2004-06-07 TOWN OF BERLIN ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION SPECIAL MEETING MINUTES OF MONDAY, JUNE 7,2004 MEMBERS IN ATTENDANCE: Edward Egazarian, Chairman Dave Cyr Ronald Stack, Treasurer Lawrence Siembab Christine Fairwood Patricia Maerz James Mahoney, Economic Development Director Juliet Benjamin, Secretary ABSENT: Peter Campanelli GUESTS: Jay Addison, Principal of Paragon Residential Ray Kavarsky, Field Road LLC Robert Gaucher, Field Road LLC Chairman Egazarian called the meeting to order at 7:00 P.M. 1. AUDIENCE OF CITIZENS: 2. MINUTES OF MONDAY, MAY 10, 2004: Commissioner Fairwood noted that her name was listed in both the attended and absent listings. Commissioner Stack MOVED to have the minutes reflect that Ms. Fairwood was absent from the May 10th meeting. SECONDED by Commissioner Cyr. After discussion, Commissioner Cyr MOVED to accept the Minutes of Monday, May 10, 2004 as corrected. SECONDED by Commissioner Stack & UNANIMOUSLY APPROVED. 3. FINANCIAL REPORT: Dir. Mahoney noted that the budget is on track and the Revolving Loan monies will be carried over into the next fiscal year. Motion to chanjle the order of the Ajlenda to allow # 10 Senior housinjl and a presentation by Field Road LLC to be made. Commissioner Cyr made a MOTION to move item #10 up in the Agenda. SECONDED by Commissioner Stack & UNANIMOUSLY APPROVED. 10. SENIOR HOUSING: Page 2 - Town of Berlin - Economic Dev. Commission - June 7,2004 Mr. Jay Addison of Paragon Residential, Mr. Ray Kavarsky & Mr. Robert Gaucher of Field Road LLC made a presentation of their project for 55 and over age-restricted housing and reviewed their zone change request being reviewed by the Planning & Zoning Commission. The zone change request is to change an area of Beckley Road from PI (Planned Industry) to OT-2 (OfficejTechnology- 2). Mr. Kavarsky stated that the property located contiguous to these properties, on Beckley Mills Road is zoned OT-2, so this zone change proposal will be in keeping with surrounding areas. An audience of area citizens was held at the Hawthorne Inn recently and Mr. Kavarsky felt that the majority of citizens attending were in favor of the proposed development. He noted that the chairman of the Rifle Range adjacent to the development was not in favor. Mr. Kavarsky presented a revised conception plan of the 55 and over age-restricted housing proposal. Twenty-two additional acres have been negotiated, making a total of six properties, and the number of units has been increased from 89 to 148. He noted that the Town of Berlin Zoning Regulations for OT-2 allow up to six units per acre and this development has only two units per acre. The entire development encompasses 90 acres of property and only 30-35 acres will be touched by the project. The balance of the land will be left wooded and wetland areas will not be disturbed. Mr. Kavarsky noted that because of the close proximity of the property to the Rifle Range, a sound engineer would be going to the Planning & Zoning Commission hearing to discuss the 80-decibel maximum noise level. Houses in the development are to be built over 1,000 feet and uphill from the Rifle Range and Mr.Kavarsky did not feel that the 80-decibel range would be exceeded. Mr. Jay Addison stated that the ideal atmosphere for age fifty-five and over is within the cluster community. This type of community allows for maintenance, lawn care, and etc. to be taken care of and affords the active fifty-five or older person access to sports activities, clubhouse and outdoor pool. Mr. Kavarsky distributed a copy of a National Home Builders Association article "New Active Adult Housing Boosts Economic Vitality of Local Communities", dated August 26,2002. This article lists reasons why active adult housing should be welcomed into communities and the taxes and new jobs that are generated by such a development. Mr. Kavarsky also distributed a copy of his paper, "Why Not Berlin?", which discusses demographics, the limited amount of developable land in Berlin and the comparison of best use for land, industrial or residential. Chairman Egazarian asked how age restricted properties were enforced. Mr. Kavarsky stated that at least one of the property owners must be 55 or older, but this would not preclude younger members of a family living within the household. Dir. Mahoney stated that the first phase of Silver Ridge, an age-restricted community of 48 existing units has no children of school age in Berlin schools. Dir. Mahoney noted that age restricted projects can result in significant revenues for the town. He also mentioned that Northeast Utilities, an adjacent Page 3 - Town of Berlin - Economic Dev. Commission - June 7,2004 property owner of the Field Road LLC area on Beckley Road, have not voiced any objection to this type of development and NU has designated a rear portion of land that they own in the area as potential open space land that could be sold to either the State of CT. or the Town of Berlin. Commission Cyr stated that while he realizes that tonight's proposal was not the final product, he preferred it to the former proposal that Field Road LLC had made previously to this Commission, especially the inclusion of a Clubhouse. Commissioner Siembab made a MOTION to have the Economic Development Commission show support for the Zone Change of the property from PI to OT-2. The motion was SECONDED by Commissioner Cyr and was followed by discussion. The motion was passed by unanimous vote. Commissioner Cyr then MOVED to authorize Dir. Mahoney to draft a letter to the Planning & Zoning Commission regarding the zone change and the reasons the Commission is in favor of it. SECONDED by Commissioner Stack & UNANIMOSLY APPROVED. 