1997-01-30BUDGET HEARING TOWN OF BERLIN JANUARY 30, 1997 MINUTES CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order at 7:04 p.m. by Chairman Jortner. 2· ROLL CALL Those in attendance were= Ida Ragazzi, Mayor Arthur Powers, Councilman Joanne Ward, Clerk of the Meeting John McIntosh, Councilman Paul Argazzi, Councilman Bonnie Therrien, Town Manager Bruce Trevethan, Councilman Gary Clinton, Finance Director SUMMARY OF BUDGET REVIEWS BOARD OF EDUCATION Those present representing the Board of Education were: Joseph Annuziata, Member of Board of Education Darryl Johnson, Member of Board of Education Richard Paskiewicz, Superintendent of Schools Robert Argazzi, President of Board of Education David Martin, Member of Board of Education Roman Czuchta, Board of Education Finance Director Richard Paskiewicz, Superintendent of Schools, addressed the committee. He stated that the proposed budget for 1997-98 is 5.51% over the appropriated amount for the current year. He informed the committee that the Board of Education has made adjustments in their budget and has reduced it's budget by $107,OOO., making the increase of 4.99% over last year's budget. He presented a copy of the spreadsheet explaining the reductions to the Board of Education budget. Mr. Paskiewicz addressed page 9, Projected Enrollment, of the Board of Education proposed budget. He explained the projected increase in McGee and Berlin High School enrollment. Mr. Paskiewicz addressed page 3, Components of the Increase in the Operational Budget. Salary Changes - Total increase for all salaries is $478,448. Superintendent - $1,670. Administrators - $36,378. Teachers - $323,264. Non-certified - $37,446. Potential salary increases - $79,690. Tuition - Special Education (Two unanticipated youngsters) $44,087. Insurance Increase - $143,070. This was based on the assumption that Blue Cross will have an increase of 10 percent. Transportation - $46,743. This was based on the assumption that the same number of buses running this year will be running next year. Special Ed funds are also factored into this account. Utilities - Increase of $33,920. Special "One Year Only" Requests - NEASC Visiting Committee $11,031. Mr. Paskiewicz stated that this covers the cost of housing, feeding and other cost associated with the visitation of the New England Associated Schools and Colleges. This visitation happens every 10 years. Contracted Services - Increase of $72,099. Attorney and Consultant Fees. This account is for Supplies, textbooks, materials - Increase of $43,995. Other (Dues and Fees) - Increase of $1,289. Mr. Paskiewicz stated that the reductions made to the above stated accounts are as follows: Insurance - reduction of $25,500. Supplies - reduction of $9,500. Contractual Services - reduction of $10,000. Tuition - reduction of $3,400. Out-of-District Tuition - reduction of $6,600. Move current Grade 5 Griswold aide to SE - reduction of $14,OOO. Teacher "turnover" - reduction of $24,000. Cafeteria program - reduction of $10,000. Printing costs - reduction of $3,000. BHS Media Center - reduction of $1,000. Mr. Paskiewicz addressed page 4 - Total Increase in New Staff. stated that the reason for the increase in new staff is due to the increase of the class size over the past few