1969/12/09MINUTES BOARD OF FINANCE Special Meeting December 9, 1969 Members Present: Thomas W. Ward, Jr., Robert A. Sprague, Blanche J. Delaney, Jack J. Barbera, Donald L. Ward and Dominick F. Scerra Others Present: Leslie Bentley, Finance Director, Arthur B. Powers, First Selectman, Morgan Seelye, Director of Public Works, and Mrs. Blanche Mahan, Hartford Courant Reporter. Meeting was called to order at 8:00 p.m. by Chairman Ward. Minutes Motion was made by Mrs. Delaney, seconded by Mr. D. Ward and VOTED to approve minutes of the November 18, 1969 meeting. Request of First Selectman for part-time clerk-'ty~ist, salary increase for mechani. and Mr. Haber, Chief Mechanic Mr. Powers discussed the need for a part-time clerk-typist to assist the Selectmen's Secretary with the large increase in volume of work and presented the Board with a list of the"Duties of the Selectmen's Secretary". The part-time clerl typist would be employed on the basis of four hours a day, three days a week at a salary of between $2.00 and $2%25 per hour, or approximately $25. per week ($650. from Jan. 1, 1970.) Mr. Powers and Mr. Seelye presented information to justify requests for in- crease in pay for the mechanics at the town garage. A survey of area towns re- veals that the median pay for "mechanic 2" (those qualified to repair heavy equipment) is $3.60 per hour. The two Berlin mechanics are presently being paid $3.30 per hour, which was the amount requested and budgeted for 1969-1970. This, however, is unsatisfactory to the mechanics. Mr. Seelye recommends that they be paid $3.60 retroactive to July 1, 1969, an approximate addition to the budget of $1200. Mr. Powers and Mr. Seelye, in addition, requested an upward adjustment the Chief Mechanic's salary. Financial Statement Complete breakdown of Town accounts covering the period ending November 30, 1969 was received from the Selectmen's office. Bills It was moved by Mr. Sprague, seconded by Mr. $cerra and VOTED to pay bill for Town phone provided for the Chairman, for the month of November, in the amount of $9.39 from ~201, Board of Finance, Operating. It was moved by Mr. Sprague, seconded by Mr. Scerra and VOTED to pay the bill of the Adkins Printing Co. for an attache case for the Finance Director in the amount of $16.50 from %201, Board of Finance, Operating. It was moved by Mrs. Delaney, seconded by Mr. Sprague and VOTED, to pay bill for secretarial services for the month of November 1969 to Rena O. Castiglioni, ir the amount of $100. from %201 Board of Finance, Operating. It was moved by Mr. Sprague, seconded by Mr. Scerra and VOTED to pay bill fol pictures of the McGee School for the "Town Report" to Aldo Castiglioni in the amount of $7.50. It was moved by Mr. Barbera, seconded by Mr. Scerra and VOTED to pay the bill for typing,mailing budget forms, stamps and large manila enveloped to Mrs. Barbar~ Lamarre in the amount of $38.60 and to pay the bill for one box of large printed stamped envelopes to the Berlin Postmaster in the amount of $36.45. Communications and Transfers Letter from Mr. Powers dated November 26, 1969 and one, dated December 6, 1969 from Mr. Willard Wallace regarding expense account for the "Berlin Historica] District Study Committee". It was moved by Mr. $cerra seconded by Mr. Barbera and VOTED that a new budget item be created entitled "Berlin Historical District Study Committee" with the following items #2801 Secretary and ~2802 Postage & Supplies-- and that the sum of $225. be transferred from #210 Contingency to be allocated as follows: ~2801 Secretary $150. and ~2802 Postage and Supplies $75. ;s Board of Finance Meeting December 9, 1969 (cont'd). Communication from the Police Department requesting a sum to cover puchase o~ drugs for the Drug Prevention program of the Detective Division. It was moved by Mr. Sprague, seconded by Mr. D. Ward and VOTED that $100. be transferred from #210 Contingency to a new budget item #2023, Drug Prevention, and approve apyment of bill submitted by Detective Leroy Spencer of $25. Letter dated November 26, 1969 from Miss Notaro, Treasurer of the Berlin Pub Health Nursing Service regarding depletion of account #1539 "Contracted Services" for payment to New Britain Memorial Hospital, to be reimbursed by Medicare. It was moved by Mr. Sprague, seconded by Mr. Scerra and VOTED that $600. be transferred from #210 Contingency to #1539 Contracted Services - Public Healt~ Nursing Service. Letter dated November 24, 1969 from Mr. Seelye, Director, Water and Sewer Co! mission. The Commission has selected a candidate for full time position of bookkeeper at $105. per week or $5460 per annum -- funding for balance of year 1969-70 will be $3,255. It was moved by Mr. Scerra, seconded by Mrs. Delaney and VOTED that $57],.68 the balance in account #802 Secretary - Water & Sewer Commission, be transferred to account #803 Bookkeeper. It was moved by Mr. Scerra, seconded by Mrs. Delaney and VOTED to transfer $1733.32 from #210 Contingency to #803-Bookkeeper - Water & Sewer Commission, as requested. (There is a balance of $950. in #803 - BookkeeDer).