1968/02/08 BERLIN BOARD OF FINANCE I~ETI~ FEBRUARY 8, 1968 H~I/BERS PRESEI~T: Chm. Doran, W. Broom, T. Ward, B. Delaney, R. Sprague, D. Scerra OTHER~ PRESENT: Hrs. Nahan (Press), the Public Building C~ittee and To~n Officials presenting their budgets as listed herein under Item 3. MiS C~.LIANEOUS: 1. Letter Feb. ? from A. Po~ers on Town Planning. 2. Letter Jan. 22 from A. Po~ers changing jurors' budget to $150. Letter San. 30 from J. HcQueeney requesting approval of Jr. High School plIns and appro- val to call. a town meeting on same on Feb. 12 followed by a referendum Feb. 13 in order to meet tight schedule to be ready for the most favorable bidding period in early Spring. Present: Chrm. J. Mc~ueeney (PBC), A. Condolpho, L. Abrahamson; Archieects Don Hammer- berg, Chas. Boos; Chrm. W. Kingsbury (Bd. of Ed.), Landry, $. Hclntosh Chrm. Doran invited l/r. ltcqueeney to present the matter of the Jr. High School. Hr. licqueeney introduced the architect, Don Han~nerberg, who presented a detailed descrip- tion of the building and the plans for a total coat of $3,467,775. After a considerable period of questioning by Board members, Chrm. Doran proposed that a motion was in order to authorize a to~rn meeting at the earliest legal date. (Chrm. Doran pointed out to Fw. Hcqueeney that his desired date of Feb. 12 could not now be met due to the legal requirement for five (5) days notice as well as the time r~tuired to prepare the call and the necessary resolutions and that therefore the earliest practical date would appear to be Feb. 20). Hr. Brmen moved that the Bd. of Selectmen be authorized to call a to~nl meeting to consider and act upon an appropriation not to exceed ~3,470,000 for const~ucting, fur- nishfng and equipping a Jr. High School in the town-owned Norton Road site /ncluding landscaping and site development as described to the Board of Finance by the Public Building Commission and their architect on Feb. 8, 1968. Mr. Ward seconded the motion, stating that he did so only in order to discuss the matter. After another considerable period d~ discussion, Chairman Doran pointed out that this already costly school would very probably only become even more costly if there was any further delay in authorizing the toum meeting as a necessary first step to authorize calling for bids as early as possible this Spring. Chairman Doran then called for I:he vote on the motion. Votin§ in favor were: Doran, Brown and Scerra; opposed were: l~rd, Delaney and Sprague who stated that they were not aBainsC the school but needed more time to study the proposal. Chrm. Doran declared the vote to be a tie and the motion was lost. 4. The following To~n officials appeared at the invitation of this Board to discuss their proposed budgets for 1968-69: a. Treasurer, Lillian Rudntck The Treasurer was advised that any borrowed funds were to be set up in separate special accounts for the purpose borrowed and not put in the General Fund. b. Chairman Joe Alix of the Pollution Abatement Cou~nittee. c. Chrm. Dr. gultar of the Coamittee for the Aging. d. Chrm. Arnold Carlson of the Co~ittee on Youth. 5. Hr. Ward handed the chairman a resolution and moved that the resolution be incorporated in the Board minutes. The motion was duly seconded. Chrm. Doran read the resolution. The vote on the motion was: in favor: Ward, Delaney and Sprague; opposed: Doran, Brown and Scerra. Chrm. Doran declared the vote to be a tie and the motion ~as lost. The meeting was adjourned at 10:45 P.M. Entered in the public record Hay 8, 1968 at the request of Chairman Philip D. Doran Joanne G. Ward