years. Most increases are at the Berlin High School. He Music Teacher - District Mr. Paskiewicz stated that the request for $16,524. is due to the increase in the music department. -2- Estimated Savings - Teacher "turnover" Mr. Paskiewicz stated that they will hopefully save $54,000. with the retiring of some teachers and hiring new teachers at a lower rate. Mr. Paskiewicz addressed questions and concerns from the committee. Councilman McIntosh inquired as to how many teachers are at the Berlin High School. Mr. Paskiewicz replied that there are 61.67 teachers at the High School. Councilman McIntosh also had questions regarding the Special Education transportation. Discussion was held on the Special Education transportation and its cost to the Town. TOWN MAINTENANCE BUDGET Roman Czuchta, Finance Director B.0.E., addressed the committee. Me presented the Town Maintenance Budget to the committee. Account 1-61-219 Materials Mr. Czuchta stated that there is a five percent (5%) increase in this account. Account 1-61-271 Vandalism Mr. Czuchta stated that there is a zero percent increase in this account. Account 1-61-270 Contracted Services Mr. Czuchta stated that in Regular Services - 11% increase Maintenance - 5% increase Projects - -1% increase Mr. Czuchta stated that the Grand Total Increase in the Town Maintenance Budget is five percent (5%). Discussion on Capital Items. Gary Clinton, Finance Director, addressed the committee. He stated the following corrections should be made to the following accounts: Account 441 - Capital Equipment - change $391,146. to $688,817. Account 442 - Facilities - change $155,700. to $51,500. Account 443 - Site & Buildings - change $399,600. to $291,4OO. -3- Account 443 Site & Buildings 8112 - Parking Lot - Repave - Estimated Price is $145,000. Mr. Czuchta stated that this is the largest request for Site & Buildings. Account 293 - Telephone Townwide expense - voice mail Councilman McIntosh questioned if the Board of Education ever consider privatizing the cleaning and caring of the air conditioning systems in the schools. Discussion on Berlin High School Windows and Sprinkler System. Councilman McIntosh inquired as to how many teachers they will be hiring this year. Mr. Paskiewicz replied that they will be hiring six new teachers this year. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Councilman Trevethan made a motion to accept the minutes of January 9, 1997. Seconded by Councilman Ragazzi. Those voting in favor were: Councilman Argazzi Councilman Jortner Councilman McIntosh Councilman Powers Councilman Trevethan Councilman Ragazzi Vote being 6-0. (MOTION CARRIED) Mayor Ragazzi made a motion to accept the minutes of January 16, 1997. Seconded by Councilman McIntosh. Those voting in favor were: Councilman Argazzi Councilman Jortner Councilman McIntosh Councilman Powers Councilman Trevethan Councilman Ragazzi (MOTION CARRIED) Vote being 6-0. WORK SESSION It was the consensus of the committee to reschedule the February 19th Revenues Meeting to February 18th at 7:00 p.m. -4- 6. ADJOURNMENT Councilman McIntosh made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 9:20 p.m. Seconded by Mayor Ragazzi. Those voting in favor were: Councilman Argazzi Councilman Jortner Councilman McIntosh Councilman