1998-01-05 TOWN OF BERLIN TOWN COUNCIL BUDGET HEARING JANUARY 5, 1998 MINUTES CALL TO ORDER The Town Council Budget Heating Committee was called to order by Chairman Bertagna at 6:30 p.m. ROLL CALL Those in attendance were: Councilman Paul Argazzi Councilman Joseph Bajorski Councilman Audrey Bertagna (Chairman) Councilman Fred Jortner Councilman John Mclntosh Councilman Ida Ragazzi INFORMATIONAL MEETING Chairman Bertagna asked for input and suggestions from the Budget Hearing Committee members regarding the Budget Heatings procedures for 1998. Councilman Bajorski suggested that Capital purchases or new positions should be set aside on a separate list to be looked at by this Committee at that point. Councilman Jortner explained that last year Town Manager Therrien met with all Department Heads and came up with what they felt were realistic spending plans for each department. The Committee then met with the Town Manager and the Department Heads to go over their budgets. Councilman Jortner also suggested that some of the Commissions with smaller budgets need not be brought in needlessly. Councilman Ragazzi suggested that if someone has something out of the ordinary or something different from last year's budget they should present it to this Committee. She also stated that they received the budget late last year and hoped that they would receive it as soon as possible this year. Councilman Mclntosh stated that he felt it was a good idea to have the Town Manager, along with the Department Heads, meet with this Committee to discuss their budgets. Councilman Argazzi stated that he agrees with the above statements and that he would also like to see the Town Manager come in with a budget, not a "wish list". He also suggested cutting back on the amount of people who come in to discuss their budgets, stating that Boards and Commissions with small budgets should be presented by the Chairman only, or have Town Manager Therrien represent them. Chairman Bertagna stated that it was her feeling that since Town Manager Therrien is meeting with all the Department Heads to discuss their budgets, it is not necessary for the Department Heads to meet with this Committee, unless, we feel it necessary to talk to them about their budget or they feel it is necessary for them to come in to discuss something about their budget or if they wanted to appeal their budget. Councilman Jortner stated that the only question he had regarding the Department Heads not coming in for their budget is that if there is a question that the Budget Committee may have regarding a department's budget will the Town Manager be able to answer the question. Chairman Bertagna informed the Committee that the Town Manager will have the budgets to present to the this Committee by January 19th and that the Water Control Commission Budget is ready to be presented to this Committee now. Chairman Bertagna also informed the Committee that the Town Manager is asking what direction she should take in regards to this year's budget. She stated that they ran on the platform that they would cut the budget by one mill and suggested telling Town Manager Therrien that they would like her to submit a budget with a one mill decrease but letting us know where the cuts had to be made and how she feels about the cuts. She added that the Committee can add items back in if they so choose. Councilman Jortner asked for clarification from the Chairman as to whether her goal is to reduce the mill by one mill or reduce spending by a million dollars. He added that you could be spending status quo and still reduce the mill rate depending on what your revenues are. Chairman Bertagna replied that she would like the Town Manager to reduce the mill rate by one. Councilman Jortner stated that does not give the Town Manager direction. Chairman Bertagna stated that is a million dollar cut. Councilman Jortner asked if the Chairman is stating that she wants the Town Manager to reduce spending by a million dollars? Councilman Bajorski stated that the goal of the budget is to reduce the tax rate by one mill but it does not necessarily equate a one million dollar cut out of the operating budget. He explained that if you keep the budget status quo from last year and the revenues increase a certain percentage the difference between increase in revenues in the operating budget could be made up through cuts in operation. Councilman Jortner explained that there are four major components; (1) The Revenues, (2) The Fund Balance, (3) The Board of Education and (4) The Town Spending. Councilman Bajorski stated that it will be up to the Budget Committee to come up with a formula among those four areas. Councilman Bajorski suggested rather than telling the Town Manager to present a budget with a one mill decrease that it would be better to tell her to present a "status quo" budget from last year's budget. The Town Manager could keep a list of items prioritizing programs she would like to see implemented if funds are available. Chairman Bertagna asked if the Committee was in agreement with asking the Town Manager to keep everything on an even keel, no new programs etc. Councilman Argazzi added that he would like to see a list of the Town Manager's additional savings. Chairman Bertagna questioned if they are asking the Town Manager to come in with a flat budget. Councilman Argazzi stated that they do not necessarily have to have every item flat. If there is a way to save money on a certain item then she should implement. Chairman Bertagna stated that first we said a flat budget, then we said no increase now were saying is not necessarily true. Councilman Argazzi stated that some items will have to be increased and some may be decreased. Councilman Jortner stated that you may want to keep utilities flat and cut back on the Library hours, just as an example. Councilman Bajorski stated that the bottom line is a flat budget. If the Town Manager reduces in certain accounts so she may increase in another account. SCI-IEDULING BUDGET HEARING DATES The Budget Heating Committee set the following hearing dates: 3 January 21, 1998 (~ 6:30 p.m. January 27, 1998 (~ 6:30 p.m. February 4, 1998 ~, 6:30 p.m. February 10, 1998 (~ 6:30 p.m. February 19,1998 (~ 6:30 p.m. Chairman Bertagna will meet with Town Manager Therden to prepare the Budget Hearing agendas. Councilman Argazzi requested that the Finance Director include a Table of Contents, with this year's budget packages, with an alphabetical listing of all departments. Discussion was held regarding the format of the budget that was presented at the Budget Heating. It was the consensus of the Committee that it be presented at the Budget Heating with line items for each department rather than the format that was presented last year. APPOINTMENT OF VICE-CHAIRMAN Councilman Argazzi was appointed by Chairman Bertagna as Vice-Chairman of the Budget Heating Committee. ADJOURNMENT Councilman Argazzi made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Seconded by Councilman Ragazzi. PASSED UNANIMOUSLY. The meeting was adjourned at 6:50 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Joanne G. Ward Clerk of the Meeting 4