1991/07/10The Berlin Zoning Commission held Public Hearings in the Town Meeting Room, Berlin Town Hall, 240 Kensington Road on Wednesday, July 10, 1991 at 7:00 P.M.to consider the following items: 1. Petition of Feliee Lupia to amend Section 4.11 of the Berlin Zoning Regulations to permit retail stores, offices, or research laboratories to be located in existing buildings of less than 20,000 feet in the GC-2 (General Commercial 2) zone. 2. Petition of Roderick D. Hewitt,.P.C. and MBA Engineering, Inc. to amend Section 4.11 of the Berlin Zoning Regulations to eliminate the mean depth requirement for lots in all zoning districts. 3. Petition of Zoning Inspector Roger Gaudio to amend Section 4.21.05 of the Berlin Zoning Regulations to regulate the extension of handicapped access ramps into required setback areas. In attendance: Chairman Joseph Suranna, Commissioners Frank Lozis, Paul Query, Kathryn Kearns, Salvat0re Messina, and Dominie Yovino. Commissioner Robert Baumann was absent. Following public heatings, the Regular Meeting of July 10, 1991 of the Berlin Zoning Commission was called to order in Room 7 by Chairman J. Suranna. In attendance: Commissioners F. Lozis, P. Query, K. Kearns, S. Messina, and D. Yovino. Commissioner Baumann was absent. Zoning Inspector Roger Gaudio was in attendance. No citizens spoke for the Audience of Citizens. The minutes of the June 26, 1991 meeting were reviewed and a motion to approve them as amended was made by Commissioner Kearns and seconded by Commissioner Yovino. The motion carried unanimously. One new application was presented. The excavation permit of Norman and Gabrielle Cyr to excavate 1,500 cubic yards (0.5 acre) at Lot 13, Block 119, Berlin Turnpike, Route 15. The date for public hearing was scheduled for August 28, 1991. Zoning Inspector Gaudio discussed upcoming ZBA applications for the July meeting. Commissioner Query discussed the importance of the commissioners' gaining education concerning wellheads and aquifers. Chairman Sm'anna stated he would discuss this matter with Mayor Peters. A motion was made by Commissioner Query to adjourn. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Kearns and carried unanimously. The meeting adjourned at 8:45 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Robert A. Baumann, Secretary Berlin Zoning Commission