1972/07/06loard of Finance une 20, 1972 meeting [cont.) Following Mr. D~Maggio's departure, the Board d~sc~sed the request for the Regional Attorney and the Salt Lake City, Utah conference and agreed to once again deny both requests. ABSENT: Mr. D. Ward fEW BUSINESS Motion was made, seconded and ~OTED to autSor~ze the transfer to the suspense ~ist of tax delinquents as presented by Prank Motyka, Tm Collector for the year Ending June 30, 1972 ~n the total mount of $2O,Q54.~8, in accordance~th State tatutes, During discussion of the susp~se list~ Mr. Motyka pointed ~ut h~ has not been satisfied with the services of Town Counsel wSen asked for assistance, in ~ollecting delinquent taxes. Cha~an Ward stated he ~uld advise Mr. Jackaway ~nd suggest a meeting between Mr. Motyka and Mr. Jackaway to discuss the problems. i Mr. Probst appeared to d~scuss the condition of the grave sto~es in the ~emeterfes in Town, with particular attention to tSe South Burying Ground. He ~tated these stones are quite old and are tipping or have fallen aver presenting an ~nsightly picutre. He feels the stones should be preserved by setting them in cement at a cost of $700 for setting 120 stones. The Board requested he survey the Town and advise them of the n~ber of other Stones to be straightened and the cost ko do so. I Mr. Probst further advised the Board at the Dunham Cemetery stones or markers Of any kind do not exist. He has obtained a price of approximately $350 to purchas~ ~ stone with the names of the nine persons now buried there engraved on it with roo~ Io add others. Motion was made by Dr. Molntosh, seconded by ~. D. Ward and VOTED to transfer $1,100 from ~210 Contingency to account #160 Maintenance and Operations-Cemeteries in the 1972-73 budget. It was VOTED to adjourn the meeting at 11:33 P.M. Respectfully submttt~d~ MINUTES BOARD OF FINANCE Special Meeting July 6, 1972 4embers Present: Thomas W. Ward, Jr., Blanche J. Delaney, Jack J. Barbera, William McKeon 4embers Absent: Donald L. Ward, Dr. John McIntosh )thers Present: Leslie C. Bentley, Finance Director; Anthony Rosso, Veterans' Advisory Committee Meeting was called to order at 8:17 P.M. by Chairman Ward. ~INUTES Motion was made by Mrs. Delaney, seconded by Mr. McKeon and VOTED to approve ~he minutes of June 20, 1972 meeting. ILL It was moved by Mr. Bar~era, seconded by Mr. McKeon and VOTED to approve the  ayment bill from Judith Lfndgren for secretarial services for June, 1972 from 201 Board of Finance-Operating ~n the amount of $178.50. ~ORRESPONDE~CE Letter from Ronald E. Lindgren, Chairman, Berlin Fire Board, dated June 28, 19~ ~dvising the balance in accounts #C-1801 Fire Department Equipment, #C-1802 Generate nd #C-1803 Brush Fire Truck w~ll not be used during the 1971-72 fiscal year. Howe% ills will be presented during the 1972-73 fiscal year. It was agreed to advise Mr. Lindgren when bills are presented to submit t~ to Mr. Bentley and they will be handled in the usual manner. Letter from Philip D. Doran, Chairman, Berlin Historical District.Study omm~ttee, dated June 20, 1972, advising tSe Co~r~ittee has tentatively chosen an rea for a beginning for the establishment of the Town's f~rst Historic District an~ f approved by the townspeople, extensive typing and the printing of a report as em required in the procedure for establishing an Historic District will be done during the 1972-73 fiscal year. He expects no further expenditures in the 1971~72 fiscal Letter from Robert E. McGlone, Director of Parks & Recreation, dated Jul~ 1972, requesting the funds allocated in account #C-1926 Willard Field fence and ~ccount #C-1922 Community House Parking Lot Pa~ng Materials be transferred from the 1971-72 fiscal year budget to the 1972-73 fiscal year budget as the work could not be accomplished. It was agreed to advise Mr. McGlone the procedure he request is ~mposslble. If he still desires the projects be done, he should so advise this Board. tRANSFERS 1971-72 budge~ Letter from Ronald E. Lindgren, Chairman, Berlin Fire Board, dated June 30, 1972, requesting a transfer of funds to account #1810 Maintenance 1010's. Motion was made by Mrs. Delaney, seconded by Mr. McKeon and VOTED to transfer $500.00 from account #1807 Foam Liquid to account #1810 Maintenance 1Q10's. Letter from Domtnlck F. Scerra, Town Treasurer, dated June 20, 1972, ~equesting funds in special accounts be transferred to the General Fund and the ~ccounts closed. Motion was made by Mrs. Delaney, seconded by Mr. McKeon and VOTED to transfer the balance of $1,068.49 from the Northern Industrial Project Fund and the balance of $11,805.57 from the Norton Road Construction Fund to the General Fund and to close the accounts. also, Motion was made by Mr. Barbera, seconded by Mr. McKeon and VOTED to transfer the sum of $40,589.31 from the McGee School account to the General Fund and to close the account. Letter from Lawrence E. Graham, Greens Superintendent, dated June 20, 1972 ~equesting a transfer of funds w~thin the Golf Course budget. Motion was made by Mrs. Delaney, seconded by Mr. McKeon and VOTED to transfer $1800.00 from account #C~1971 Cart Paths to the following