1968/05/21BERLIN BOARD OF FINANCE MINUTES May 14, 1968 -continued$ b. The following was unanimously* voted: A budget in the total amount of $4,171,037 based on an amount to be raised by taxes, current levy, of $3,217,027 be and hereby is adopted for presentation to the annual budget meeting on May 21, 1968 as the budget for the town of Berlin for 1968-1969. *Note: Chrm. Doran and Mr. D. Scerra wished to go on record that they went along with this action only to bring a budget before the townspeople in order to avoid interruption of the town's service~ which would result if no budget was presented due to a tie vote on this Board. Chrm. Doran and Mr. Scerra repeated for the record that the $106,000 amortization payment for the Emhart bonds was money which would not be due in 1968-69 because tile bonds would not be floated unt-~l well after July l, 1968 and therefore it was not proper to levy a tax in this manner to raise money which would not be needed. The following corrections to the minutes of previous meetings were voted: a. May 7 --- Item 1.d.6 - change #216 to #2lb. b. Feb. 29 -- The following minute should be written: "Members present: Chrm. Doran, Messrs. Brown, Ward, Scerra and Mrs. De~Aney and Mr. Sprague Others present: James Godfrey, Chairman of the Water & Sewer Com- mission. It was voted unanimously to go into executive session. Mr. Godfrey discussed the matter of options on properties. There was no action taken. It was voted to go out of executive session and the meeting was adjourned." c. April 8 -- Item la - add "Mr. Sprague was opposed and was authorized to obtain a breakdown of the welfare payments made to strikers. d. Feb. 15,-- after Members Present add "Mr. Sprague". 6. It was voted unanimously* to approve the minutes for October 24, 1967 thru and including May 7, 1968. *Note: Mr. Scerra abstained because he was not a member of the Board for the whole of this period. Meeting adjourned at 9:20 P.M. Philip D. Doran, Chairman Board of Finance BERLIN BOARD OF FINANCE MINUTES SPECIAL MEETING MAY 21, 1968 MEMBERS PRESENT: Chrm. Doran, Messrs. Brown Ward, Scerra and Mrs. Delaney Chairman Doran called the meeting to order at 7:35 P.M. in the Cafeteria of the High School. Business was transacted and/or recorded as follows: 1. Chrm. Doran reported that Mrs. SylVia had advised that her records in- dicated that #127 Contingency had been over-drawn by $616. While it was still not clear to the Board that this had actually occurred, in order to definitely take care of the matter until more details were known the following actions were taken: a. It was voted to rescind Item la in the minutes of May ? which transferred $890 from #127 to #5 Election expense. b. It was voted to transfer $890 from the General Fund to #5 Election Ex- pense in accordance with a letter from R. Powers for the Democrat prlmaryI 2. It was voted to approve for payment out of #3 High Court a bill for $14 incurred by Atty. Dawson in repDesenting the town in the case of Carlson vs, Zoning Board of Appeals and payable to court reporter William A. Wlnkler. 3. Voted to approve the following transfers within the BPHS 67-68 budget as requested by J. Lutkus in letter dated May 15, 1968: a. Transfer $100.00 from our Retirement Fund #52E to Professional Staff #52A. b. Transfer $250.00 from Retirement Fund #52 E to General Expenses #52 D. c.Transfer $100.00 from Travel Expenses #52 D to General Expenses #52 D. d. Transfer $25.00 from Board Secretary #52 C to General Expenses #52 D. The special meeting was recessed at 7:55 P.M. in order to attend the Annual Budget Meeting scheduled for 8:00 BERLIN BOARD OF FINANCE MINUTES RECONVENED SPECIAL MEETING MAY 21, 1968 MEMBERS PRESENT: Chrm. Doran, Messrs. Brown, Ward, Scerra and Mrs. Delaney OTHERS PRESENT: Town Counsel Jackaway, First Selectman A. B. Powers, Chairman Doran opened the meeting at 10:00 P.M. Chairman Doran opened the meeting at 10:00 P.M. Business was transacted and/or recorded as follows: 4. Town Counsel Jaokaway explained that a situation had developed on which he thought the town would wish to take expeditious action. The matter - had to do with a complicated time-table of agreements and chain of events connected with the installation of culverts under Webster Square Road goin~ back to 1959-61 when the Route 72 bypass was constructed. Mr. Jackaway said that by agreement of all parties involved (the State of Connecticut, Mr. Chase, the Webster Square developer and the Town of Berlin) the town could settle the whole thing with a sum of $1995. It was voted to transfer $1995 from the General Fund to #3 High Court to permit payment of $1995 in full settlement of claims by the State of Connecticut against the town of Berlin for culvert construction under Webster Square Road. Mr. Jackaway left the meeting. EXECUTIVE MEETING MAY 21, 1968 It was voted to go into executive session to set the tax rate. Mr. Ward moved that the tax rate for the 1968-69 fixcal year be set at 38 mills against an amount to be raised by taxes, current levy, of $3,063,527. Mrs. Delaney seconded the motion. Chrm. Doran called for the vote by show of hands and declared ~he motion passed unanimously. Note: The foregoing action was predicated upon action by the annual budget meeting which amended (reduced) the budget presented by the Board of Finance (see Item 4b of the May 14, 1968 minutes) to a total of $4,017,537 with an amount to be raised by taxes of $3,063,527. The amendments consisted of deleting amortization Item 145, $106,000, and reducing Interest Item 139a from $95,000 to $47,500 for a total reduction of $153,500 on She basis that the bonds involved would not be floated until after July l, 1968; consequently no amortization payment would have to be met in the 1968-69 fiscal year; also not more than on ~ar's interest or one-half of $95,000 (i.e. $47,500) would be d in that period. Philip D. Doran, Chairman Board of Finance It was voted to go out of executive session. It was voted to adjourn at 11:00 P.M. ~-half ' [e