1979/09/12A 19 Pr It Mi It Ch En Ch No It It Ch Co co co It Zo It Ag he It Te Th in September 12, 1979 meeting of the Berlin Zoning Commission was held on September 12, 79. Chairman Probst called the meeting to order at 7:30 P.M. esent were Commissioners Pegolo, McCarthy and Ross. il Carlson, Zoning Inspector em I nutes of the August 22nd meeting accepted as read. em II Also present T~ ~re being no airman Probst reported that Sam Spielvogel would meet with the nmission at its next regular meeting on September 26, 1979 for a ntinuing review of the Berlin Zoning Regulations to bring them into nformity with the Town Plan of Development. mm IV ming Inspector reported that in a recent discussion with Mayor ~azzi disclosed that Harry N. Jackaway, Corporation Counsel would oresent the Zoning Inspector in the case of Zoning Inspector vs ~retta Provision (minutes August 22, 1979 - Item 7). am V anda of the Zoning Board of Appeals to be considered at a public ~ring scheduled for September 25, 1979 was reviewed. mm VI ~ke violation was discussed. Zoning Inspector reported that it was ing referred to the Corporation Counsel for appropriate action. is alleged violation is one of operating an automobile repair business a residential zone on Farmington Avenue, Berlin, Connecticut. further business the mee~~ned. ~Berlin Zoning Commission am III was unanimously voted to release the Genoni bond covering gravel moval from the Rudnick property. airman Probst read a letter from Richard Howard, Assistant Town gineer of the Town of Berlin, dated September 11, 1979, concerning arles Genoni's removal of gravel from the Rudnick property on rton Road.