1957/07/10July l0 1957 237 The meetmng opened at 7 30 P M wmth Mes rs Grmffm~h, Allen and babelus present Item I It was agreed that a publmc hearzngwould be held on Wednesday, August 14th ~o h~ar and act on zone change requests The secretary was asked to publmsh legal notices on August 2nd and on August 9th ~tem II Mr Crmffmth read a letter from the Zonmng Board of Appeals brmngmng to the attentmon of the Zonmng Commmssmon that a trailer parked mn the rear of the Sunnyledge Convalescent ~ome on Kensmngton Road was bemng occupmed illegally A letter w s wrmtten to the Sunnywood Convalescent Home and sent by Certmfmed Naml wmth a copy to the Town Hea!th Dmrector and Zonmng Board of Appeals ordermng them to Cease and Desmst ~mmedmately Sunnywood was reauested to meet w~th the Zonzng Eommmssmon on August 14th at 7 30 P M regardmng samd vmolatmon The secretary was asked to wrmte the Town Counsel for an opmnmon as to whether or not the Zoning Commms~mon has the authormty to mssue a permmt for a tramler and mf so is there a tmme lmmmtatmon Copy of letters on fmle Item III Mr Cabelus reported that a Mr Kazmer ~ Bakaj of 1116 Hmgh Road was ~onstructmng an enclosure on hms property without benefit of a permmt A letter was wrmt en requestmng Mr Bakaj to make applmcatmon for a permmt to cover thms construction Copy of letter ms on fmle Item IV The Zonzng Board of Appeals mn a letter to the chamrman of the Zonmng Commms'~mon dated July 8 1957 mnformed that the Connectmcut Poultry or Drmve-In Best Poultry& Egg Farm have errected two smgns on themr property wmth authormty to erect one A letter w~swrmtten and sent by Certmfied MA~l requestmng that the Corm Poultry Co make applmcatmon for a permmt to cover the other smgn Copy of letter ms on f~le ;tern V Nr Grmffmth reported that he has recemved another complamnt regardmng the storzn~ of a boat on the Lask~e property on Overhmll Drmve It was the consensus of op~nmon that a boat ms personal property and allowed to be stored on hms property Item VI Mr Grmffmth reported that tramlers were once agamn parked on the Zmsk property mn Kens~ton and that he had turnedthe matter over to the Prosecutor, George Garrmty Item VII Mr Cabelus moved Mr Allen seconded authormzmng Mrs ~han to purchase ~furnmture (table and chairs) for the Zonmng C~mssmon offmce cost of whmch was to come from excess funds mn the Zonzng Commmssmon budget Mormon unanmmouslv carried Item VIII It was red, ted that Mr Oavms To~nEngmneer has been appomnted to the Connectmcut Socmety of Civml Engineers of the State Plannzng and Zonmng Commmttee Item IX Mr Grmffmth to contact Representatmve Robert Clappwith regard to laws re~cently passed/the legmslature and report back Meetmng ad3ourned at 9 ~0 P N