2000/11/09A Regula~ Meeting o~ the ~ ~ *a-one & Recreation Commission w~s ¢aiie~ to order at 7:10 p.m. ~:~ November 9, 2000 a~ the C~r~un~F ~t,~. Berlin, Connecticut. '~.. -' PRESENT: Vic Salce opened the meetznU without a quorum. Members prec~n~ a~ this time w~re Tom Amenua and Ed Giana. Len Zielinski joined the meeting at 8:20 p.m, assure±nE thru cl~air and making the quorum, ALSO PRESENT: Jonathan Zuk, Lindse¥ Han~e:~, Dave Paradise and Steve K~!ly, Director of Parks & Lacking a quorum, recomn;end~tions only were made at tills time. ORDI~FANcE REGULATIN~ PARKS A~D OPE~ SPACE LA~Ds IN TIlE TO~ OF B~LIN: To~ Council me,er At,y. Paul Argazzi came beiore the Co--lesion to address ~estion~ and definitions related to the current ordinance and POten~iai chan9~s for Parks a Open Space Lands. It was noted that a park ~ an i~roved piece of property, requiring 'maintenance and developed for active recreation, whereas open space re~ires no maintenance and is used for passive recreation, ~e Co--lesion will review the Ordinance and put it on the December Agenda. ~e Ordinance Co~iss~on will help draft the definition. B~LIN BABE R~ L~GUE: P~ ~mately $5~000 each North~~ .... ~j. 'lhe scoreboards cos: poles. Net~in~ ~-~ ~ . ' __ . ~ast ~ta~ties will ut ~ w~ ce ~n~talled. ~ .... ~ ..... p up the with the installation. ~-~ ~ra~zse sees no problem ~* Co~is~ione~ recO~ended the To~ Co~cil accept th~ donations Mr. Swanson al~o asked for approval for the allocation of re~inin9 f~d~ to i~rove uh, audio ~y~tem and replace the at Sage Park. ~e amoun~ o~ the allocation would he approximately $1~,000. ~. Swanson al~o ~niormed the Cotillion that Uhe Batting Tunnel donated by the baseball leagues had been stolen at The Commissioners recommended that the use of these funds be approved. TIMBERLIN GOLF COURSZ: Mr. Zuk pre~ented his monthly report and his proposed budget 2001-2002. Mr. Zuk stated that increased fuel, and seed and chemical costs are the principle driers oi the slight ~rea~e in his budget. He noted that some figures provided by the Berlin Finance Department were no[ ava~iable. Mr. Zuk stated that Physical Services would eventually like in a different direction regarding the lease on the Bradley barn. Physical Services is considering construction oia patio for cart storage freeing the full maintenance building for use by .Hr. Zuk'~ department. The Commission recommended ~r. Zuk'~ budget with the figures presented. At this time, Mr. %uk r~que$~ed authorization to accept the donation of a red maple tre~ from the Lady Niners. The Commissioners recommended that the 5res donation be accepted. Mr. Hansen presented his Comparative Report. PUBLIC GBOONDS: Mr. Paradise presented h~ :::onthiy report and his 2001-2002 budget. Mr. Paradise also feel~ that fuel increases and seed and chemical increases have driven %he ~ncrease in =he budget. Mr. Paradise discussed the extension of the ~intenanc. of the contracts for cemetery an~ cul-de-sac maintenance, H~ also ~i~cus~ed th~ 2nd and 3rd phases of the Paper Goods Project. He noted that some figures provided ~c,y the Berlin Finance Department were not avaalable. Th~ Co~issioners reco~ended the approval o~ the Public Grounds Budget ~,rith the figures pze~en~.~d. APPROVAL OF HINUTES: At this time Mr. Zle~,n~ joined the meeting, achieving a quorum. Mr. Amenta made a motion to approve the October Minutes, seconded by Mr. Sales and w~,ted unanimously. (III) PARKS & RECREATION: Mr. Kelly oresented his ...... et wi an increase of approximately ~ $10,000-$12,000 over last y~ar. Included in the budget wac ~ request for a part time recreation supervisor and a part time secretary. ~'mhere will also be an increase for pool workers and life guards to keep up with the rising wages. Last year, Mr. Kelly barely got by with the amounts for worker:~ hired. He indicated that the minimum wage would be increasing again next year and this would further increase the difficulty in hiring qualified pool personnel. Also noted was a decre~:~e in school usage of about $7,500 due to the reallooating of ftinds for Travel basketball to a new account. After a brief review of the Public Grounds and Golf Course Budgets, Mr. Salce made a motion to approve the budget with the figures presented, seconded by Mr. ~unenta and voted unanimou~iy. Hr. Kelly mentioned that h~ is looking to increase programming such as fitness classes at the Community Center. Mr. Salce recommended that for programs such as Tai Bo, Kick Boxing and Aerobic Training that only uertified instructors be hired for liability protection reasons. Hr. Kelly.spoke about the possible realignment of Percival Field, due to the conflict with the Knights of Columbus. The outfield in right center field would be shortened about 35 ft. It was noted that the High School would not be able to use the field if this occurs. Perhaps this could be used a~ a football The sale of Portable Classrooms appears to be a possibility in the near future. This would impact the storage of sports equipment for soccer and midget football. The Chamber of Commerce will hold their Christmas Festival at Volunteer Park. The size of the Boundless Playground at Willard was discussed. This would impact the Softball Field and another soccer field would be reduced in size. Hr. Kelly received a recue=: for a free family pool pass for the Tinsel Run. ' Hr. Amenta made a motion to approve the request, seconded by ~r. Giana and voted unanimously. The Community Art League would like to use the Community Cen~er about 12 times starting in December through February. They would like the fee waived. Based on previous experience, Kr. Amenta made a motion to send the request to the Town Manager for her decision, seconded by Mr. Salce and voted unanimously. Mr. Kelly had investiganed the use of Willow Brook Park for potential usage for a midget football game. The cost would he $740.00 a game, which is too exorbitant. Mr. Kelly had checked into the health issue oi trash bins. There was not a concern regarding the West Nile Virus. Mr. Kelly also checked ~.nto the pouential loss of Locip Funds regarding Skateboard Park. We would not loose the funds. The funds can be carried over. Mr. Kelly stated that Wom~n's Basketball will he using Hooreiand Hill's Gym. He indicated %hat the Mooreland Hill administration has been extremely cooperative in the support that they have given his department. NEW BUSINESS: Ttmberlin Golf Tournaments ~ere discussed, noting the weekend time allotted for the~e tournaments. The Commission would like ~o see previous calendars and this years calendar, not only the Men's Club schedule to gather data. The iniorma=ion provided that there were more tha~ 15 weekend tournaments and Co~mlissioners expressed concerns about potential abuse of ~he reservation process. Mr. Kelly asked the Commission to read the Town Charter pages provided to become ~amiliar with the Parks & Recreation de[ined responsibilities. M)JOURNI/E~f: Mr. ~enta made a motion %0 adjourn, seconded by Mr. Giana and voted unanimously. Time of adjournment was 9:50 p.m. ~ct fully Submitted, !~arie Ralpht Recordin~ 5ecr.~ary