~3~,,~/~ ~ Letter dated November 25, 1969 from Dr. Kiniry, Chairman, PArk & Recreation Commission, requesting $1,035 for Junior Program Supplies and Expenses - #1921. Deficit was caused by failure to pay bill in June from 1968-69 budget, but paid in September 1969 from 1970 -- overage in 1968-69 budget returned to General Fund It was moved by Mrs. Delaney, seconded by Mr. D. Ward and VOTED that $1,035 be transferred from the General Fund to account #1921-Junior Program, Supplies & Expenses. Copy of letter dated November 21, 1969 from Mr. Gandolfo, Chairman Public Building Commission to Mr. Kenneth Johnson, Chairman Board of Education re: sub- stantial completion of McGee School with exception of some items to be ~nished in the spring. $134,00~ set aside for completion. Letter dated December 3, 1969 from Mr. Powers, First Selectman, enclosing copy of letter from Mr. Claflin, Trust Officer, New Britain Bank & Trust Co. re: check for $20,900. received from the Marjorie Moor Fund for renovation of the Har~ Upson property which has been purchased by the Bank and designated for use of the Berlin Committee for the Aging. It was moved by Mr. Scerra, seconded by Mr. D. Ward and VOTED to request the Board of Selectmen to call a Town Meeting to transfer from the General Fund an amount not to exceed $20,900. to a new account C-2502-Renovation of the Harold Upson property, said renovation to be under the supervision of the Public Buildin~ Commission with recommendations of the Committee for the Aging. Letter dated November 27, 1969 from Miss McGee requesting change in budget allocations to provide for~aintenance of Upson House as follows: Heat - $600., utilities $140., Telephone $48., total $788. It was moved by Mr. Sprague, seconded by Mr. Barbera and VOTED to transfer $500. from %2501-Part-time Director to new item #2505-Utilities. It was moved by Mr. Sprague, seconded by Mr. Scerra and VOTED to transfer $300. from #2504-Activieies Fund to #2505-Utilities. It was moved by Mr. Barbera, seconded by Mr. Scerra and VOTED to transfer $100. from %210-Contingency to #2505-utilities. Letter dated December 9, 1969 from Mr. Seelye, Director of Public Works requ. ing funds to replace space-heater for Highway Department office and lavatory. Budgeted amount for Highway Building repairs-%309 is $100. Cost of new unit $450 [c st- It was moved by Mr. D. Ward, seconded by Mr. Scerra and VOTED to transfer $450. from ~210-Contingency to new Capital item C-320-Space-Heater. Letter dated November 21, 1969 from Mr. Bomba, Town Clerk in reply to letter of Mr. Ward, Chairman of Board of Finance, dated October 24, 1969 re: expenses of Town Clerk. Request for part-time Clerk-T~pist, Selectmen's office It was moved by Mr. Scerra, seconded by Mrs. Delaney that $650. be trans- ferred from ~210-Contingency to new account ~ll3-Part-time clerk typist, to become effective January 1, 1970. In favor-- Mrs. Delaney and Mr. Scerra, Opposed--Mr. Sprague, Mr. Barbera and Mr. D. Ward. MOTION LOST. Request for salary increase - 2 mechanics and Chief Mechanic It was moved by Mr. D. Ward, seconded by Mr. Scerra and VOTED to transfer $624, from #210-Contingency to the following items: Municipal Garage Account - #502, $312 and ~503, $312 as requested in letter dated December 3, 1969 with the exception that it become effective January 1, 1970. In favor -- Mr. D. Ward, Mr. Scerra and Mrs. Delaney. Opposed -- Mr. Barbera and Mr. Sprague. The request for an increase for Chief Mechanic was deferred for study to be considered at the January 1970 meeting. Mr. T. Ward, Chairman reported that the Town Report is ready to go to press as soon as the Auditor's report is received. The meeting adjourned at 12:02 P.M. on motion made, seconded and VOTED. Respectfully submitted Blanche J. D~laney ~ Secretary pro tem MINUTES BOARD OF FINANCE Regular Meeting January 8, 1970 Members Present: Thomas W. Ward, Jr., Dominick F. Scerra, Blanche J. Delaney, Donald L. Ward and Robert A. Sprague. Members Absent: Jack J. Barbera Others Present: Leslie Bentley, Finance Director; Arthur B. Powers, First Selectman, Morgan Seelye, Director of Public Works (Part of Meeting) Mrs. Blanche Mahan, Hartford Courant Reporter (Part of Meetingl Meeting was ~alled to order at 7:36 p.m. by Chairman Ward. Minutes Motion made by Mr. Sprague, seconded by Mr. T. Ward and VOTED to approve the Minutes of the December 9, 1969 meeting. BILLS It was moved by Mr. Sprague, seconded by Mrs. Delaney and VOTED to pay bill for Appropriation Sheets [Budget Forms) from Adk±ns in the amount of $38.65 from #201 Board of Finance-Operating. It was moved by Mrs. Delaney, seconded by Mr. Scerra and VOTED to pay bill for advertisement in New Britain Herald for secretary for Board of Finance in the amount of $43.30 from #201 Board of Finance-Operating. It was moved by Mr. Scerra, seconded by Mr. Sprague and VOTED to pay bill for desk lamp for Finance Director in the amount of $18.03 from #201 Board of Finance-Operating. Bill was presented by First Selectman from C & K Movers in the amount of $192.00 for the removal of twelve voting machines from Police Department to Kensington Grammar School as the floor in the Police Department was giving way to the weight of these machines. It was moved by Mrs. Delaney, seconded by Mr. Scerra and VOTED to authorize payment of bill amounting to $192.00 from #1109 Election Expense in the Town Clerk's budget.