1968/10/08 MINUTES BOARD OF FINANCE Special Meeting October 8, 1968 Members Present: Others Present: Thomas W. Ward. Jr., Wolcott S. Brown, Mrs. Blanche J. Delaney, Robert A. Sprague, Dominick F. Scerra (8:10) and John F. Miller (8:30) Morgan Seelye, Director of Public Works (Part of Meeting); Bruno Romegialli, Chief, William Skene and Norman Martinelli, East Berlin Fire Department (Part of Meeting); Arthur B. Powers, First Selectman (Part of Meeting); Mrs. Blanche Mahan of the Press Meeting called to order at 7:52 p.m. by Chairman Ward. It was VOTED to approve the minutes of September 24, 1968. Bills It was' VOTED to approve the payment of bill to Rena O. Castiglioni for $80.00 for secretarial services for the month of September, 1968 from #6 Board of Finance. Transfers Letter from Arthur B. Powers, First Selectman dated S%ptember 26, 1968 stating that Harold Bomba, Town Clerk had advised the Selectmen that under a new law voting machines must be examined once every two years in order to determine if they are in good working order and requesting an appropriation to cover payment. It was VOTED to transfer $77.00 from #127 Contingency to #5 Election Expense, and it was further VOTED to authorize the Selectmen to engage the services of an examiner for the voting machines as required by statute at a cost of $77.00 from #5 Election Expense. Letter from Arthur B. Powers, First Selectman dated September 26, 1968 advising of the need for a part-time man to work with Leo Desrochers, full-time custodain, due to the increase in work at the Community House and Selden School because of frequent use and the need, in many instances, of two men to do repair work on the various town buildings in addition to normal maintenance and requesting an appropriation to cover same. Mr. Ward reported that he, Morgan Seelye and Leo Desrochers had met with the Board of Selectmen following the September 23rd town meeting to discuss this matter. Mr, Powers joined the meeting during the discussion and urged the granting of the request and stated that by hiring a part-time man now, they would be in a better position to determine what the needs would be in the future on a full-time basis. It was VOTED that the sum of $2,000 be authorized from #127 Contingency to #15a Town Hall, maintenance labor, town properties, in order to provide, effective November 18, 1968 or thereafter, a part-time custodian as outlined in First Selectman's letter dated September 26, 1968. 5 In Favor 1 Opposed (Sprague) Letter from Registrars of Voters dated October 1, 1968 advising of the immediate need for telephone service (telephone jack) in their office in order to conduct their business in a more efficient and proper manner. It was VOTED that the Selectmen be requested to install a telephone for the registrars, if possible as a jack off an existing phone, preferably the Town Clerk, as requested in letter of October 1, 1968. Communications Letter from Harold F. Bomba, Town Clerk dated October 2, 1968 explaining the requirement of Public Act 229 re the inspection and certification of all voting machines which has resulted in the expenditure of $77.00 plus the need of additional monies not definitely determined at this time but in the area of $100.00 for items for the voting machines md asking for an appropriation to cover same. Mr. Ward will inform the Town Clerk, by letter, regarding the action taken on the $77.00 expenditure previously and request further clarification on the other matters. word authorized in this line should be changed to transferred correction noted below per meeting of 10/22/68 Other Business Letter from Water and Sewer Commission dated October 3, 1968 requesting the Board of Finance to approve the call of a town meeting to act on a recommendation to authorize the town to borrow sums not to exceed $100,000 in bonds or notes to provide water and sewer on Norton Road to serve the junior high school. Mr. Seelye appeared personally in support of this request and presented a copy of a resolution and the call of the town meeting for this Board's review and action. Considerable discussion followed regarding the financial aspects of the Water and Sewer Commission, assessments and related matters. Mr. Ward suggested to Mr. Seelye that he confer with Town Counsel Jackaway to determine, in a more authoriative manner, whether or not revenues received from one water and/or sewer project can be applied to a similar project in another section of town. Also, the Chairman would, in the immediate future, call a meeting with the Chairman of the Water and Sewer Commission, Mr. Seelye, Town Auditor, Town Treasurer and this Board to discuss in more detail the various matters regarding the financing of water and sewer projects. It was then VOTED as follows: RESOLVED, That the Board of Finance recommend an appropriation of $100,000 to defray $70,000 estimated costs of extending sewer facilities to the site of the new junior high school and $30,000 estimated costs of extending water facilities thereto. FURTHER RESOLVED, That the Board of Selectmen be requested to call a town · %eeting to act upon such appropriation and to authorize an issue of water and sewer bonds or notes in an amount not to exceed $100,000 necessary to defray such portion of the foregoing appropriation as is required for construction of said water and sewer facilities, as recommended by the Water and Sewer Commission in letter dated October 3, 1968. Discussion was reopened with the three representatives from the East Berlin Fire Department who appeared at the request of the Board to answer further questions regarding letter of September 21, 1968 which requested an additional appropriation for completing the equipping of their fire truck. Following discussion, which reemphasized the facts in origi~l letter, the Board VOTED to recommend that the Board of Selectmen call a Town Meeting to act upon an appropriation not to exceed $3,300 from the General Fund to capital item C6 East Berlin Fire Department for the purpose of completing the equipping of a fire truck authorized in fiscal 1968. Following discussion, it was the consensus of the Board to start future meetings at 8:00 p.m. There being no further business, it was VOTED to adjourn the meeting at 10:15 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Rena O. Castigl~oni Secretary