1971/09/28 MINUTES BOARD OF FINAlqCE Special Meeting September 28, 1971 ~embers Present: Thomas W. Ward, Jr., Blanche J. Delaney, Jack J. Barbera, Robert Sprague ~embers Absent: William McKeon, Donald L. Ward )thers Present: Leslie C. Bentley, Finance Director Arthur B. Powers, First Selectman, Charles Boos repres~enting the firm of Hirsch, Kaestle, Boos; Mrs. Blanche Mahan, Hartford Courant Reporter Meeting was called to order at 7:37 P.M. by Chairman Ward. MINUTES Motion was made by Mrs. Delaney, seconded by Mr. Sprague and VOTED to approve the minutes of %_he September 21, 1971 meeting. FINANCIAL STATEMENT Complete budget breakdown of Town accounts covering the period ending August, 1971 was received from the Finance Department. ~OMMUNICATIONS Second estimated assessment for a sanitary sewer in a portion of Middletown Road and in private lands, Berlin were received from the Water and Sewer Commission and copies were distributed to Board members. Letter from Arthur B. Powers, First Selectman, dated September 27, 1971, alone with a copy of a letter from John R. Szymanski, Executive~Director of the Mattabass~ District dated September 24, 1971 to Mr. Powers, regarding the assessment and inter~ due from the Town of Berlin to The Mattabassett District. Chairman Ward advised the Board a meeting .will 5e held October 7, 1971 wit Mr. Szymanski,~ Mr. Bentley, Mr. James Godfrey, Mr. John Nuttall, Mr. Morg~ Seelye and himself to discuss this matter. Letter from Dominick F. Scerra, Treasurer, dated September 26, 1971, advising ~e will submit a monthly report on the status of the Town's investment account as ~equested by this Board Isee minutes dated Septe~er 21, 1971} Letter from Robert J. Peters, Chairman, Board of Police Commissioners, dated ~eptember 22, 1971, requesting a transfer of funds to item %C-2004 Walkie-Talkies ]ue to an error in the original estimate for four walkie talkies. Following discussion, it was the decision of this Board to advise Mr.. Pet~ to purchase only three walkie-talkies instead of four. ~OWN MEETING Letter from Arthur B. Powers, First Selectman, date~ September 27, 1971, ~egarding the ~ift of approximately 117 acres to the Town.of Berlin by Henry E. Sag, ~or a recreational area (see minutes dated September 21, 1971). Mr. Sage is offeril ~o sell an additional 3.5 acres adjacent to the major part of the 117 acres for a )rice of $35,000 to be~paid at 6% interest over a 15 year period. Following discus: Motion was made by Mrs. Delaney, seconded.by Mr. Barbera and VOTED to authorize the Board of Selectmen to call a Town Meeting to purchase from Henry E. Sage.3.5 acres of land, more or less, located on the easterly side of Route 5 and 15 for the sum of $35,000 plus interest with a paymen~ of $3,604 annually to commence with the fiscal 1973 budget and continuing through the fiscal 1987 budget. )LD BUSINESS Mr. Powers and Mr. Boos were present to discuss the programming of the new ~own Ball facility. (see minutes dated Septemb. er 21, 1971) Mr. Boos stated his ~irm would supply a Statement of Need after conferring with all parties concerned ;ith the functioning of this facility and to look into facilities in other towns ;ith the same population (projecting to 30,000) for a maximum price of $1,000. {e would expect this to he completed by November 1, 1971. During discussion, it ;as pointed out the Police Department and the Board of Education offices would be ;eparate from the Town Government offices but the computers and bookkeeping machine~ ~ould be in a centralized area easily accessible to all offices. Following discuss2 :tt :st g ion, Motion nas made b~ Mr. Sprague, ~econded h~.~4r. B~rhera and yQTED to transfer $1,000 from ~210 Contingency to item #157 Professional Assistance-ToWn Hall Statement of Need to assist in the preparation of a Statement of Need. It was VOTED to adjourn the meeting at 10:27 P.M. Respectfully suIlmitted, ~dith M. Lindg~n ~ecretary ~ MINUTES BOARD OF FINANCE Special Meeting October 26, 1971 Members Present: Thomas W. Ward, Jr., Blanche J. Delaney, William McKeon, Donald L~ Ward Members Absent: Jack J. Barbera, Robert A. Sprague Others Present: Leslie C. Bentley, Finance Director Dr. John McIntosh; Robert McGlone, Director-Park and Recreation I Department Meeting was called to order at 8:12 P.M. by Chairman Ward. i MINUTES ~ Motion was made by Mrs. Delaney, seconded by Mr. D. Ward and VOTED to approve the minutes of September 28, 1971. It was VOTED to correct the minutes of June 17, 1971~ and so note in the ,fficial minute book in the Town Clerk's office, to include Motion was made by Mr. Barbera, seconded by Mr. D. Ward and VOTED to transfer $1,600 from item #2004 Dispatchers to item %2002 Police Personnel. FINANCIAL STATEMENT Complete budget breakdown of Town accounts covering the period ending .eptember, 1971 was received from the Finance Department. ~INVESTMENT SCHEDULE The schedule of investments as of September 30, 1971 was received from the ~reasurer's office. 2OMMUNICATIONS Copy of a letter f~om William Warren to Arthur Bi Powers, First Selectman, ~ated October 9, 1971, er~losing a petition requesting aCtion be taken to close 4ain Street, south of Route 72 in East Berlin to through truck and bus traffic and ~o ~egin rebuilding the Division Street bridge. ~ Copy of a letter from Arthur B. Powers, First Selectman, to William Warren,~ lated October 14, 1971, acknowledging.receipt of the petition, and advising he has ~ ~sked Mr. Morgan Seelye to check once again into the possibility of having'Cromwell~ ~nd Middletown, as well as.Berlin, consider reconstructing the bTfdge and then discuss ~he whole matter with the Board of Finance. He also advised he' referred the reques~ ~o close Main Street to truck and bus traffic to the Police Commission. Copy received of the duties and qualifications for the position of Maintenance ~ngineer for the Town of Berlin. / ! Letter from Atty. Harry N. Jackaway, Town Counsel, dated September 30, 1971! ~nclosing a copy of a notice of claim filed against the Town of Berlin by Timothy / Copy of a letter, from .Arthur B..Powers~ First Selectman, to A.R. Bengston, 2hairman, Conservation Commission, dated October 4, 1971, regarding the purchase of ~he flood plain area extending northeast from the Sage property~to Route 72 and ~asterly to Savage Hill Road as suggested in a letter from Chairman Ward to Mr. Powers ~ated September 29, 1971. Mr. Powers states the owner of this property has indicated willingness to sell this land and suggests Mr. Bengston contact him. *** minutes of October 26, 1971 Motion was made and seconded to transfer from the General Fund to new account #4071 Sage-Nelson Note $3,290.93 as per Town Meeting of October 12, 1971.