1998/07/09Park & Recreation Commission The July 9, 1998 meeting of the Park & Recreation Commission was called to order at 7:I0 P.M. by chairman Dave Bush. Those present were Phil Maule, Ed Giana, Don Sasek, Len Zielinski, Steve Kelly and Lindsey Hansen. APPROVAL OF MINUTES The minutes of the May 14, 1998 meeting were amended to eliminate any mention of the Town contributing towards the relocation of the Community Center as part of the agreement to receive State funding, as the Bonding Commission has not made such a request to date. A motion was made by Mr. Giana, seconded by Mr. Sasek and voted unanimously to approve the May 14, 1998 minutes as amended. The Jtme 11, 1998 minutes were amended as follows: page 1, paragraph 11 - Mr. Paradise will make a judgement on use of the football field by BYSA on September 12 and 13 and it is not necessary for him to report back to the Commission. A motion was made by Mr. Sasek, seconded by Mr. Maule and voted unanimously to approve the June 11, 1998 minutes as amended. TIMBERLIN GOLF COURSE Mr. Hansen reviewed his comparative report as of July 9, 1998; overall, revenue is up 6.2% over last year. He has noticed a significant increase in young people on the course this yew, which he is happy to see. Mr. Sasek asked about an age limit. It states on the scorecards no one undeff~l~ is allowed but Mr. Hansen believes this does not have to be strictly enforced and he likes to be able to use his discretion when very young golfers are on the course. Mr. Salce asked when the net will be put back up at the driving range, he feels the range should be closed until the net is back up to protect the maintenance building. Mr. Hansen stated that is the responsibility of the maintenance department. Mr. Kelly will request this matter be addressed in next month's report from Al Beckley. Mr. Salce also asked what has been done to speed up play and has anything been done for an intermediate cut. Mr. Bush stated that the new superintendent will attend the next meeting and this is something the commission can discuss with him. In the meantime, this is something Mr. Beckley can also address in his next report. Mr. Salce commented about the need for trimming around the maintenance building and a problem with the concession dumpster overflowing. Mr. Hansen has also noticed the latter problem and has talked to Mr. Chirico about having his staff fill the dumpster from the back first, instead of dumping everything inside the door until it is overflowing while the back is still empty as they currently do. Mr. Bush asked opinion of other Commissioners regarding Mr. Chirico having a cart on the course with beverages and snacks. Mr. Hansen said it was tried but didn't work out well because the staffwas not trained on correct way to sell on the course. Mr. Salce was concerned that it would slow up play and create a problem with litter on the courses. Mr. Bush thought it might be something to consider for Mr. Chirico's next contract. Mr. Bush asked about brown spots on back of//l and//2. Mr. Beckley told Mr. Kelly the areas were thatched and seeded and they should come back. A letter was received from Conn. Interscholastic Conference thanking Timberlin for hosting their recent tournament. PUBLIC GROUNDS Dave Paradise's report was reviewed. Request for bids for new playground equipment have not gone out yet. The Commission is very concemed with the delay in getting bid information out to suppliers because the delay adversely effects children and families using the playgrounds. Mr. Kelly reported that he has been having trouble with the contractor picking up trash in parks. He has been sent a letter putting him on notice. Now that the new fiscal year has begun, a contractor is being lined up to take care of the stump in the Seymour Road cemetery that Mr. Salce has been concemed with. Mr. Paradise looked into the feasibility of Midget Football using the field inside the track at the high school. He listed the pros and cons and forwarded the report to Mike Tara, president of Midget Football. Mr. Sasek commented that the swings at Timberlin Park are wrapped around the top bar and there is a 6 to 7 inch cavity beneath each swing. He also asked if the geometric climbing equipment at Murray Heights is safe. Mr. Kelly has inspected all the equipment but he will check it again in case he misl~tejt that piece. PARK & RECREATION As requested at last month's meeting, Mr. Kelly contacted Steve Hinchliffe of BYSA regarding parents parking on Patterson Way for the soccer gaines on the new field at the high school. Mr. Hinchliffe felt it was an unfair concem because adult education has always parked on the street and no one has ever complained. The issue was dropped. Mr. Kelly reported that there was some vandalism earlier in the summer. He has been working with the Police Department and it seems to have stopped. The annual playground/pool parade is scheduled for August 12 (raindate August 13). Bid for Sage baseball bleachers will be going out. Plans for the building are moving forward. Mr. Kelly has sent out the paperwork to the lighting contractor regarding the lights on Sage baseball field. He is waiting to hear from them. Mr. Bush stated that all file efforts of the commission to appease the public regarding the lights needs to be documented and shov. n to the Town Council. Four drop-ins are planned during the summer at Sage Park fer high school youth, run by DARE and UpBeat. Midget Football has changed their home games from Saturdays to Snndays, running from 9:30 A.M. to 7:30 P.M. A motion was made by Mr. Zielinski, seconded by Mr. Giana and voted tmanimously to approve the selling of food at Sage Park this fall by Midget Football, BYSA, and BHS Class of 2002. Tom Amenta was unable to attend the meeting, but he requested Mr. Kelly bring up for discussion, criteria for naming fields. Mr. Bush stated that he feels the Commission should publicize its interest in suggestions for naming various fields. Mr. Zielinski suggested a list be put together first of all recreation facilities that could be named. The Commission will form a subcommittee to start working on the subject but nothing will be rushed into. Morgan Seelye has been working on project possibilities for fimding from the Transportation . Enhancement Act. The Commission, at last month's meeting supported the concept of creating a bike/jogging path that was one of the options planned by Mr. Seelye. The Town Council tumed down the bike/jogging path possibility in favor of targeting the ~noney to make improvements in and around the railroad station. CORRESPONDENCE John Giovanni of Meriden requested a prorated season pass because of surgery, which caused him to miss the first three months of play. Mr. Giovanni has not bought a season pass yet. A ~notiou was made by Mr. Zielinski, and seconded by Mr. Salce to approve the request. The motion was defeated by a unanimous vote because Mr. Giovanni has the option of buying a pass or not. A letter of thanks was received from Jonathan Zuk, the new Timberlin superintendent, for the opportunity to interview for the position and his looking forward to working with the Town. A request for a donation of 2 rounds of 9 holes as a raffle p~ i .,.e was received by CCARC for their toumament on September 9. A motion was made by Mr. Zi,lh~ski, seconded by Mr. Salceand voted unanimously to recommend to the Town Council approval of the request. OLD BUSINESS a. Open Space: The Commission has concern over what is considered open space and what is considered parks. Park and Recreation commissioners are concemed that the Conservation CommiSSion is taking control of some parkland, which has always come under the control of Park and Rec. Mr. Kelly will gather more information on the definitions of open space a~.,d Imrks and what Town land comes under each. b. Community Center: The subcommittee for relocation of the community center requested a square footage reqUirement. The basement has 16,000 square feet available. Mr. Kelly c. ,a. me up with requirements that he feels would fit the needs of the department. The Commissiow~¥iewed the listing and made some changes. A motion was made by Mr. Sasek, seconded by Mr. Zielinski and voted unanimously to adjourn the meeting at 9:40 P.M. Respectfully submitted, ' Sharon Guite Recording Secretary , ,.:¢3'5"