2004-06-21 TOWN OF BERLIN COMMISSION FOR THE AGING Minutes of Monday, June 21, 2004 * Berlin Senior Center * 7:00 P.M. 1. Call to Order: Chairwoman Gombotz called the meeting to order at 7:00 P.M. 2. Roll Call: Members in Attendance: Barbara Gombotz, Chairwoman Connie Marshall Juliet Benjamin, Secretary Staff: Community Services Dir. Antoinette Pajor Senior Center Dir. JoAnn Budzinski Lorraine Clark H ugh Penney Excused: Betty Baldyga 3. Approval of Minutes - May 17, 2004 Meeting: Commissioner Clark MOVED to accept the Minutes of Monday, May 17,2004, as written. SECONDED by Commissioner Penney & UNANIMOUSLY APPROVED. 4. Audience of Citizens: None. 5. Community Services Director's Report - Antoinette Pajor: . Community Services Director Antoinette Pajor reported on the Renter's Rebate Program noting that MaryAnn Siroka, an employee of the Assessor's Office has been very helpful in helping the renters complete their applications. . Schedule of Fees - Community Services Dir. Pajor stated that she would like to wait to institute prepayment of classes and the out- of-town resident program until Jan. 1st due to the increase of class fees at this time. She has suggested to the Revenue Committee charging $24/year for out-of-towners to participate and she is waiting for their response to that proposal. Dir. Pajor's Report is attached to these minutes. Minutes of the Commission For The Aging - June 21,2004 - Page 2 6. Senior Center Director's Report: Senior Center Director JoAnn Budzinski reviewed her report for the Commission. A copy of that report is attached to these minutes. 7. Disability Update - Lorraine Clark: Commissioner Clark stated that the Committee for Persons with Disabilities met on May 13, 2004. . Len Zielinski, Chairman of the Park & Recreation Commission attended the meeting. He said that the Park & Recreation Commission had reviewed the survey made by the Comm. For Persons W jDisabilities concerning accessibility to various facilities in the Town. Mr. Zielinski said that changes have been instituted, such as handicap bathroom facilities at Dennehy Field. Sage Park now has a path around it that is wheelchair accessible and a fishing platform ramp has been installed. The Park & Recreation Dept. is also addressing issues on a case-by-case basis. . Two Door Openers will be installed at the Community Center, 2 sets at the Police Dept., 1 set at the Senior Center and one at the Town Hall. These openers are being installed on the second, interior sets of doors. These installations are planned for completion within forty-five days. . Handicap bathrooms at Sage Park are in the Building Maintenance budget for 2004j05. . A Ramp at Timberlin is on hold due to construction of the new pavilion. . Art League Building ramps will be included with work on the Timberlin ramps. . Commissioner Clark stated that she had received a copy of information that could be included in a Disabilities Brochure, which the Comm. For Persons W jDisabilities is presently working on. . There was no report on the Berlin Business & Disabled Employee Survey. . Letters will be sent to the Board of Education & Asst. Town Manager Herman Middlebrooks about a program presented by Dr. Karen Konzu on Mental Illness in the Work Place. . Chairperson Anderson of the Comm. For Persons W jDisabilities would like Berlin to be included in the website of the Office of Protection & Advocacy for Persons with Disabilities, which has a list of Municipal Agencies. The Towns of Bridgeport, Danbury, Fairfield, Hartford, New Britain, New Haven & Waterbury, are included in that list. . Commissioner Clark noted the next meeting of the Comm. For Persons W jDisabilities is scheduled for July 8th. Minutes of the Commission For The Aging - June 21,2004 - Page 3 8. Report on Senior Housing: Chairwoman Gombotz noted that she would like to invite Mary Wilcox from the Berlin Housing Authority to the September 20th Commission for the Aging meeting to discuss Senior Housing. Commissioners were in favor of inviting Ms. Wilcox to that meeting. Chairwoman Gombotz will call Ms. Wilcox and invite her to the September meeting. The Commission discussed several options and locations that may be considered for location of Senior Housing in the future. 