4. STATUS OF LEGION SQUARE LLC PROJECT: Dir. Mahoney noted that a Public Hearing on the Stop & Shop proposal was being held tonight. He expected that more Public Hearings would be held on the proposal. 5. PROMOTION: . Advertising in Chamber Directory - The Commission & the Town are sharing the cost of a 1f4 page ad in the directory. . Central Connecticut Economic Development Alliance Brokers golf event, July 15th - Dir. Mahoney noted that the CCEDA Brokers Golf Event would be held on July 15, 2004. The Town Council has approved the waiver of greens fees. . June 10th Meeting with Farmington Ave Area Businesses - Chairman Egazarian encouraged Commissioners to attend this meeting with business owners in the Farmington Ave., New Britain Road area to be held at the Kensington Fire House on Farmington Ave, next to Matson Rug. 6. PLAN OF CONSERVATION AND DEVELOPMENT UPDATE: Dir. Mahoney had nothing new to report on this item. 7. INCENTIVE PROGRAMS: . Incentives Committee Report - Dir. Mahoney noted that the Tax Incentives Committee had recommended a change to the tax abatement agreement to address a concern about potential tax delinquencies. It was recommended to include wording in the Tax Incentives Agreement instead of re-writing the policy. Commissioner Cyr asked for reconsideration of his request to add a paragraph to the Tax Abatement form requesting that the applicant give Page 4 - Town of Berlin - Economic Dev. Commission - June 7,2004 consideration to Berlin residents when seeking new employees, especially in light of the closing of the two Solo Cup facilities. The Commission had previously agreed to add a line in the letter of approval to firms seeking tax abatement. Commissioner Cyr stated that he would like to see it written somewhere on the application and not in the approval letter. Commissioner Siembab stated that he, as a businessperson in Berlin, would be against adding it to the application because it might be offensive. He said that a businessperson might be concerned with an implied requirement that they need to hire a Berlin resident. Chairman Egazarian asked Commissioner Cyr to re-write his paragraph for the next meeting. . Action on request from TechAir - Dir. Mahoney stated that the Town Council has accepted the EDC recommendations concerning TechAir. The amount of the infrastructure loan was not changed, but the tax abatement schedule was updated to the new schedule of 50% in year 1, 40% in year 2 and 30% in year 3. TechAir sent a letter thanking the EDC for its consideration in this matter. 8. SMALL TOWN ECONOMIC ASSISTANCE PROGRAM - HERITAGE CROSSING, TOWN CENTER: Heritage Crossing - Dir. Mahoney noted that he received a revised assistance proposal today for review. Next step will be developing contracts. Town Center - Dir. Mahoney noted that he has been working on the remedial action plan. Dir. Mahoney and Town Engineer Tony Ferraro have made a recommendation to Town Manager Haberman that the site be remediated under the DEP's solid waste program regulations. 9. LEGISLATION: Dir. Mahoney noted that the Legislature has approved another 20 million dollars for STEAP Grants for next year. He will be looking into projects for which STEAP Grants could be requested. (See Item # 10 discussed at beginning of meeting) 11. DIRECTOR'S REPORT: See below. 12. OTHER MATTERS: . Solo Cup Plant Closings - Dir. Mahoney discussed the closing of the two Solo Cup facilities and noted that the Labor Dept. will be meeting with employees in the next week. After that, there is a possibility that a Job Fair will be held to solicit interest in hiring. . Shelco Filters Wetlands Application - Shelco Filters is interested in building a 50,000 SF building on Christian Lane and has filed an application with the Wetlands Commission. . Other Wetlands Applications - Ted's Dry Cleaners, owned by Andy Magliocco, has received Wetlands Commission approval for a new 12,000 SF building on Deming Road, across from the site of the Home Page 5 - Town of Berlin - Economic Dev. Commission - June 7,2004 Depot plaza. The Wetlands Commission has also approved an application from Premier Building and Development to construct a 5,000 SF retail building on the Berlin Turnpike south of the firehouse. . Action by Planning and Zoning Regarding the Dairy Queen Special Permit Application - The Commission discussed the Planning & Zoning Commissions decision not to allow the Dairy Queen to make the former Town & Country Furniture lot into a parking lot for Dairy Queen. Dir. Mahoney shared a proposed site plan for Cornerstone Industrial Park on Four Rod Road showing nine proposed small industrial buildings, each approximately 2,500 to 6,000 square feet in size, with a total of 41,000 SF for all nine buildings. 13. ADJOURNMENT: Commissioner Stack MOVED to adjourn the meeting at 9: 12 P.M. SECONDED by Commissioner Siembab & UNANIMOUSLY APPROVED. Respectfully submitted, Juliet K. Benjamin, Secretary