accounts: $1984 Fertilizer and Seed $400.00 #1981 Utilities 600.00 $1985 Repairs and Maintenance 800.00 and, Motion was made by Mr. McKeon, seconded by Mrs. Delaney and VOTED to transfer $400.00 from account $C-1970 Overseeder to account #1983 Machinery. Letter from Mrs. Jean G. Conway, Supervisor-Director, Berlin Public Health Nursing Service, dated June 27, 1972, requesting a transfer of funds within their budget. Motion was made by Mr. Barbera, seconded by Mrs. Delaney and VOTED to transfer $66.00 from account $1536 Substitute Nurse to account $1531 Supervisor and $51.00 from account $1536 Substitute Nurse to account $1532 Nurse $5. Letter from Philip R. Bergstrom, Treasurer, The Peck Memorial Library, date /uly 5, 1972, requesting a transfer of funds within their budget. Motion was made by Mrs. Delaney, seconded by Mr. McKeon and VOTED to transfer $1G.~G from account #2235 Building Maintenance to account #2231 Heat. Letter from Anthony Gandolfo, Chairman, Public Building Commission, dated ~une 30, 1972, requesting a transfer of funds to cover the purchase of a binder and supply of paper in order to record their Minutes with the Town Clerk. Motion was made by Mr. Barbera, seconded by Mr. McKeon and VOTED to transfer $100.00 from account $2401 Secretary to account #2402 Supplie Mr. Rosso appeared to advise he is short of funds to cover the expenses the Memorial Day parade. He noted the amount paid for bands to. participate has flsen over last year as well as the cost of flags and wreaths. In reviewing the Dills, it was noted the bands from Berlin High School, McGee Junior High School and ~t. Paul;s Seniors Fife & Drum Corps have charged $150.00 each for participating in ~he parade and a bill of $150.00 was submitted for an out-of-town band. ,ear. ~oard of Finance ~uly 6, 1972 meeting ~contfnued] The Board strongly felt that the Town's school bands shouldnot be paid to narch in the parade and urged Mr. Rosso %o advise them. It was also stated if ~oney is needed for certain items, it should be requested in the Board of Education )udget or a drive for funds be conducted. It was agreed an adjustment may be imade in account ~151 Out of Town Bands in the 1972-73 fiscal year budget as Mr. Rosso ~dvised them cannot hire a band for less than $150.00. Motion was made by Mrs. Delaney, seconded by Mr. McKeon and VOTED to transfer $3~3,Q0 from account #2302 Land Options to account #15Q Veterans Advisor~ Coyo~ttee. OPPOSED: Y~r. Barbera ~ b-e felt the bands from Berl H~gh $cD~ool and Mcgee ~un&or HiCk School Should not he pa~d for marchfn9 ~n the Memorial Day Parade, ~ Mr. Bentley advised the Board account $403 Town Parts requires a transfer of ~unds to cover bills submitted for May, 1972. Motion was made by Mrs. Delaney, seconded by Mr, McKeon and VOTED to transfer $2,000.00 from the General Fund to account #403 Town Parts to cover bills received for May, 1972. TRANSFERS 1972-73 budqet Letter from Robert F. Probst concerning the survey he conducted of the Town cemeteries of the number of stones requiring straightening as requested by this Board (see minutes dated June 20, 1972). He advises an additional appropriation 3f $1,998.00 will be necessary to straighten 315 stones in the Maple, East, Dunham ~nd Dennison Cemeteries. A section of the Maple Cemetery (22 stones) as well as Beckley, south Burying Ground and West Lane Cemeteries will be taken care of by the cemetery associations. Motion was made by Mr. Barbera, seconded by Mrs. Delaney and VOTED to transfer $2,000.00 from #210 Contingency to account $160 Maintenance & Operations-Cemeteries. Letter from Robert E. McGlone, Director of Parks & Recreation, dated June 5, [972, requesting an appropriation of $200.00 to account #1902 Park Labor due to ~ealignment of job classifications within the Park Department. Motion was made by Mrs. Delaney, seconded by Mr. Barbera and VOTED to transfer $200.00 from ~210 Contingency to account #1902 Park Labor. ~OWN MEETING 1972-73 budget Letter from Alfred J. Curnow, Deputy Director Public Works Department, dated Yuly 3, 1972, enclosing a copy of a bill for the Town's portion of maintenance )f the bulky waste disposal area on Deming Road. This expenditure is for the New ~ritain fiscal year 1971-72. Motion was made by Mr. McKeon, seconded by Mrs. Delaney and VOTED to requ, the Board of Selectmen to call a Town Meeting to appropriate the sum of $10,000 from the General Fund to item #721 Deming Road Dump. It was VOTED to adjourn the meeting at 10:08 P.M. Respectfully submitted, ~ecdri~a~ Lindgre~ MINUTES BOARD OF FINANCE Special Meeting July 18, 1972 Members Present: Thomas W, Ward, Jr,, Blanche J. Delaney~ Donald L. Ward, Jack J. Barbera, Dr. John McIntosh (9:13 P.M.I Members Absent: William McKeon Dthers Present: Leslie C. Bentley, Finance Director Meeting was called to order at 8:14 P.M. by Chairman Ward. HINUTES: Motion was made by Mr. Barbera, seconded by Mrs. Delaney and VOTED to approve the minutes of July 6, 1972 meeting. ~ORRESPONDENCE Copy of a letter from Ja~es H. Godfrey~ Chairman-Water & Sewer Commission to Mr. A.R, Bengston, Chairman-Berlin Conservation Commission dated July 6, 1972¢ in st