Powers Councilman Trevethan Councilman Ragazzi Vote being 6-0. (MOTION CARRIED) Respectfully submitted, Joanne G. Ward Clerk of the Meeting -5- budgetchangesfl/98 NOTE: LAST YEAR WE COLLECTED $32,282,87'0 FROM TAXES, EQUIVALENT TO 30.0 MILLS TIER ONE CHANGES REVENUES: Account Numbe Description 1 501 Current Levy 1 522 Town Clerk 1 523 Planning 1 525 Police services New account Senior Center 1 534 Library 1 626 Police Grant 1 660 Other receipts 1 661 Telephone access fee EXPENDITURES Data Processing: 1 3 103 Mid Management 1 3 133 Workmen's Comp 1 3 151 Life Ins 1 3 153 Social Security, 1 3 154 Pension 1 3 156 Health Insurance 1 3 401 Computer Equipment Townwide Expense: 1 7 132 Unemployment Comp Personnel: 1 8 201 Supplies 1 8 207 Organizational fee 1 8 208 Professional Develop. Fire Department: 1 31 157 Incentive Plan Police: 1 32 106 Police Personnel 1 32 133 Workmen's Comp I 32 151 Life Ins 1 32 153 Social Security 1 32 154 Pension 1 32 156 Health Insurance Prior Now Difference 166,000 165,000 168,000 3,000 250.000 250,750 750 35.000 36,000 1,000 4,505 4,505 20,000 21,600 1,600 75.000 37,500 (37,500) 2,000 2,400 400 141,211 144,073 2,862 142.617 69.143 42,502 (26,641) 278 174 (104) 816 444 (372) 5,447 3,409 (2,038) 6,223 3,826 (2,397) 27,513 6,804 (20.709) 262,000 258,500 (3,500) 19,000 28,000 9,000 65o 5o (6oo) 950 (950) 4OO 2OO (2OO) 33,000 20,500 (12,500) 1,729,262 '1,693,262 (36,000) 134,663 132,759 (1,904) 11,460 11,308 (152) 204,471 201,717 (2,754) 249,921 249,662 (259) 320,501 314,219 (6,282) Reason Decrease $8M prov to 3M for appealed assessments vending machine ord. which allows town to seize machine for nonpayment Increase penalty fee 8250,750 $3 to $6 w/$25 min; $100 site plan amend. Amend ordinance to 36,000 place lien fees on del. $1 trip bus fee 4. 505 Rtrn copier fee to. 15 21,600 reduce one policeman 37,500 Increase returned chk 2,400 fee to $20 fr $15, coil vending machine fee from vendors Final figure from state 144,073 $168,000 Position cutback 42,502 Position cutback 174 Position cutback 444 Position cutback 3,409 Position cutback 3,826 Position cutback 6,804 258,500 PC cut Bus Service Cutback _50 Elimination 0 Cutback 200 Based upon awards 20,500 reduce one policeman 1,693,262 reduce one policeman 132,759 reduce one policeman 11,308 reduce one policeman 201,717 reduce one policeman 249,662 reduce one policeman 314,219 I 32 214 Uniform 1 32 249 Physicals Municipal Garage: 1 35 104 Clerical 1 35 116 Part time 1 35 133 Workmen's Comp 1 35 153 Social Security 1 35 154 Pension Highway: 1 37 105 Blue Collar 1 37 133 Workmen's Comp 1 37 151 Life Insurance 1 37 153 Social Security 1 37 154 Pension 1 37 156 Health Insurance 1 37 214 Uniforms Public Buildings: 1 38 104 1 38 105 i 38 133 1 38 153 1 38 154 1 38 156 Golf Course: 1 43 104 1 43 133 1 43 153 i 43 154 1 43 230 Library: i 44 104 i ,~4 133 1 44 153 I 44 154 Public Grounds: I 45 104 1 45 133 1 45 153 1 45 154 1 45 201 1 45 2t4 Health Director: 1 52 100 1 52 133 1 52 151 1 52 153 1 52 154 Senior Center: j 1 55 104 Clerical Blue Collar Workmen's Comp Social Security Pension Health Insurance Clerical Workmen's Comp Social Security Pension Rent Clerical Workmen's Comp Social Security Pension Clerical Workmen's Comp Social Security Pension Supplies Uniforms