9. Bulletin Board: Chairwoman Gombotz noted that Eileen Turek has been updating the Bulletin Board. Chairwoman Gombotz will call Ms. Turek to make sure that she wants to continue with upkeep of the board. 10. Handicapped Parking @ Senior Center: Senior Center Dir. Budzinski stated that she has heard complaints about lack of handicap parking spaces at the Senior Center for years. This is one reason why the Senior Center offers bus transportation, which allows the seniors to be dropped off and picked up near the entrance. Commissioner Penney expressed concern about people who might be taking advantage of the handicap spaces, even though they possess a sticker, but are not necessarily handicapped. He suggested the Commission put in a newsletter article asking people to be more considerate and save the handicap spaces for people who really need them. Also, when there is a trip or event, people should not tie up the handicap spaces for an extended period of time, but should park in the upper lot. Senior Dir. Budzinski stated that they have repeatedly asked people not to tie up the spaces but have not had a good response to their request. 11. Old Business: None. 12. New Business: Chairman Gombotz noted that she would check on the access road behind Marjorie Moore Housing and spaces for Home Health Aides. Commissioner Penney asked about funding for a Fall Social. It was ascertained that $500 would be available for that event. Commissioners decided to set the date for the Fall Social for Thursday, October 28, 2004, starting at 3:00. Plans for food, etc. will be discussed at the September 20th meeting. 13. Motion to Adjourn: Commissioner Penney MOVED to adjourn the meeting at 7:50 P.M. SECONDED by Commissioner Clark & UNANIMOUSLY APPROVED. Minutes of the Commission For The Aging - June 21,2004 - Page 4 Next Commission Meetine: scheduled for Mondav, September 20, 2004 Respectfully su bmi tted, Juliet K. Benjamin, Secretary June 21, 2004 Community Services Director's Report for Commission for the Aging . Renter's Rebate Program- We have competed 60 applications to date and have another 31 scheduled for this week. The Assessor's Office completed 96 last year and we expect to exceed that number before the program is over in September 2004, The response have been very positive to moving it to the Senior Center and we have been able to emphasize senior programs as we speak with new applicants, . Pre-Paid Class Payment-We are suggesting that we institute the prepayment of class fees at the same time we open membership to out -of-town residents, Because the fees have been increased from $2 to $3 per class effective July 1, 2004, and during the summer months we see a drop in attendance due to vacations and other activities that reduce our class size, we are recommending that we wait to initiate this change, SENIOR CENTER DIRECTOR'S REPORT JUNE 21, 2004 Regarding non-residents using the Berlin Senior Center, I called five area towns. New Britain Senior Center charges non-residents a $20.00 yearly fee, Plainville Senior Center charges a $25.00 yearly fee, Newington Senior & Disabled Center charges $5.00 per year or $10.00 for three years (payable in advance). Meriden Senior Center and the Southington Calendar House do not allow non residents to come to their senior center. In June, on the 9th, we had a representative from Paradigm Medical Services come to the Berlin Senior Center. Seniors with diabetes and related problems were able to have their feet measured for special shoes. This service enables eligible seniors to get free shoes with Paradigm Medical taking care of billing Medicare. On the 8th and the 15th of June, we had a two part program called "Humor Your Stress" a humorous look at aging. A small group of seniors attended each session. Refreshments were served after each program. Our craft class this month was an E-Z Garden Class on Thursday, June 10th. The six seniors who attended each made their own container garden with several types of annuals. We had our annual Strawberry Festival today and 100 seniors attended. Entertainment was provided by trumpeter, Roland Chirco. And our "Name That Baby Face" Contest is still going on. To date we have 10 baby pictures on the bulletin board. Minutes of the Commission For The Aging - June 21,2004 - Page 5