1979/09/26A P~ E~ As It Mi Ri M~ It M~ It S~ cc ir A] a~ T~ meeting of the Berlin Zoning Commission was held on September 26, 79. Chairman Probst called the meeting to order at 7:30 P.M. esent were Commissioners Pegolo, McCarthy and Ross. Also present il Carlson, Zoning Inspector and Sam Spielvogel of Spielvogel sociates. em 1 nutes of the September 12, 1979 meeting accepted as read. em II chard Berlandy and Son met again informally with the Commission. inutes August 22, 1979 - Item 3) · Berlandy was informed that the Zoning Regulations prohibited eration of a construction business in a Planned Industrial Zone. em III s. Joan Teske met with the Commission to discuss her violation the Building Code and the proposed action by the Building Inspector garding 1401 Farmington Avenue em IV m Spielvogel Associates met with the Commission this evening, ntinuing a review of the Berlin Zoning Regulations to bring them .to conformity with the new Town Plan of Development. .em V 1 concurred to commence the regular meeting of October 10, 1979 6:30 P.M. ere being no further business the meeting adjourned. g J~ Commission