1983/06/22June 8, 1983 Item VI After discussing the Louis Valentine request for a zone change and heard at a public hearing held on April 13, 1983 WHEREUPON Motion made by Commissioner Corrigan, Seconded by Commiss- ioner Ross it was unanimously VOTED Approving the request of Louis Valentine for a zone change from Res- idence R-43 to Residence R-21 on Lots 5A, 5B, 6, Block 153, located on the south side of Spruce Brook Road. This zone change is outlined in ORANGE on map entitled - "Proposed Zone change from R-43 to' 'R£15 and R~21 Property Known as Lots 5A, 5B, 6, Block 153, Spruce Brook Road, Berlin, Conn."; Prepared by Hewitt Engineering, PC, Consulting Engineers, Berlin, Conn.; Dated Feb 8, 1983; Scale 1" = 100'' Drawn by MEH; Sheet 1 of 1; Project 8309. Effective date of Change June 14, 1983. REASON Conforms with Town Plan of Development sewer and water. SeCretary June 22, 1983 A meeting of the Berlin Zoning Commission was held on June 22, 1983. Chairman Probst called the meeting to order at 7:30 P.M. Present were Commissioners Patricia Corrigan, Pegolo, Warren and Ross. Also present, Emil Carlson, Zoning Inspector. Item I Minutes of the June 8, 1983 meeting accepted as read. Item II Chairman read a letter from Harry N. Jackaway, Corporation'~Counsel, dated June 20, 1983 Re: Edelson, et al vs. Berlin Zoning Commission (Willow Brook Park) informing that the Court has now granted the Motion to Dismiss. Letter placed on file. Item III Zoning Enforcement Officer presented for a review an application from the Berlin Historical Society for a Zone Change from Residence R-15 to General Commercial on a parcel of land on the south-east corner of Worthington Ridge and Mill St. A public hearing date was set for Wednesday, August 24, 1983 to con- sider the above. Item IV After discussing the recommendations of Sam Spielvogel Associates WHEREUPON motion made by Commissioner Corrigan, seconded by Commission er Warner it was unanimously VOTED accepting Sam Spielvogel Associate recommendations Re: Section 4.11 Use and Bulk Table, for lot size reduction in Residence R-ii and Residence R-7 for two-family housing. Item V Chairman Probst reported that the alleged remodeling of the Webster Square Shopping Center was being considered by its owner. There being no further business the meetin~adj ourn~d. /Secretary June 22, 1983 A meeting of the Berlin Zoning Commission was held on June 22, 1983. Chairman Probst called the meeting to order at 7:30 P.M. Present were Commissioners Patricia Corrigan, Pegolo, Warren and Ross. present Emil Carlson, Zoning Inspector. Also Item I Minutes of the June 8, 1983 meeting accepted as read. Item II Chairman read a letter from Harry N.Jackaway, Corporation Counsel, dated June 20, 1983 Re: Edelson, et al ~s. Berlin Zoning Commission (Willow Brook Park) informing that the Court has now granted the Motion to Dismiss. Letter placed on file. Item III Zoning Enforcement Officer presented for a review an application from the Berlin Historical Society for a Zone Change from Residence R-15 to General Commercial on a parcel of land located on the south-east corner of Worthing- ton Ridge and Mill St. A public hearing date was set for Wednesday, August 24, 1983 to consider the above. Item IV After discussing the recommendations of Sam Spielvogel Associates WHEREUPON motion made by Commissioner Corrigan, seconded by Commissioner Warner it was unanimously VOTED accepting Sam Spielvogel Associates recommendations Re: Section 4.~1 Use & Bulk Table, for lot size reduction in Residence R-il and Residence R-7 for two-family housing. Item V Chairman Probst reported that the alleged remodeling of the Webster Square Shopping Center was being considered by its owner. There being no further business the meeti~a~ff~-~djourn~~.