1996/02/08BERLIN PARK & RECREATION COMMISSION The February 8, 1996 meeting of the Park & Recreation Commission was called to order at 7:05 P.M. by chairman Bill Baccaro. Those present were Phil Maule, Ed Giana, Dave Bush, Len Zietinski, Vic Satce, Steve Kelly, Dave Paradise, and Fred Gustafson representing Lindsey Hansen. Seb Seniajoined the meeting at 8:05 P.M. Mr. Baccaro introduced new commissioner Dave Bush. The following golf tournaments were requested: SNEWGA on Monday, August 5, 8:30 A.M. shotgun with resident rates. A motion was made by Mr. Baccaro, seconded by Mr. Salce and voted unanimously to approve the requested date and time with regular weekday rates. St. Paul's tournament on Thursday, August 15 (August 22 raindate) with crossover starting at 11:30 A.M. Mark McGuire, representing St. Paul's, had heard that the Commission had donated some greens fees to other chahtable organizations in the past and asked about the possibility of a similar donation to their tournament. Mr. Baccaro explained that the Commission had donated greens fees as a raffle prize. He felt that donating greens fees as part of a tournament would set a precedent. Mr. Salce defended Mr. McGuire's request by stating that the Commission had told Mr. McGuire last year that the Commission would have to charge charitable rates for their tournament but the Commission would help them out in another way. However, nothing was ever done. Mr. Salce felt that St. Paul's School has a positive effect on the town budget and the Commission should help out their totmmn~nt by donating 4 greens fees. A motion was made by Mr. Satce, seconded by Mr. Zielinski and voted 5-1 to approve the requested date and time and donate 4 greens fees to the St. Paul tournament. Mr. Salce, Mr. Zielinski, Mr. Maule, Mr. Giana and Mr. Bush voted in favor of the motion. Mr. Baccaro voted against the motion because he did not want to set a precedent. VFW toumament on Wednesday, September 11. A motion was made by Mr. Baccaro, seconded by Mr. Maule and voted unanimously to approve the date for this tournament. Special Olympics requested Friday, August 31. The Commission discussed the requested date. Since it is the Friday of Labor Day weekend there was concern that it would not be prudent to have a tournament scheduled on that day. A motion was made by Mr. Baccaro, seconded by Mr. Salce and voted unanimously to approve the tournament on any mutually agreeable date on or after September 16 with the charitable tournament rates. Timbedin Senior Golf Association requested 9 hole play every Monday and Tuesday fi.om 7~0 to 9:00 May through September. Exceptions would be the weeks of Memorial Day and Labor Day when the holiday falls on Monday; they requested the same times on Tuesday and Wednesday. Mr. Baccaro pointed out that there would be a conflict on Monday, August 5, when the SNEWGA tournament is scheduled and on Wednesday, September 4, when the United Way tournament is usually scheduled. This Wednesday date is the Wednesday after Labor Day which the Seniors requested in place of the Monday holiday. A motion was made by Mr. Zielinski, seconded by Mr. Bush and voted unanimously to approve the Senior's schedule except for August 5 and September 4 and subject to confirmation of the major tournament schedule. Timberlin Ladies Niners submitted their tournament schedule. A motion was made by Mr. Baccaro, seconded by Mr. Giana and voted unanimously to approve it as submitted. Food and drink on the course during toumaments was discussed. The Commissioners strongly feel that it is not fair to the concessionaire when groups holding tournaments bring in their own food and drink to be given out on the course. A motion was made by Mr. Zietinski, seconded by Mr. Salce and voted unanimously to inform groups holding tournaments at Timbeflin that they are required to use the concessionaire for any food or drinks which will be given out on the course and that any group miming this may lose future privileges of holding tournaments at Timberlin. APPROVAL OF MINUTES A motion was made by Mr. Zielinski, seconded by Mr. Salce and voted unanimously to approve the minutes of the January 11, 1996 meeting. PUBLIC GROUNDS Spring field usage was discussed. The soccer league has lost the use of 3 fields for the spring season and other locations were discussed. Mr. Paradise stated that use of the football field or the track field should not be guaranteed at this time because he has no idea how either field wilt be for the beginning of the soccer season - it all depends upon the weather. One field can be set up on the front parking area at Sage. He will check on the field below Griswold School to see if it is wide enough for a small soccer field. The Commission requested Mr. Kelly have work for the Little League fields to be built at Percival Heights be delayed a month to allow soccer to use the existing fields during the first part of the season until they can get on the football or track fields. RECREATIONAL SERVICES Mr. Kelly has been in contact with the chairman of the Building Commission regarding the light poles for McGee. He doesn't want to get involved with this matter until April. East Berlin United Methodist Church has requested the use of Clarks Grove on Saturday, June 22, and Sunday, June 23, for a children's craft fair. It would be held fi'om 10:00 A.M. to 5:00 P.M. on Saturday and from noon to 5:00 P.M. on Sunday. A motion was made by Mr. Baecaro, seconded by Mr. Zietinski and voted unanimously to approve the request free of charge with the sale of food. Lights at Sage baseball field were discussed. There was a question regarding where fill is needed; Mr. Baccaro will talk with Jim Horbal. Mr. Kelly reported that the Community Center staff has started taking registrations in the evening for recreation programs. New hours, as discussed at the last Commission meeting, have also been set. Room usage has picked up. New weight room policies are being set for youth. Mr. Baccaro has met with the Town Council and the Community Cemer was discussed. Mayor Ida Raga:v/suggested converting the basement of the library for community center use and selling the existing community center building. The basement could be used as a temporary location until a new building could be built in the future. A motion was made by Mr. Giana, seconded by Mr. Bush and voted unanimously to adjourn the meeting at 8:45 P.M. Respectfully submitted, Sharon Guite Recording Secretary