2004-03-11Bz dgetMeetmg Ma~ch 11 200¥ BUDGET COMMITTEE MEETING Thursday March 11 2004 BOE Meeting Room - 6 00 P M Minutes Call to Order Chairman Joseph Areslmowlcz called the Budget Committee Meeting to order at 6 19 pm Roll Call Those in attendance were Chairman Joseph Areslmowlcz Councilor Llnda Clmadon Councilor Anthony Legnam Councilor Ida Ragazzl Mayor Adam Sahna Councilor Scott Veley Presentations of Department Budgets 10 Regtstrar of Voters Elizabeth Tedeschl Republican Registrar and Charles Warner Democratic Registrar presented the Registrar of Voters budget Charles Warner stated that the only increase to their budget is the salary increase Elizabeth Tedeschl stated that half the requested increase of $8 000 would come out of this year s budget the remaining half would come out of the next year s budget Charles Warner stated that they put in a minimum of 20 hours per week they have to attend many meetings and work long hours during election times Elizabeth Tedeschl stated that they would also like to upgrade the salaries for the poll workers because it is getting more difficult to find people willing to work the polls Chairman Areslmowlcz asked for the list of all the poll workers that they are requesting for a salary upgrade Rent 1 10 2 0 Elizabeth Tedeschl stated that they did receive a notice from the American Legion that they will be increasing their rent by $100 for each use of the building The increase is $ 00 for this budget 1/7 Bz dgetMeenng Ma~ch 11 200¥ Chairman Areslmowlcz asked if the Town has looked into having another polling place rather than at the American Legion Elizabeth Tedeschl and Charles Warner stated they have looked into this matter and they have not found any other location Elizabeth Tedeschl stated that it is difficult for handicapped patrons to use the American Legion and suggested that the Town put in a handicapped accessible ramp Councilor Legnam stated that the installation of a handicapped ramp should be the responsibility of the American Legion and not the Town 03 Technologv Dept Barbara Sagan Technology Director presented the Technology Department budget Maintenance 1 0 205 Barbara Sagan stated that $20 900 is for contracted services and $ 4 100 is for non contracted maintenance services She requested that this account not be cut Programming 1 0 254 These funds would be used to purchase software that would enhance our current web site CAPITAL OUTLAYS Equipment 1 0 401 The funds in this account would be used to replace older workstations and printers Chairman Areslmowlcz asked if they have looked into having a private contractor do the web site for the Town Barbara Sagan stated that we currently house our web site We could have an outside vendor house it for us but we have already invested in the server She stated the request for the software for the web site would be a one time fee When it is time to replace the server they would then investigate the cost to have an outside source house the web site Councilor Ragazzl questioned account 209 Barbara Sagan stated that funds in this account would allow her and her staff to attend yearly conferences and seminars 43 Golf Course Jon Zuk Golf Course Superintendent presented the Golf Course budget Part time & Summer Help 1 4 108 Jon Zuk stated that due to the wage scale for that category it is difficult to secure people for those jobs He is looking for the Council to create a position for $10 00 an hour 2/7 Bz dgetMeenng Ma~ch 11 200¥ Overtime 1 4 121 There is a decrease in this account due to the mid manager s position that is no longer eligible for overtime ($5 000for the mid manager s position minus the increase to wages equates to a $ 16 reduction in this line item) Mid Managers Personnel 1 4 10 There will be a deletion in this account due to moving the mid manager s position out of this line item Advertising 1 4 10 Increased due to the yearbook that CT Golfer On Line will be placing in all the hotels along I91 and I95 The ad for Tlmberhn that will be placed in the yearbook will create a tremendous amount of exposure for the golf course The cost to place an ad on the radio program which airs on ESPN radio and to advertise in the New England Journal of Golf magazine are included in this line item Vehicle Parts 1 4 2 Increase of $1 000 due to increase of the cost of parts repairs and shipping This account has not been increased over the past few years Maintenance & Repair 1 4 245 Increase of $1 000 to help fund a drainage problem and cover the rising cost of trucking Electricity 1 4 294 Increase of $900 due to the addition on the maintenance building Natural Gas 1 4 295 Increase due to the increase cost of natural gas and increase to the heating cost Total increase to this account is $8 58 Cable Television 1 4 298 This was an addition to this budget This service will allow the course to interface with the server at the town hall CAPITAL OUTLAYS Tee Mower 1 4 420 1 This mower is 1 years old and it is used 4 days a week Utility Vehicle 1 4 427 1 This vehicle is 1 years old and needs replacement Light weight Utility Vehicle 1 4 427 2 This vehicle is also 1 years old and is in need of constant repair Bunker Renovation 1 4 429 4 This would be for services for an architect to redesign the bunkers Irrigation System 1 4 4 2 This would be for services for a consultant to redesign the irrigation system Equipment & Wash Area 1 4 440 8 The D E P will be mandating laws that regulate the golf course equipment cleaning and chemical spray tanks /7 Bz dgetMeetmg Ma~ch 11 200¥ Town Manager Haberman encouraged the Committee to give very serious consideration to the advertising account 4~ Pubhc Grounds David Paradise Public Grounds Supervisor presented the Public Grounds budget Storm Related Overtime 1 45 141 Increase in this account is due to taking the average spending in this account over the last five years Sidewalk Maintenance 1 45 26 Increase of' $1 000 because he is trying to get this account back to what it was five years ago Electricity 1 45 294 