requested information from the applicant had not been received. A motion to adjourn was made by Commissioner Yovino, seconded by Corn ~.~si%ner__.m Kearns, and carded unanimously. The meeting adjourned at 9:40 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Robert Baumann .-~ , Secretary BERLIN ZONING COMMISSION The Berlin Zoning Commission held Public Hearings on Wednesday, December 11, 1991 in the Town Meeting Room, Town Hall to consider the following items: 1. Continuation of the public heating of Voelker to amend Section 2.00 and Section 4.11 and to create new Section 6.10 of the Berlin Zoning Regulations to permit and provide regulations for neighborhood affordable housing development. At the request of the applicant, this heating will be continued on January 8, 1992. 2. Petition of Gary McPhee to amend the Berlin Zoning Regulations to permit and provide regulations for adult day care centers in the Retail Business and Office Laboratory zones. In attendance: Chairman Joseph Suranna, Commissioners: Robert Baumann, Kathryn Kearns, Salvatore Messina, Paul Query, and Dominic Yovino. Absent: Commissioners Frank Lozis and Irving Warner. Following public heatings the Regular Meeting of December 11,1991 of the Berlin Zoning Commission was called to order by Chairman J. Suranna at 8:15 p.m. In attendance: Commissioners R. Baumann, K. Kearns, S. Messina, P. Query, and D. Yovino. Absent: Commissioners F. Lozis and I. Warner. No one spoke for the Audience of Citizens. The minutes of the November 20, 1991 meeting were reviewed and a motion to accept them was made by Commissioner Query, seconded by Commissioner Yovino and carried unanimously. The petition of Michael Nelson to change the zone of a portion of Lot lA, Block.140 Wilhttr Cross Highway from GC-1 to GC-2 was then discussed. The mouon to approve31ie application made at the November 20, 1991 meeting by Commissioner Query fa.iled"t~ c~ as the vote was two in favor; three opposed. Therefore, the item remained on th,e ~dac~ Commissioner Query stated his support for the application; stating his opinion.~t e chan e would be consistent w/th the site locatmn and surroundxng area Chai/'fia."~.~uranna also ated his support of the request. Comm~ssmner Baumann stated h~s opmloh. change would land lock the abutting residential property and would allow a higher ~hten~i.ty of zoning in an environmentally sensitive area. After further discussion of the apphcauon, a motion to deny the request of Michael Nelson to change the zone of a portion of Lot lA, Block 140 Wilbur Cross Highway from General Commercial 1 to General Commercial 2 was made by Commissioner Baumann. Voting in favor of the motion: Commissioners Bamnann, Messina, and Kearns. Voting in opposition of the motion: Commissioners Query and Suranna.