1995/10/12BERLIN PARK & RECREATION COMMISSION The October 12, 1995 meeting of the Park & Recreation Commission was called to order at 7:05 P.M. by vice chairman Len Zielinski. Those present were Deb Peterson, Seb Senia, Ed Giana, Phil Maule, Harry Verheyen, Vic Salce, Joe Annunziata, Steve Kelly, A1 Hawkins, and Lindsey Hansen. Bill Baccaro was excused. BERLIN MIDGET FOOTBALL' Peter Nieman of Midget Football was present at the request of the Commission It was reported that the equipment room and announcer's box were left a mess after the midget football games on September 10. Mr. Nieman will speak with · . to make sure everything is left in order the other officials and coach~s .......... ~ tact him immediately ~f there ~^ ~,~sted tna£ ~O~VLL~ ~n after the games, n= ~ . ~ ~ ..... ~e~ ed rieht away are any future problems so ne can gen L~ ....... t~ ~ ' · Nieman requested use of Sage football field and concession on Saturday, Mr_ · .... ~ for the Pop Warner Championships. Pop Warner would NovemOer 11 an~ ±o ' receive all proceeds from the gate and the Berlin league would received the profits from the concession and raffle. Four games would be played starting at noon and running until about 8:00 P.M. (No Berlin teams would be participating-) Mr. Hawkins felt it might be tough on the fields using both days -- public grounds needs to get on the field to do work before it ge~ too cold. A question was raised as to who would pay for lighting and police coverage. A motion Senia to approve the request for was made by Mr. Zielinski and seconded by Mr. Pop Warner League being responsible use of Sage football field and conession with for all field, lighting and police expenses and conditional upon no conflicts with other sporting games on the field. The motion was unanimously defeated. SEPTEMBER MINUTES A motion was made by Mr. Annunziata, seconded by Mr. Giana and voted unanimously to approve the minutes of the September 14, 1995 meeting. TIMBERLIN GOLF COURSE Mr. Hansen reported no problems and stated that the grass has come back in areas where he thought it'would never be green again. Mr. Verheyen is still receiving complaints regarding restrooms in the clubhouse and the shortage of soap and paper suppl%es. He suggested th~cleaning of the restrooms be taken over by the town. Other Commissioners disagreed. Mr. Senia noted that during tournaments, Mr. Hansen should not permit more than 120 players to go out at the same time. Any more than that should be split up and sent out in the afternoon to eliminate a jam~up. Mr. Hansen ran a comparative report for the year to October 1 and reported that gross income for the year is $80,000 over last year. Mr. Annunziata reported that there was no water pressure in the drinking fountain upstairs in the clubhouse this past Sunday. Mr. Hawkins thought someone from Building Maintenance might have been working on it this week. Mr. Senia reporte that the Seniors have suggested renaming the three different b'ect was discussed. A motion was made by Mr. Senia, color tees. The ~u j ~ , ...... ~noe the wording on the seconded by Mr. Giana and vote~ unanimously ~ .... ~ ~ scorecards to ,,Championship", "Standard", and "Short" course. Mr. Hansen will contact the Hole View to make this change on yardage booklets and scorecards they are printing. Mr. Hawkins discussed making adjustments to traps at the tenth hole. A motion was made by Mr. Zielinski, seconded by Mr. Verheyen and voted unanimously to approve the recommended changes on bunkers and mounds at the tenth hole. PUBLIC GROUNDS Mr. Hawkins reviewed the Budget Final of what was spent up to June 30, 1995 and what was turned back. He reported that the Commission will need to review the 1996-97 budget next month to pass on to the new Town Council in December. The money ($480,000) has been approved for the Little League and soccer fields. Mr. Senia reported on a meeting he attended on this subject. From the total amount approved, $107,O00 will be earmarked for the soccer field behind Percival Field; $93,000 will be earmarked for the soccer fields at the high school; and $280,000 will be earmarked for Little League fields at Percival Heights. Steve Hlnchliffe of the Berlin Youth Soccer Association will try to get a contractor for tree removal on the projects. Bill Petit of Little League will try to get the contractor for irrigation work. They have had a neighbor on Carbo Lane express concern for his property adjacent to the Percival Field'project. He requested fencing and screening because he feels neighbors in the area will be cutting through his property to get to the fields and he will have full view of the area from his house. The town will consider putting up a 6 foot fence and some screening. PARK & RECREATION COMMISSION - 2 - OCTOBER 12, 1995 Mr. Hawkins showed the Commission the bronze plaque which Kill be placed on the wall by the sign at the entrance to Sage Park. The plaque will be placed there in memory of Joe Suranna. Signs regarding walking of dogs at Clarks Grove was discussed. No signs have been placed there but the Commission still feels they are needed to remind people to clean up after their dogs. Poles and light fixtures have been delivered for Sage baseball field lighting. Mr. Annunziata suggested snow fencing be placed around the poles to prevent kids from climbing all over them and getting injured. Mr. Senia asked if the contract will have a service level agreement included and will work have to be done within a certain amount of time. RECREATION SERVICES A motion was made------~y Mr. Annunziata, seconded by Mr. Verheyen and voted unanimously to approve the use of the Community Center and the selling of items by the Senior Crafters for their Craft Fair on October 28 with the waiver of cost of staff. A motion was made by Mr. Verheyen, seconded by Mr. Maule and voted unanimously to approve the use of Timberlin Pavilion with the waiver of all fees for Boy Scout Pack 5, Willard School, on November 4 and 5 for a sleepover. Mr. Kelly reported that all recommendations were approved by the Executive Board. Debbie Dennis has been hired as the new Assistant Recreation Director and she will be starting on October 16. Mr. Kelly informed the Commission that it has been decided that the existing poles and fixtures will be used for lighting the new basketball and tennis courts. Only the wiring and controls will be replaced. The Commission discussed this and felt that new metal poles should be installed before .the new surface is put down on the courts. It will cost more in the long run if the existing wooden poles need to be replaced later because the surface will have to dug up. A motion was made by Mr. Zielinski, seconded by Mr. Senia and voted unanimously to request the Building Commission to reconsider their decision to use the existing poles~for lighting McGee courts. Mr. Maule noted that there was a soccer game being played in the rain under the lights at Hubbard School last Saturday. October 7. He questioned why the game was being played under these conditions when everyone is so ~~.with protecting the fields. Mr. Kelly will check with Steve A motion was made by Mr. Salce, seconded by Mr. Senia and voted unanimously to adjourn the meeting at 9:20 P.M. Respectfully submitted, Sharon Guite Recording Secretary