Increase due to more play on the new football field Water & Sewer 1 45 297 Increase due to the shortfall in last year s budget Playing Fields 1 45 429 Increase due to the wet spring and fall the fields need more attention than normal Chairman Areslmowlcz requested a list of` all the Town parks under the Public Grounds jurisdiction CAPITAL OUTLAYS Dump Truck - Large 1 45 402 1 This truck can no longer plow in 4 wheel drive Pickup Truck - 1 45 402 This truck is 1 years old and needs to be replaced Sod Cutter 1 45 409 6 David Paradise stated that the sod cutter was taken out and the soccer goals were left in He would like to have the sod cutter over the soccer goals Bleachers 1 45 428 David Paradise explained the bleachers are out dated and some are not up to code The bleachers at Sage Park are first on the list to update David Paradise gave an update on the fencing and the need to repair them Professional Development 1 45 208 Increase due to sending employees for training and state upgrading Materials 1 45 219 Increase due to added fields and heavy use of`the fields Fertilizer, Seed & Chemicals 1 45 242 1 Increase due to cost of` materials Sports Equipment 1 45 248 2 Increase for additional ~unds would be used for padding for the light polesat for the BHS tennis and basketball courts 4/7 Bz dgetMeenng Ma~ch 1! 2004 Mayor Sahna asked if the padding is mandated Steve Kelly Parks and Recreation Director stated that the recommendation was in the architect s report addressing safety concerns Chairman Areslmowlcz requested a list of the Public Grounds vehicles and mileage 42 Parks and Recreatton Steve Kelly Parks and Recreation Director presented the Parks and Recreation budget Lifeguard/Pool Workers 1 42 109 This account was cut last year and they received complaints due to the pool hours that had to be cut The increase is due to providing increases for returning summer staff opening the pools sooner one additional part time swim instructor and restoring one additional hour for pool openings on Friday Saturday and Sunday Recreation and Summer Help 1 42 110 There is an increase of $8 866 due to opening playgrounds when school gets out increasing playground staffing and new and expanding programs This program has been very successful Supplies 1 42 201 An increase in this account is due to increasing program brochure costs and replenishing hiking and walking trails brochures Rent 1 42 2 0 Increase due to the school charging for custodial services and utilities and an expansion of youth basketball CAPITAL OUTLAYS Community Center Equipment 1 42 426 4 This includes replacement of two pool tables a ceiling mounted room divider weight room mirrors flat file cabinets etc Councilor Clmadon asked for an explanation on account 1 42 140 Extra Police Duty Steve Kelly replied that they have a number of events that require Police duty Anna Johnson Finance Director explained the Police Department sends a bill to the Finance Department for Police Duty for Parks and Recreation events and the Finance Department then deducts it from the Parks and Recreation Department budget Mayor Sahna inquired about account 1 42 2 8 Bands Steve Kelly stated that they are trying to restore some of the band concert programs they had about 4 years ago They are also trying to recruit donations to help restore the band concerts 5/7 Bz dgetMeetmg Ma~ch 11 200¥ Telephone 1 42 29 Increase in this account is due to providing cell phones at the playground locations for better communication and safety reasons Steve Kelly stated that they are recommending adding a fifth year for summer aquatic personnel Anna Johnson explained that the Clerical position was split between the Golf Course Public Grounds and the Parks and Recreation budget It is now only budgeted in the Parks and Recreation and Public Grounds budget Recessed at 8 02 p m Reconvened at 8 09 p m ~3 Nursmg Menbeth Longyear Nursing Director Fran Geschlmsky Nursing Supervisor Mary Areslmowlcz Treasurer of Nursing Board of Directors and Robert Constantine Finance member on the Nursing Board of Directors presented the Nursing budget Menbeth Longyear handed out a synopsis of the increase in the expenses that they anticipate for the 2004/2005 budget Menbeth Longyear is requesting a part time Assistant Supervisor To receive reimbursement from private insurance companies they must have a national accreditation every three years Medical Services 1 5 249 2 This account has to be estimated because they are not sure what services they will use during the year She is going to request a transfer in this account for the current budget Menbeth Longyear stated that they have the potential to generate funds that would cover the cost for the requested part time Assistant Supervisor for the Nursing department Home Health Aides 1 5 128 Can reduce this line item with the request for the part time Assistant Supervisor Menbeth Longyear stated that the services provided by VNA have grown over 46/ over the last five years but their staff has not Their revenues have also increased and they feel they can increase them even more if they had extra staff Anna Johnson Finance Director addressed the revenues for the Nursing Department ~9 Prt, ate gchools Marybeth Longyear Nursing Director presented the Private Schools This budget is basically salaries for a position and a half 6/7 Bz dgetMeenng Ma~ch 11 200¥ 6I gchool Evpense Marybeth Longyear Nursing Director presemed the School Expense has added a half time Aide Acceptance of Minutes Councilor Clmadon moved to accept the minutes of March 1 2004 Seconded by Councilor Ragazzl Those voting in favor were Abstained Vote being 4 0 2 Adlournment Councilor Clmadon moved to adjourn the meeting at 8 25 p m Seconded by Councilor Legnanl PASSED UNANIMOUSLY 6 0 (MOTION CARRIED) Submitted She stated that she Chairman Areslmowlcz Councilor Clmadon Councilor Legnanl Councilor Ragazzl Councilor Veley Mayor Sahna (absent from meeting) (MOTION CARRIED) Kathryn J Wall Clerk of the Meeting Joseph Areslmowlcz Chairman 7/7