1986/02/12February 12, 1986 A meeting of the Berlin Zoning Commission was held on 2/12/86. Chairman Ferraguto called the meeting to order at 7:00 P.M.. Present: Commissioners Corrigan, Harris, Baumann and Suranna; Alternate Edelson and Rudy Seiler, Building Inspector Item I Election of Officers - The following were elected unanimously Chairman - Philip Ferraguto Vice Chairman - Donald Harris Secretary - Robert Baumann Zoning Enforcement Agent - Rudy Seiler Item II Minutes of the 1/22/86 meeting were accepted. Item III The following bills were approved. a. b. C. NOTE: Item IV The following application was received - a. Carabetta Enterprises - Zone Change from Mountain Reserve (MR) to General Commercial (GC). Lots #26, 28 & 29, Block No. 153 located on the east side of Wilbur Cross Highway, zero feet distant from the intersection of Toll Gate Road with Wilbur Cross Highway. A hearing date will be set for April. New Britain Herald $37.10 " " " 37.10 Samuel Pine 1,900.00 (20% less 5% retainer) 45% of the total bill, less 5% retainer has been paid to date) Item V Zoning Board of Appeals cases were reviewed. Item VI Existing zoning violations were reviewed. Item VII The March 20, 1986 meeting with Sam Pine will be rescheduled for March 18, 1986. Item VIII The special public informational meeting called by Mayor Thomas W. Ward, Jr. concerning the potential regional mall for Thursday February 13, 1986 was discussed. It was unanimously felt that Chairman Ferraguto should not take part in the presentation. All Commissioners would attend the meeting as observers only. Item IX Public Hearing was held to hear a requested zone change from C & C Developers (Residential R-15 to R-11) No decision was made on this matter. There being no further business, the meeting adjourned. Robert A. Baumann . .. Secretary R ~~ f~/~/~