1968/10/22 MINUTES Board of Finance Special Meeting October 22, 1968 Members Present: Members Absent: Others Present: Thomas W. Ward, Jr., Wolcott S. Brown, Mrs. Blanche J. Delaney, John F. Miller and Dominick F. Scerra Robert A. Sprague Kensington Grammar School PTA: Anthony J. Monterosso, President Mrs. Peter Dalena, Mrs. John Cook, Jr., Mr. & Mrs. George W. Lubin, Mr. & Mrs. Robert W. Garlick, Mr. & Mrs. Stanley J. Bakaj Joseph Tironzoni, Edward Pajor, Robert Brown, Mrs. Kenneth Munson, Mr. & Mrs. Robert Pulito, Mrs. Vincent Lewandowski, Anthony P. Parisi, Mrs. Emilie L. Yukna; Peter G. Gaulton, Principal; George W. Bountress, Superintendent of Schools, Warren Kingsbury and Dr. John McIntosh, Board of Education. (Pal of Meeting) Albert J. Dudzik, Jr., Town Auditor; James H. Godfrey, Chairman of Water and Sewer Commission; Lillian M. Rudnick, Town Treasure] Morgan Seelye, Town Engineer. (Part of Meeting) Mrs. Blanche Mahan of the Press. Meeting called to order at 8:05 p.m. by Chairman Ward. Minutes of October 8, 1968 meeting are to be corrected and so noted in the official minute book in the Town Clerk's office as follows: Page 2, second paragraph, last wor~ in first line should be changed from authorized to trans- ferred and will now read, "It was VOTED that the sum of $2,000 be transferred.." It was VOTED to approve the minutes of the October 8, 1968 meeting as corrected. Bills It was VOTED to approve payment of bill in the amount of $468.00 to IBM for the Selectric typewriter from capital item C3n, Board of Finance, electric typewriter. Communications Complete budget breakdown and individual #6 Board of Finance breaRdown from the Selectmen's Office covering period ending September 30, 1968. Letter from Arthur B. Powers, First Selectman dated October 16, 1968 advising of a meeting held with officials of The Connectkut Light and Power Company, Northeast Utilities and the Town of Berlin regarding the building of the new portion of Selden Street. Mr. Ward, having attended the meeting, reported further and discussion followed with no action taken at this time. Other Business (1) Playground Improvements - Kensington Grammar School. Mr. Warren Kings- bury, Chairman of the Board of Education, stated that this group was here because of pressures having been brought on the Board of Education to remedy the in- adequate playground situation at KGS for both physical education and general play purposes. This prompted considerable study by the school administration with consultants from the State, the Park and Recreation Commission and a private source, resulting in the establishment of a set of priorities on a short and long-term basis for a playground facility improvement program at KGS. (A report listing these priorities, including cost estimates and a map of area involved was distributed by Mr. Bountress to the Board of Finance.) Mr. Kingsbury advised further that at the last meeting of the Board of Education, it was voted to undertake this project subject to the approval of the Board of Finance and to ask for a supplemental appropriation of $5,875.00, since this money is not included in the current budget, to complete, as soon as possible, the short-term improvements as listed. General discussion followed regarding the time element for accomplishing. the short-term plan, the long-term phase of this program, the future plans for Kensington Grammar School, the unknowns faced by the town to meet commitments relative to teachers' salaries, negotations with school personnel and the police union and the wisdom of including this item in next year's budget. Upon completion of discussion, Mr. Ward expressed the thanks of this Board to those attending and stated that the Board fully realizes the importance of the project and would advise the Board of Education, by letter, of this Board's decision. (2) Meeting with Messrs. Dudzik, Godfrey, Seelye and Mrs. Lillian Rudnick Ito discuss the financial aspects of the Water and Sewer Commission and related !matters. Mr. Seelye reported that he had received an opinion from Town Counsel IJackaway, a copy of which had been sent to this Board, which states that you can apply revenues from one water and/or sewer project to another. This confirms ~letter dated May 1, 1968 to the Board of Finance. Mr. Godfrey advised that his iCommission has engaged Cahn Engineers to prepare a plan for a total sewer system !for the Town of Berlin as required by the State Water Resources Commission. This iplan must be completed and forwarded to the State Commission by December 31, 1968, iwho in turn will forward same to the Federal government, and if approved will obligate the Town to proceed w~th the ~mplementatlon of this plan. Federal and ~State monies will be available to cover certain aspects of the plan. Further discussion followed regarding alternatives for financing, responsibilities and duties of personnel handling records and monies, importance of the plan being prepared by the Water and Sewer Commission and how it will give a general direction to future projects, water pollution and assessments. (3) Review of budget form for use by departments, boards and commissions. Secretary was authorized to make the necessary arrangements for printing and ordering. There being no further business, it was VOTED to adjourn the meeting at 11:10 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Rena O. Castigli~ni Secretary