1960/10/05411 October 5 1960 The meetln~ ooened t ? O0 P N wmth Nessr~ Allen Bremen and Ro s oresent robst Item I Er Joseph ~llc~l of hl9 Ne Brmt in Road along ~t~ ~s ff~lllam NcKeon, met jomntly w~ th Commms ~on th~s evenmng to d~scuss Mrs Walicki's reaue t for ~erm~ss~on to ooerate a Beauty balon at ~19 New Brzt~zn Rd Er Allen reocrted that he had spoken to Mrs Wal~ck~ an suggested that he meet ]o~ntlv with the Com~ms mon 5~ ?almckm was muformed that the ooer tmon of a Beaut~ Salon was a bu~mu ss nd a such wa not allowed mn a re~mdentxal zone Arrangements were made by th~ Zonmng Comwms mon for Mrs ~almck~ to appeal to the Zonmng Board of Apoeal~ for an exceptlor~ Item II Mr Allen reported that Mr Cabelus bumlamng xnspector WaS mn the process of mamlmn~ letter~ to the proprietors of stands on the Cha~berlazu Hmhway Item III It was unanimously voted to mazl a copy of letter to ~m A L Hom~ed~ux Secretar'v of the Zonmng Board of Ao ~als along wmth Chapters ~06 and ~07 of the Gereral Statutes to l~ John J Tynon Commms honer of Motor Vehmcles Cop of letter on f~le Item IV Nr Alle reoorted that Mr Fred G ~lmck has submmtted hi r ~l~n mon +o tt Board of Sele t~en Neetmng ad o~rned at 8 ~< P H ~o s ' ~ec'retary