1972/04/20 MINUTES BOARD OF FINANCE Regular Meeting April 20, 1~72 Members Present: Thomas W. Ward, Jr., Blanche J. Delaney, Donald L. Ward, Jack J. Barbera, Dr. John McIntosh Members Absent~ William McKeon Others Present: Leslie C. Bentley, Finance Dlrector~ Anthony Gandolfo, Chairman, Public Building Comm~ssion~ Clifford Landry~ Memhers of the Drug Action Conlm~ttee-~C. Davis, Bill Scalise, R~chard Skinner, Peter Rich, Joan Barton, Carol Kowalczyk, Margaret Lelcach and Dorothy Coburn; Mrs. Blanche Mahan~ Hartford Courant Reporter; Deena Clavette, New Britain Herald Reporter Meeting was called to order at 8:10 P.M. by Chairman Ward~ FINANCIAL STATEMENT Complete budget breakdown of Town accounts covering the period ending March! 1972 was received from the Finance Department. TOWN HALL COMPLEX Mr. Gandolfo appeared to advise the Board the Public Building Commission ha~ chosen the firm of Hirsch, Kaestle & Boos to assist in the drafting of preliminary plans for the Town Hall Complex. Their fee would be $36,650 plus $7,500 for approximately 30 test borings and $5,500 for a topographical and perimeter survey. The $36,650 would be deducted from the total fee if this firm is awarded the contract. Mrs, Delaney stated she would not vote for any money for this architect because undue pressure was put on certain members of the Public Building Commission for this architeot. ~s all department' heads must be in agreement on the statement of need, Chairman ~ard stated he would ask the Board of Selectmen to hold a meeting with all parties to go over this. Mr. Gandolfo advised approval of funds should not be given until all items are agreed upon as the Public Building Commission will not tolerate any changes after funds have been committed. 9LD BUSINESS Mr. Landry appeared to discuss the availability of State and Federal grants to purchase certain items for the Town or for various projects the Town may wish ~ndertake. Mr. D. Ward felt tAe Town should not apply for any grant unles~ there ~as a definite need. In discussing an application to ~UD for 50% reimbursement of park acquisition and development, Mr. Landry noted money must be appropriated in the 1972-73 fiscal year budget if the Town wishes to make application for the ~rant this year. It was suggested perhaps an item should be put in for land acquisition. Mr. Landry also informed the Board, with reference to Chairman Ward!s lette~ ~ated March 15, 1972 regarding funds for surmmer employment for college age youngster,s, the department heads created 51 positions they would like f~lled for an approximate cost of $26,000. The rate for each jo5 would be $1.85 per hour. Board members felt the departments should be more specific in the description of the jo5 and the approximate number of hours to complete the job. They also wished to know the basis on which the candidates would be selected. Mr. Landry stated he would return when he has this information. / Members of the sub-committee of the Drug Action Conkmittee appeared to request funds to hire a full-time Youth Counselor Coordinator. They feel this person shoul~ be available at all hours to discuss with the youngsters or parents any problems they ~ight have. Further, there is a definite drug problem in Town and that drugs are a! symptom of other problems; therefore, they felt the person selected must be sensiti~e to the emotional needs of the youngsters. They went on to say, the students do not! relate to the counselors in the schools and that the YMCA and the churches are limited in the hours they are available. The Counselor would be responsible to the Board of Selectmen however, he would work with other town and social agencies. Board member~ felt strongly professional people should assist in the screening of the candidates. ~r. Barbera stated he believed the job lies with the parents and with agencies whic] are now available to the youngsters. Chairman Ward suggested the Board could appro, )rtate funds and at the end of a year the job could be evaluated. Motion was made by Mr. D. Ward, seconded by Dr. McIntosh and VOTED to approve the hiring of a Youth Counselor Coordinator for a salary not to exceed $10,000 commencing July 1, 1972.OPPOSED: Mr. Barbera It was VOTED to adjourn the meeting at 11:30 P.M. Respectfully ~ubmitted, ~u~i~h ~. L~hd~en ~$ac~etar~