1965/01/27January 27 1965 The meeting opened at 7 30 P M with Messrs Probst Diskin Garlick Cormier and alternate Ro s present sitting for Commissioner Zlmmerman Item I Item II Mr Cabelus Zoning Enforcing Officer was also present Minutes of the Jan ary 6 1965 meeting accepted with changes noted It was voted to pay the following bills N B Herald $ 3 99 Jack Ross $15 50 Item III Mr Cabelus presented a map showing the Edelson property west side of the Wilbur Cross Highway south of Meadow Lane on which a Mr Ed lson was requesting a Change of Zone After review Mr Cabelus was instructed to have the map outlined as to the specific area to be changed and report back at the next regular meeting Item IV Letter fro~ the Board of Finance dated January 14 1965 received reviewed and placed on file Mr Doran Chairman of the Board of Finance informed that the $386 O0 for legal fees was deducted from the item of $500 Professional A sistance Chairman was requested to write the Board of Finance protesting the action taken Item V Mr Garllck moved Mr Cormier seconded for a Change of Zone heard at hearxng on January6 FENIED wxthout prejudice that the Roland Nadeau request 1965 from R 43 to R 21 be Motion unanimously carried REASON Granting the req est sould constitute SPOT ZONING Secretary was ~nstructed to ~nform Mr Nadeau of the action Meeting ad3ourned at 9 10 P M Jack Ross / Secretary/