1956/10/10 (2)October l0 1956 The meeting opened at 900 P M with ~essrs Grxffxth All n Garlmck Cabelus and S luderwolf present Mr Davm Town Eng~u er WaS pre ent Item I_ Mr Gr~fflth r ~ orr d t~ at he has not contacted the Board of Finance ~mth regard to th contmnued aporopr~at~on of $1000 whzch ms the Zoning Commm smo~s share ~or revmsmng the Town Plan Item II Mr naves r~ported that Mr Santoro had appeared to make apolzcatmon for a b--~-~zug permmt and has referred the matter to the Town Health Dar ctor Davms to report back on ame b That t~ e Ellsworth Bros had applied and obtained a permmt for con tructlon on Orchara Rd c That ~ e Loft Candy Co had spplmed for a permmt to cover constructmen on ~5 d That Mr Padellx had aP~lmed for a permxt to cover coustructmon on Lower Lane e Tha~ the Game Pr serve on Mxddlevown Rd has applied for a p rmmt f Mr Bruer of Route 5 onstructmng a ~arage under au exomr d p rmxt had not ap ared Item III. ]kr Grmffmth mnI ormed that ~ Dukxew~tz had called upon ham and explained his sxtuatmon aha that h had held up s~ndxng the letter to the prosecutor Mr Dukm wmtz app ared thms evenmag and xplax~ed that e ~ as taken st ps to have new plot ola~ s drawn up showmng the bre z~waY and garage Item IV Nmuutes of the Town Plannmng Commmssxon of Sept 17~h were read md placed Item V Mr Davis ex la, ned thst the townspeoole held up the proposed oram~ ance because the lack of a time element t to orohmbm con tructzon on an unaccepted stre t Itmm VI Mr All~n recommended that a copy of t~e bmgn Ord~nsnce be fo~varded to ~h Berlin Chamber of ~ommerce Ite~ VII ~r Allen noved Mr Garlmck seconded that t ~e request of Mr John Namer 'for' a c~ange of zon from Farm to Lmght Industry be denmed r ason bemng that thins was ~pot zonang $~otmon uuanmmously carrmed The ecr tar w s a ed to notmfY Mr Namer of sgne Copy of I t+er is on fale Mr Garlmck moved Mr Schlnderwolf seconded that ~ request of Stella Geryk and Joseph Cody be grant d as amm~nded to a dept~ ~f 200' reason being ms the continuation of th pr sent bus~ness zone ~n an area prudommuately busmness The s cretary was a~ked to publmsh notice ~n the New Brmta~n H rald on Oct 15th to becoma effe tmve October 17th and to notmfy iht r sted partmes Engmne r Town Plannm g Comm~ssmon and Mr Cody Cop of letter on Meetmn~ adjourn d at 9 h~ P ~-