1987/04/01April 1, 1987 A meeting of the Berlin Zoning Commission was held on April 1, 1987. Chairman Ferraguto called the meeting to order at 7:05 P.M. In attendance were Commissioners Ferraguto, Corrigan, Baumann, and Suranna, Alternate Meigs and Town Planner Voelker. Commissioner Harris entered at 7:30 P.M. Commissioner Corrigan motioned to approve the minutes of the March 25, 1987 meeting. Seconded by Commissioner Baumann after an addition to Item 4 (to include MR as one of the zones discussed). Item 1 - Statement of Corporation Counsel was made regarding possible conflict of interest with Commissioners residences and/or places of business. There being no immediate conflict of interest with Commissioners Baumann and Corrigan, the issue is mute. Item 2 - Discussion focused on a recent variance granted by the Zoning Board of Appeals regarding property (Tonina) boarding on the Chamberlain Highway for the following reasons: 1. That this is deeded parcel of land at around the year 1974 and that it is not a non conforming lot; it is a deeded parcel of land regardless of the fact that it has been recorded in the assesor's office as a building lot and subsequently taxed as such. 2. That it is not in the best interests of the town. 3. That no apparent hardship had existed nor presented for the granting of the variance. A letter is to be forwarded to the Executive Board with a copy to the Zoning Board of Appeals so stating the position of the Zoning Commission. Item 3 - A special meeting with Sam Pine will be held on Tuesday, April 7, 1987 due to a conflict in meeting on Wednesdays. This will be held for a preliminary exchange of ideas regarding the regulations for the corridor study. Item 4 - Discussion of the Moratorium on corridor (Rt. 72 and Rts. 5& 15) A tentative date of May 13, 1987 has been set for a Public Hearing (see attached wording). Item 5 - Discussion of Corridor Study; Concepts for POR 1 & 2. Concerns centered around density in relationship to adjoining established areas primarily on Rt. 72. (area immediately abounding Rt. 72 on the south side.) POR 3 - Concerns of density as well as existing businesses (Hawthorne). GC 2 & 3 - Appear to have incentives (considerations of buffers and setbacks). PS 2 - same as present - Special Permit in MR. Site Plan in other areas subject to approval of the Planning Commission. Item 6 - Planner Voelker suggested that perhaps amendments to our regulations be forthcoming in: 1. Parking 2. Landscaping in parking areas 3. Sign regulations for the public hearing on May 13, 1987. Item 7 - Discussion on proposed amendments to Liquor Regulations: 1. Intent to service restaurant (excluding cafe) 2. define and clarify; Restaurant & Hotel Example: Wonder Bar North could possibly be entitled to two permits Meeting adjourned at approximately 10:45 P.M. Philip Ferraguto, Chairman ** SECTION XVII MORATORIUM FOR THE RTS. 15 & 72 CORRIDOR AREA ** In order to allow the Zoning Commission to implement the revised land use plan entitled "Plan of Development for the Routes 15 and 72 Corridor Study Areas" adopted by the Planning Commission on July 23, 1985, no future applications involving any changes in zone affecting those properties as delineated on the (appropriate) map and being located along Routes 15 and 72 shall be accepted, considered or acted upon by the Berlin Zoning Commission during the six month period from the date of adoption of this amendment. During said six month period, the only usues allowed for those properties zoned R-7, R-11, R-15, R-21, R-43, MR, as shown on said map will be detached single family and duplex dwellings and those permitted accesory uses as defined in Section 4.11, Use and Bulk Table of the Zoning Ordinance. In all other zones, the only permitted uses shall be churches and other places of worship subject to approval by the Zoning Board of Appeals, public utility sub-stations and telephone exchanges, water filtration plant and pumping station subject to Section 11.90 and 11.94 respectively, of the Zoning Ordinance; accessory uses as defined in Section 4.11; and necessary repairs and minor alterations of existing buildings and structures. The Zoning Commission shall have the right to extend said moratorium and/or to terminate it earlier in whole or in part. Adopted on Effective Date , 1987 , 1987 April 7, 1987 A Special Meeting with Consultant Sam Pine was held on April 7, 1987. In attendance were Commissioners Ferraguto, Corrigan, Baumann, Harris, and Suranna. Alternate Meigs and Town Planner Voelker. Chairman Ferraguto called the meeting to order at 7:05 P.M. to continue review and study of the adopted Plan of Development for the Routes 15 and 72 Corridor study areas. Discussion focused on the following: 1. MR-2 A. Same as existing MR permits (R86) B. Special permits due to multi-uses by Zoning Commission C. Bedroom per acre versus Units per acre D. Define Bedroom - every room other than LR and K over a certain number of sq. feet. E. Concern regarding coverage (footprint) spread through- out or clustered F. Setbacks G. Considered minimum floor area in R-86 (1400 sq. ft.) H. Impervious surface coverage (footprint of bldg., driveway, parking facility) I. Safeguard of cluster = certain number of units per parcel, left to discretion of Special Permit. J. Setbacks and town boundaries will be viewed and inspected prior to recommendation K. Definitions on verious ideas; 1. Multi-family 2. Number of units per parcel e PR-I A. B. C. Do 2 units per acre 20% impervious cover limits 20 acre min./Height 35'/Setbacks 150' edge of right of way - 80' from other Presently R-43 exists Parking facilities per unit will be proposed