Health Director Workmen's Comp Life Ins Social Security Pension Clerical bud2: tch_,~gesfl/98 25.400 24,800 (600) 8.250 3,000 (5,250) 8.880 7,774 t2.000 - 10.899 10,085 18.249 17,209 19.528 19,429 464,383 438,596 / 1.667 68,576 5,323 6,051 45.778 43,754 52.775 50,530 104.532 98,328 7,172 6,740 8.880 7,774 400.541 391,096 33.800 32,728 38.050 36,974 43.767 42,772 93.180 86,133 8.880 7,774 8.109 8,105 25.918 25,834 23.914 23,814 4.800 6,116 122.696 119,634 i. "- 36 t ,424 28. t90 27,956 30.997 30,721 8.880 7,774 14.320 14,316 29.049 28,965 30.753 30,653 3.7O6 25O 4,138 3,706 50.107 46,635 3.328 3,136 5-t0 516 3.851 3,585 4.510 4,198 9,479 1,106) (12,000) (614) (1,04o) (99) reduce one policeman reduce one policeman maintain present hrs eliminate reflect reductions reflect reductions reflect reductions (25,787) reduce one person (3,091) reduce one person (272) reduce one person (2,022) reduce one person (2,245) reduce one person (6,204) reduce one person (432) reduce one person (1,106) maintain present hrs (9,445) eliminate upgrades (872) eliminate upgrades (1,076) eliminate upgrades (995) eliminate upgrades (7,047) eliminate upgrades (1,106) maintain present hrs (4) maintain present hrs (84) maintain present hrs (100) maintain present hrs 1,316 Adjustment (3,062) maintain present hrs (12) maintain present hrs (234) maintain present hrs (276) maintain present hrs (1.105) maintain present hrs (4) maintain present hfs (84) maintain present hrs (100) maintain present hrs (3,456) typo (432) typo (3,472) Pay adjustment (192) Pay adjustment (24) Pay adjustment (266) Pay adjustment (312) Pay adjustment (9,479) contract out busing 24,800 3,000 7,774 10,085 17,209 19,429 438.596 68;576 6.051 43,754 50,530 98,328 6.740 7,774 391,096 32,728 36,974 42,772 86,133 7,774 8,105 25,834 23,814 6,116 119,634 1,424 27,956 30,721 7,774 14,316 28,965 30,653 250 3,706 46,635 3,136 516 3,585 4,198 bud~ ::c.t_,lgesfy98 1 55 105 Blue Collar 1 55 108 Part time 1 55 133 Workmen's Comp 1 55 151 Life Ins 1 55 153 Social Security 1 55 154 Pension 1 55 156 Health Insurance 1 55 252 Contractual Board of Education: I 60 all Operational School Expenses: I 61 271 Projects 1 61 441 Capital Equipment 1 61 442 Facilities 1 61 443 Site & Building Total Tier One expenses 49.297 (49,297) 4,OOO 4,OOO 5,538 329 (5,209) 1,358 780 (576) 10,692 6,486 (4,206) 12,531 6,824 (5,707) 29,116 13,607 (15,509) 35,710 35,710 21;636,495 21,413,651 208,295 177,600 688,817 310,000 51,500 - 292,400 168,000 Total tier one REDUCTION FOR BOARD OF ED TIER TWO CHANGES Revenues: Fund Balance contract out busing Replace some cler. contract out busing contract out busing contract out busing contract out busing contract out busing contract out busing (222,844) cut to 4% 21,636,495 (30,695) Reduction 177,600 (378,817) Reduction 000 (51,500) Reduction 000 (124,400) Reduction 124,400 (1,061,204) 302,000 8939,012.00 (1,203,821) Est. Mill rate 31.2 225000 275000 50,000 Increase 275,000 Finance Department: 1 2 202 2 Annual report Townwide Expenses: I 7 127 Salary Continuation i 7 153 Social Security Personnel: 1 8 209 Training Planning: 1 14 253 1 Inspection & Demolitn Zoning: 1 15 201 Supplies Historic District: 1 24 225 Promotion Disabled Commission: 1 26 201 1 26 208 Police: I 32 401 Fire Marshal: 1 34 225 Public Works: 1 36 263 1 36 268 Highway: Supplies Professional Devel. 