2002/03/14PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION A regular meeting of the Parks & Recreation Commission was called to order on Thursday, March 14, 2002 at 7:00 p.m. in room 4 at the Community Center, Berlin, CT. PRESENT: Len Zielinski, Chairman, Jeff Cugno, Rick DeGroff, Rob Sylvester and Chuck Warner. ALSO PRESENT: Steve Kelly, Director of Parks & Recreation, Lindsey Hansen, Golf Pro and Jonathan Zuk, Greenskeeper. ABSENT: Ed Giana and Vic Salce. AUDIENCE OF CITIZENS: Effie Peshka and Madeline Shaw from Timberlin's" Ladies 18 Holers' reviewed their golfing schedule with the Commission. Mr. Hansen stated that there were no conflicts except for 6/20/02 with the Men's Club. Mr. Hansen then stated that this would be worked out. Mr. DeGroff moved to approve the schedule as Presented seconded by Mr. Warner and voted unanimously. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Mr. Warner moved to approve the February minutes, seconded by Mr. Syivester and voted unanimously. TIMBERLIN GOLF COURSE: Parks & Recreation Commission/Page 2 Mr. Hansen stated that he needed clarification regarding the change of time for restricted tickets during the week. Mr. Hansen stated that by keeping the time at 2p.m. it would eliminate a Jr. resident with a restricted season ticket from being able to play at a reduced rate. After some discussion, Mr. Warner moved to approve setting the time for use of the restricted season ticket back to 3p.m. while Berlin schools were in session, for both juniors and seniors, seconded by Mr. Sylvester and voted unanimously. While schools are on summer break, the time would revert back to 2 p.m. Mr. Hansen needed clarification regarding the price for non-resident family season tickets. The price is $1275.00 for the first member and $1200.00 for the second member. Jonathan Zuk then reviewed his report with the Commission. He stated that the Men's Club donation of granite tree markers have been installed. He then mentioned that he had been contacted by the Men's Club regarding the donation of a new granite sign 84" x 40" for the entrance of Timberlin. The cost is estimated about $3300.00. The consensus of the Commission is to keep the sign clean and simple. Approval for the design, once completed, will come back to the Commission and then go to the Town Council. PARKS & RECREATION: Mr. Kelly presented the financial statement of the Berlin Youth Soccer Association. The Town funds the Association $2000.00 a year. Mr. Warner moved to approve the release of the fiscal year 2002 funds, seconded by Mr. Sylvester and voted unanimously. The Timberlin Men's Club schedule was reviewed and discussed. Mr. Warner moved to approve the schedule as presented seconded by Mr. Sylvester and voted unanimously. The Berlin Chamber of Commerce would like to host their 20th annual tournament on 6/12/02. Mr. Sylvester moved to approve, seconded by Mr. Cugno and voted unanimously. Mr. Kelly has received a request from the YMCA to hold Camp Thunder Moon. at Griswold school this summer. The YMCA will also hold overnights at Sage Park and are looking for a waiver of fees. Mr. Warner moved to waive the fees, seconded by Mr. Sylvester and voted unanimously. Parks & Recreation Commission/Page 3 Upbeat will hold their mini car show at Sage Park and would like to sell food. Mr. Warner moved to approve the sale of food, seconded by Mr. Sylvester and voted unanimously. It was noted that DARE had been contacted and they are aware that they will not be allowed to use the baseball field for parking or exhibits. NEW BUSINESS: Mr. Kelly presented the new fees and policies for the Parks & Recreation programs. He indicated that there is a very slight increase in price in some of the programs. Mr. Kelly has indicated that there has been a decline in some programs due to the economy, and some other programs have shown growth. Mr. Cugno moved to approve the fees and policies, seconded by Mr. DeGroff and voted unanimously. COMMUNITY CENTER POLICIES/PROCEDURES: Mr. Kelly presented the policies and procedures for the Community Center, and stated that they are consistent with the Town Council's. Mr. DeGroff moved to approve the policies and procedures, seconded by Mr. Cugno and voted unanimously. DISCUSSION FIELD FEES: This item was tabled until April. Men's Softball will play one night a week during May, June and July. There have been some slight cuts in the Parks & Recreation budget. There has been a request from the Canine Search operation to use BiCentennial Park for a program. Officer Jim Goselin will oversee the program. Negotiations for a Concessionaire at Timberlin Golf Course are in progress. The Golf course is opening on Friday, 3/15/02. Parks & Recreation Commission/Page 4 ADJOURNMENT: Mr. Cugno moved to adjourn the meeting at 8:40 p.m., seconded by Mr. Warner and voted unanimously. ~espectfully Sub.,~itted, Marie Ralph, Recording Secretary