1976/06/29 ~k,lt If}! .A r-.i.:-..ttcs 0:;:' .I,,!::" Ji.L'lC 29, 1976 PCl.rk 8: ~'.\:;c:rt:;c::..ticn Co::r:.~issi',n ::\..-. tij,-'L. "."os'~ ~rd:.;cnt '~;c..re Ch2.ir::'.:n Dr. ::ini:ry, I-:r. L1:.oil1, i.:r. "lJ1,2, 1(1'. ?oe, Lr. Er.nicc, 1":1'. Grc,h:::::n, Ilr. I'U~rzcj(;;""ISki, t::.r:d. :::1'. :':2.1.11e, J., Jic1.io:-: \.r.s !J2.de Ly :':1'. Ludn -\:!:'-'~c pGrDis810n ',.:ill "os C'ivcn to (':::c~ir..:;~r.. :!Jr. :.ir~i!'J' to s,;.~rove :, SiC,l1 all tills cEOfore 'the (.nd. 0:: .J~'ht; ~i~~~l ye~r. ~otion carried.. TO'.,L CC'J:1.scl :'::r. J~c:"~: ";::;~J; L::e~'lt to Dr. :~inir:y ..he orUll1s,nce concerninc . ,r.rC r'J.lc..~. Dr. :=i1'.i rJ' Lh..roved G; rE;turned t~(le:n to hiD. ~ : ,r. :,00 stc;.tGd th::t 0:11y nonpro:fi t orC2.nizations ::.ere ,...",iv(;:Q the fee ~'or ~~e ~iI~Erli~ pic~ic area. :::c Y.I,;.C.A. 2.Sk8a. pcr~if:sion -LO use t~lt: ten:-lis cO"J.rts :;::rC(; oj,' ch rc~ (': -,_f:.SJ ',0'..11-.: "h;.,rCt; :::: ='\.,;e. Iermission v:as ut:l:ic;c.. . ,r. Gr",hc I:l stclteo. 1,h:t the [olf course hc..s t: ..en in '; ~,OOO. CO ov ~r 1, ~t ~'c :-~r :.t -cni::: ti.:,e. ..t. ti-,,- '-..djourr-ed ~.:..t 7:2') Ft.::. .:." :'!{ r:t;;CrL ~ tion h<.. ctinG Aug\:st 5, 1976. Secreti.ry :'ucille Luddy ~ July 1976 meeting held June 29. 1976 i .. · ~i th &. :~lebes Senitro1 S8C Sys of New Brit~in Russo ErothE:rs Hungerfords B & 3 Auto Parts Inc. i'::8.[,overn Gewj?hil Inc Albert Zikorus II CL&P II II S & S Arts & Crafts 3er1in Pharmc~cy r~ihm Church Inc. P1imptons Hadfie1ds fI National Recreation & Park Assoc. Centeral Conn. Swim League A. 3. Dick Co. L. Luda.y RO-Brane. Products Inc. Cu:P " II II " " S~~ Telephone Co. II " II II Son Sec Sys of New Britain Tu11 Brethers Hartford Fire Extiguisher Tul1 Brothers Ace Advance Suburban Electric Co. Copp's Stand C. A. Turner Co. A1breaQa Ref~se Inc. The City Grindi~g I'lagovern II " Chevron Natim a1 ChemseG:..rch . .,,'- ......--..... -- --.._--;~..." ^ S 13.65 83.00 546.00 170.00 ~4.13 7 ~ . 84 58.50 100.00 10C.00 31.29 179.58 2.27 55.05 1.99 29.93 14.20 11.95 32.90 10.00 75.00 10.56 35.00 39.00 13.09 5.24 4.50 2.27 8.86 69.88 9.95 13.62 11.62 16.55 39.55 50 . 50 122.90 60.00 69.80 46.80 1500.00 100.00 14.09 45.00 22.00 160.98 9.03 10.36 192.94 200.00 Meeting adjourned at 9:05 P.M. Park ann RecreG..tion Meeting July 1, 1976 ....'...~~~ ~;",~~;'\-;;';'.~....~,~._......' '".-.....' ._~ fI 3515 3510 3512 3520 3515 II 3521 3509 1977 1981 fI fI 1923 1929 1912 1929 1922 1929 1912 2.923 3512 3511 3510 " II 3511 3510 3511 " 11 fI 1986 fI 1985 " 1986 " 1985 1985 " 1983 " " " 1986 " Secretary . Lucille Luddy