2 Video Imaging 1 Fire Prevention Sidewalks-Maintenanc Roads & bridge 5.OO0 4,500 4,000 3,5O0 12.967 12.891 4,0OO 3,000 3.O00 1,500 350 250 100 5O 100 5O 20,000 1,200 1,000 5.O0O 4,000 287,600 250,000 (500) Cut back 4,500 (500) Cutback 3,500 (76) Cutback (1,000) Cutback 3,000 (1,500) Cutback 1,500 (100) Cutback increase 250 (100) Reduction 100 (50) Reduction _ (50) Reduction .50 (20,000) Eliminate - (200) reduction '1,000 (1,000) reduction 4,000 (37,600) cut cul-e-sac 250,000 budz :ich :ng~sf'y98 1 37 266 Tree removal Recreation: I 42 238 Bands 1 42 287 I Babe Ruth - Little Lea 1 42 287 I Babe Ruth - Little Lea 1 42 287 3 Midget football 1 42 429 1 Sage lighting 1 42 429 4 Soccer & Baseball Golf Course: 1 43 242 1 Chemical- Seed 1 43 245 Maintenance Repair I 43 283 Green traps Public Grounds: 1 45 424 4 Playground Sand Social Services: I 54 252 Contractual services Senior Center: 1 55 110 Recreation-Summer 1 55 133 Workmen's Comp I 55 153 Social Security Board of Education: 1 60 Operational Total-General Fund 11,000 10,000 4.850 3,600 4,600 3,000 2,000 50,000 58,000 52,000 36,000 35,000 31,000 30,500 12,800 12,500 6,000 3,000 10,000 2,5OO 2,OOO 316 314 6,180 6,142 21,413,651 21,225,577 Total Tier two changes TIER THREE CHANGES Revenues: Fund Balance (1,000) reduction 10,000 Town Manager: 1 1 104 Clerical 1 1 122 Longevity 1 1 133 Workmen's Comp 1 1 151 Life Ins 1 1 153 Social Security 1 1 154 Pension 1 1 156 Health Insurance Finance: 1 2 202 2 Annual Report Data Processing: 1 3 209 Training 1 3 401 Computer Equipment Townwide Expenses: 1 7 123 Salary-Vacation 1 7 132 Unemployment Comp 1 7 133 Workmens' Comp. 1 7 153 Social Security (1,250) (4,600) (3,ooo) (2,ooo) (5o,ooo) (6,000 Reduction 3,600 Eliminate --- Eliminate --- Eliminate --- Reduction --- Reduction _52,000 (1,000) Reduction 35,000 (500) Reduction 30, _500 (300) Reduction 12, _500 (3,000) Reduction _5,000 (10,000) Welfare phaseout --- (500) reduction 2,000 (2) reduction 314 (38) reduction 6, '142 (188,074) 3% increase (333,94O) (see Tier I) (383,940) Est. Mill rate 30.9 275.000 325,000 50,000 Increase $275,000 VOTE 4 to 3 to keep position 28,282 1.150 45O 567 456 1,476 1,164 10,722 8,5O5 14,571 12,025 19,260 12.214 (28,282) eliminate 1 position 28,282 (700) eliminate 1 position 1,150 (111 ) eliminate 1 position 567 (312) eliminate 1 position '1,476 (2,217) eliminate 1 position '10,7.55 (2,546) eliminate 1 position '14,-57'1 (7,046) eliminate 1 position '19,260 3,500 3.000 (500) Reduction 3,500 25,000 22,000 258,500 215,300 10,000 8,000 28,000 34,000 7,815 7.807 12,967 12,738 (3,000) Reduction 22,000 (43,200) Reduction 2'15,300 (2,000) Reduction 8,000 6,000 Staff reduction (8) Reduction ~ (229) Reduction 1 7 155 Awards Program 1 7 202 3 Newsletter 1 7 426 Office Furniture Personnel: 1 8 209 Training Planning: 1 14 116 Part time 1 14 133 Workmen's Comp 1 14 153 Social Security Zoning: 1 15 201 Supplies Inlands Wetlands 1 19 252 3 Storm Management 1 19 264 1 Wetlands Mapping Veterans Advisory: 1 21 226 Flags, Flowers 1 21 280 Veterans Support Fire Department: 1 31 219 4 Hazardous Materials 1 31 236 Firehose 1 31 237 Radios, Communicate 1 31 248 Misc. Equipment Police: 1 32 402 11 Cruisers