1969/02/11 1.Regular Meeting Berlin Town Planning Commission, February 11, 1969 at 7:30 P.M. ~4embers present: Aldo Castiglioni, Nunzio Rosso, and Linc Conti. Also Morgan Seelye, Din of Public Works 2. Agenda Item ~1 - Building Permit in a Planned Industrial Zone - Commerce St. , Burton Johnson, Agent Mr. ~ohnson of Precision Graphics, and Mr. Paul D. Iohnson of Johnson Pettern & Model Co. appeared and presented the information required in Par. 8:03:01 of the Zoning Regulations relative to their request for a building permit to construct a building to house the above mentioned businesses. Map was entitled "Proposed Builfling for Precision Graphics, Inc., Berlin, Conn., scale 1"=20', dated Jan. 14, 1969, Paul P% Spaulding, During the discussion it was suggested, that for better use of the land and building,that the floor plan be reversed and the building be located on the lot so that emplyee parking and the loading ~latform are located on the same side of the building. Messrs. Johnson will redesign the plan accordingly. 3. Agenda I~e'm 2 - Discussion of Proposed C~pital Improvement - Main St. Kensington. Mr. ~astiglioni read a letter, dated Fe~. 4, from the Board of Selectmen relative to improving t~ present sidewalks on the south side of Main St. from Farmington Ave. to Kensington Road, also curbing, at a cost of a~proximately $6,000. They recommended that we establish a policy in this matter whereby the cost would be spilt $0-$0 between the Town and the adjacent property owners. This was discussed and no decision was reached, and further discussiQn was deferred until Mr. Seelye has checked and reported back on various sidewalk assessment procedures in surrounding towns. 4. Agenda Item 3 - Discussion of Proposed Development - Planned Industrial Zone - Worthington Ridge (north) Allan Green - Agent - item was not discussed, developer did not appear. $. Agenda Item 4 - Discussifln of Proposed S.N.E.T. telephone cable policies - Chester Razca, Agent - agent would like to defer discussion until Feb. 25. 6. Agenda Item %5 - Preliminary & Final Approval Stile Reynolds Subdivision- Christian Lane, Atty. C. Clark - Agent - re-scheduled for Feb. 25 Meeting 7. Agenda Item 6 - Preliminary and Final Approval Sec. VI - Meadowbrook Estates - see item 2, 'an. 28 Meeting - was not discussed, developed did not appear. 8. Voted to pay New Britain Heral~bil! of $2.60 for legal notice for Meeting of ~an. 28 on motion made by Mr. Conti, seconded by Mr. Rosso. 9. Edro Corp. - see itemS, Jan. 14 Minutes - a copy of a letter dated Feb. 7 from Edrotothe Building Inspector in answer to his of Jan. 14 was read relative to Edro requesting an extension until better weather conditions permit them to completely clear the unnecessary items from the property. ~0. The Minutes of the Ianuary 28 Meeting were approved on motion made by MrJ Conti, and seconded by Mr. Rosso. 11. Renn Property - item 5, ~. 28 - it was agreed that a letter should be sent to Mr. Resn advising him that he has created an illegal subdivision. It was noted that Mr. & Mrs. Norton have decided not to purchase the Peree! of property belonging to Mr. Renn that they were interested 12. Mr. Castigltoni reported that on Tuesday, Feb. 18 a Hearing will be held at the State Capitel on House BIll 6642 "An Act concerning the authorization of Iohn Gacek, et al to maintain an appeal against Planning Commission of the Town of Berlin." Ail commission members interested hould plan to attend. Messrs. Powers, Castiglioni, and Seelye have expressed intentions to attenc 13. Meeting adjourned at 10:20 P.M. Respectfully submitted, MINUTES BOARD OF FINANCE Regular Meeting February 11, 1969 Members Present: Members Absent: Others Present: Thomas W. Ward, Jr., Wolcott S. Brown, Mrs. Blanche J. Delaney, John F. Miller and Dominick F. Scerra Robert A. Sprague $. Samuel Valenti, Chairman, Patrick Caccavale, Board of Police Commissioners; H. Theodore Strand, Chief of Police (Part of Meeting) Dr. John Kiniry, Chairman, Leslie C. Bentley, Park and Recreation Commission, Victor C. Baylock, Recreation Director (Part of Meeting) Mrs. Blanche Mahan of the Press Meeting called to order at 8:13 p.m. by Chairman Ward. Minutes It was VOTED to approve the minutes of the February 4, 1969 meeting. Bills VOTED to approve payment for secretarial services for the month of January to Rena O. Castiglioni in the amount of $145.00 from #6 Board of Finance. Financial Report Complete budget breakdown of town accounts plus individual ~6 Board of Finance breakdown covering period ended January 31, 1969 were received from the Selectmen's office. Old Business Letter from Mr. Leslie C. Bentley of the Park and Recreation Commission, dated February 3, 1969, in answer to Chairman Ward's letter of January 29, 1969, requesting additional information regarding monies due to the Berlin Lions Club for its share of season's passes sold at Percival Pool. (See minutes of January 7, 1969) This matter was further explained by Messrs. Kiniry and Bentley prior to their budget hearing. No action taken. Letter from Harry N. Jackaway, Esq., Tow~ Counsel, dated February 5, 1969, in answer to Chairman Ward's letter of January 31, 1969, regarding transfer of funds in connection with the inst~allation of two traffic signals in East Berlin. (See minutes of January 2B, 1969) Tabled for further information. Copy of letter from Mr. Morgan Seelye, Director of Public Works to Mr. Arthur B. Powers, First Selectman, dated February 5, 1969, enclosing breakdown of costs for relocated Selden Street compared with bid prices in the Northern Industrial (Emhart) area and comments thereto. This is in compliance with Mr. Ward's verbal request to Mr. Seelye at the time of Mr. Seelye's appearance for his budget hearing with this Board on January 28. Secretary will furnish copies for each Board member for future action. The ~emainder of the meeting was devoted to hearing the proposed 1969-1970 budgets of the Board of Police Commissioners and the Park and Recreation Commission. There being no further business, it was VOTED to adjourn the meeting at 11:40 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Rena O. Castigl'~ni Secretary