Fire Marshall: 1 34 219 Material 1 34 225 1 Fire Prevention Public Works: 1 36 263 Sidewalks 1 36 264 Flood Control 1 36 426 Office Furniture Highway: 1 37 266 Tree Removal Public Buildings: 1 38 293 Telephone Recreation: 1 42 238 Bands 1 42 428 2 Weight Training Golf Course: 1 43 425 2 Cart Paths Library: I 44 287 4 Grant-East Berlin 1 44 287 5 Grant- Berlin 1 44 291 Books 1 44 415 1 Capital Public Grounds: 1 45 413 3 Sage Fencing 1 45 424 4 Playground Sand 1 45 437 1 Leaf Blower bud~-;.c: ,¢dgesfy98 1,500 - 200 - 2.000 1,000 3,000 2,000 10,500 5,250 1,111 1,092 20,T99 20,397 250 150 10,000 5,000 10,000 5,OO0 1,125 925 350 1,800 1,000 8,500 5,000 14,050 10,000 40,714 30,714 136,000 104,000 1.000 5O0 1,000 800 4,000 2,000 15,000 - 1,500 - 10,000 5,000 114.700 3.600 4.00O 3,000 5,600 5,600 106,712 1,870 3.000 3,000 2,500 102,700 2,400 2,000 (1,500) eliminate --- (200) eliminate --- (1,000) Reduction .---- (1,000) Reduction 1,000 (5,250) Reduction 5,250 (19) Reduction 1,092 (402) Reduction 20,397 (100) Reduction 150 (5,000) Reduction 5,000 (5,000) Reduction 5,000 (200) Hold to last yr. level 925 (350) Eliminate 350 (800) (3,500) (4,050) (lO,OOO) (32,000) Cutback 1,000 Cutback 5,009 Cutback 10,000 Cutback 30,714 Cut 4 wheel drive 104,000 (500) Reduction 500 (200) Reduction 800 (2,000) Reduction 2,000 (15,000) Reduction ___ (1,500) Reduction (5,000) Reduction 10,000 (12,000) eliminate Internet cap. 102,700 (1,200) Reduction 3,600 (2,000) Reduction 2,000 (3,000) Reduction 2,800 (2,800) Reduction 2,800 2,800 (2,800) Reduction 2,800 103,712 (3,000) Reduction 103,712 (1,870) Reduction --- (3.000) Reduction (3,000) Reduction (2,500) Reduction bud~j=[c, ,.~ngesh/98 Health Department: 1 52 252 Contractual Services Nursing Department: 1 53 403 File Cabinet 1 53 426 Office Furniture Senior Center: 1 55 404 Bus St. Paul's School 1 59 287 8 Grant Board of Education: 1 60 Operational Total-General Fund Total Tier 3 TIER FOUR CHANGES Revenues: Fund Balance 9,854 5,000 275 60O 60,000 51,925 40,000 21,225,577 21,019,504 325,000 375,000 Data Processing: 1- 3 209 Training 1 3 211 Materials I 3 254 Programming I 3 401 Computer Equipment Townwide Expenses: 1 7 123 Salary-Vacation 1 7 133 Workmens' Comp. i 7 153 Social Security I 7 209 Professional Develop. Economic Development: 1 17 429 10 IndustriaIStudy Inlands Wetlands I 19 252 3 Storm Management 1 19 264 1 Wetlands Mapping Animal Control: 1 30 417 Bldg Renovation Police: 1 32 402 11 Cruiser 104,000 52,000 1 32 406 Communication Encha 160,000 80,000 Fire Marshall: 1 34 115 1 34 133 1 34 153 Deputy Fire Marshall Workmens' Comp. Social Security Municipal Garage: 1 35 406 5 Radio upgrade Public Works: 1 36 224 1 GIS Mapping 22,000 20,000 18.000 16,000 30,000 27,000 215,300 187,000 8,000 6,000 7,8O7 7,799 12,738 12,585 2,000 1,750 5.000 5,000 5,000 5.000 5,000 1.250 6,595 2,031 4,426 21,500 30.000 1,800 3,922 (4,854) Reduction (275) Reduction (600) Reduction (60,000) Reduction (11,925) Reduction (206,073) 2% increase (499,619) (549,619) Est. Mill rate 30.4 6,048 40,000 50,000 Increase (2,000) Reduction 20,000 (2,000) Reduction 16,000 (3,000) Reduction 27 ~ 000 (28,300) Reduction 187,000 (2,000) Reduction 6,000 (8) Reduction 7,779 (153) Reduction 12,585 (250) Reduction 1,750 (5,000) Reduction 5,000 (1,250) Reduction Reduction Reduction 1,250 (52,000) Cut to 2 vehicles 26,000 (80,000) Reduction 160,000 (6,595) Eliminate 6,595 (231) Eliminate 2,031 (504) Eliminate 4,426 (21,500) Delay one year 10,750 (30,000) Delay one year --- budu~c, ~angesfy98 1 36 265 1 36 268 Highway: 1 37 266 1 37 431 1 37 432 1 37 436 Drainage Road & Bridge Tree Removal 1 Pavement Breaker 4 Material Converter 2 Plate Compressor Public Buildings: 1 37 121 Overtime I 37 133 Workmens' Comp. 1 37 153 Social Security Recreation: 1 42 238 Bands 1 42 293 Telephone 1 42 428 2 Weight training Golf Course: 1 43 242 I Chemicals - seed 1 43 420 1 Tee mower 1 43 421 4 Ranger cart 1 43 421 7 Fertilizer spreader 1 43 437 1 Leaf blower Library: 1. 44 287 4 Grant-East Berlin 1 44 287 5 Grant-Berlin Public Grounds: 1 45 406 4 Alarm Sage 1 45 429 Playground fields Health Department: 1 52 152 1 Sickness Prevention Nursing: 1 53 401 Computer Equipment St. Paul's: 1 59 287 8 Grant to St. Pauts Board of Education: 1 60 Operational School Expenses: 1 61 441 Capital Equipment 1 61 443 Site & Building Total-General Fund Total Tier 4 TIER FIVE CHANGES Revenues: Fund Balance Data Processing: 1 3 209 Training 30.000 250.000 5,000 5.000 15.000 2,500 25,500 32.728 36,974 2,400 1,000 2.000 35.000 16.500 5,000 4.000 4.500 2,800 2.800 1.200 7.000 5O0 i0.000 400OO 21,019.504 310.000 168.000 375000 20.000 125,000 20,000 32,359 36,554 1,200 33,500 5,000 20,000 20,813,430 200,000 83,000 400,000 18,000 (30,000) Eliminate 25,000 (125,000) Cut in half 2.50,000 (5,000) Reduction 5,000 (5.000) Eliminate -- (15,000) Eliminate -- (2,500) Eliminate -- (5,500) Cutback 20,000 (369) Cutback 32,359 (420) Cutback 36,554 (1,200) Further cutback (1,000) Phone @pools-safety 1,000 (2,000) Eliminate 2,000 (1,500) Cutback 33,500 (16,500) Eliminate -- (5,000) Eliminate -- (4,000) Eliminate -- (4,500) Eliminate --- (2,800) Eliminate -- (2.800) Eliminate -- (1,200) Eliminate 1,200 (7,000) Eliminate 7,000 (500) Eliminate 500 (5.000) Cut to one for Dept..5,000 (20.000) Further cutback 20,000 (206,074) 1% increase (110,000) Reduction (85,000) Reduction (899,654) (949,654) Est. Mill rate 29.5 25,000 Increase (2,000) Reduction 18,000 budu~tc,,~nge~98 1 3 401 Computer Equipment Townwide Expenses: 1 7 209 Professional Develop. 1 7 426 Office Furniture Assessor: 1 9 253 Personal Prop Audits 1 9 403 File Cabinets Highway: 1 37 269 Catch Basin 1 37 402 1 Dump Truck Public Buildings: I 38 270 Capital Projects Recreation: I 42 238 Bands Golf Course: 1 43 252 ContractuaI-Timbedin 1 43 434 2 Top Dresser Public Grounds: 1 45 424 3 Pool Ladder St. Paul's: 1 59 287 8 Grant to St. Pauls Board of Education: 1 60 Operational 187.000 150,000 1.750 1,500 1.000 10.000 7,500 4,800 - 10.000 5,000 45,0O0 44,300 40,600 1.200 50,000 - 8,500 1.000 20.000 20,813.430 20,607,357 (37,000) Reduction 150,000 (25o) (1,ooo) (2,5oo (4,8OO Reduction J_, 500 Eliminate -- Cutback-rev producer 10,000 Safe[,/hazard 4,; 800~' (5,000 (45,000) (3,700) (1,2oo) Cutback ,10,000 Eliminate 45,000 Cutback 44,300 Eliminate --- (50,000) Stop Timberlin project 20,000 (8,500) Eliminate -- (1,000) Eliminate-safety (20,000) Eliminate 1,000 (206,073) No increase Total-General Fund Total Tier 5 TOTAL ALL TIERS (388,O23) (413,023) Est. Mill rate 29.1 (3,500,057)