1995/11/09BERLIN PARK & RECREATION COMMISSION The November 9, 1995 meeting of the Park and Recreation Commission was called to order at 7:10 P.M. by chairman Bill Baccaro. ThOse present were Seb Senia, Phil Maule, Deb Peterson, Joe Annunziata, Len Zi~linski, Steve Kelly, Debbie Dennis, A1 Hawkins, Lindsey Hansen, A1 Beckley, and Angello Chirico. There was no one present for the Audience of Citizens. A motion was made by Mr. Annunziata, seconded by. Mr. Maule and voted unanimously to approve the minutes of the October 12, 1995 meeting. TIMBERLIN GOLF COURSE Mr. Hansen commended Mr. Hawkins and his staff on the maintenance of the course this year. He has not heard any complaints and the course has been very good all season. A letter was received from the Greater Hartford Jaycees requesting use of Timberlin again next July or August for the Cannon 96 Greater Hartford Junior tournament. A motion was made by Mr. Baccaro, seconded by Mr. Senia and voted unanimously to approve the request for a date to be determined by Mr. HanseD. Mr. Baccaro reported that a new three year contract has been negotiated by the Executive Board with Mr. Hansen. Mr. Senia suggested a new emblem for golf clothing sold at the pro shop. Mr. Hansen stated that he will try to come up with something better. Mr. Hansen reported that The Whole View is working on the booklets and is making the requested changes for the tee names. Mr. Baccaro invited those interested to a meeting scheduled for Tuesday, November 14, at the Community Center at 7:00 P.M. to discuss plans for a 25th anniversary celebration for Timberlin. · Mr. Chirico stated that he is pleased with his first year running the concession. He has one concern, however, with his lease which stipulates that he remain open to December 31. Business has dropped off significantly and it will cost him more to stay open until the end of the year which he will have to incorporate into his prices. He would like more flexibility in the lease to be able to use his discretion as to when to remain open. He has talked with Jim D'Errico regarding this matter and Mr. D'Errico suggested he forward a letter to the Town Council for their review. A motion was made by Mr. Baccaro, seconded by Mr. Salce and voted unanimously to support any agreement that can be reached regarding a reduction or elimination of hours for this December for the concessionaire. Mr. Senia suggested that the Commission stress the use of the concession more to groups who request use of Timberlin for tournaments. When tournaments are being held and the sponsoring groups bring in their own food and drinks they are virtually taking away a day's worth of business from the concessionaire. One group who brought in their own refreshments and food this past season was~ VFW. There was also a problem with Chamber of Commerce. They wanted Mr. Chirico to donate beer but he told they he could give it to them at cost; he has not been paid yet. Mr. Hawkins reported that the $50,000 grant from the State has been approved for expansion work on the clubhouse. He also reported that the Army of Corps of Engineers wants more information on the property being proposed for the additional nine holes. He has been having a problem getting the money approved for soil tests. Mr. Baccaro stated that he will meet with Mr. Hawkins and Gary Clinton to try to expedite the process. PUBLIC GROUNDS A letter was received from Mike Mayer suggesting that the new Little League complex be named for~Bill Petit. No action was taken. The Conservation Commission has been taking measures to protect Belcher Brook, especially along the field next to Willard School. They intend to plant small trees and shrubs in this area. However, Mr. Hawkins stated that Jim Horbal has recommended going to the State for a grant to dredge the brook before planting anything along the brook. Ail fields have taken a beating the last three weeks. The football field is in especially bad shape and needs drainage work. Mr. Maule stated that soccer teams are still playing on Hubbard field in the rain. PARK & RECREATION COMMISSION - 2 - NOVEMBER 9, 1995 Mr. Baccaro reported on a reoent meeting held c~ncerning the lights at Sage baseball field. They are coming in about $20,000 below budget and about $15,000 remains in the non-recurring fund. He would like to see this $35,000 be used for dugouts, fencing and a concession/storage facility. A motion was made by Mr, Baccaro, seconded by Mr. Zielinski and voted unanimously to recommend to the Town Council that $15,000 remaining in the Capital Non-recurring fund and the balance left in #19-545-429 be used for dugouts, sideline f~ncing, a concession/ storage facility, and any other miscellaneous field or safety improvements to the Sage baseball facility. RECREATION SERVICES Mr. Kelly reported on upcoming events. The Tinsel Run is scheduled for December 2 and there will be a walkers division this year, as requested by Mr. Salce in the past. The winter basketball programs will be starting shortly. Mr. Senia suggested a coaches*training program for the basketball coaches. Debbie Dennis is looking into getting training for coaches. Mr. Baccaro suggested putting the Knights of Columbus building on the December agenda for discussion. 1996-97 BUDGETS A motion was made by Mr. Annunziata, seconded by Mrs. Peterson and voted unanimously to recommend to the Town Counoil approval of the golf course budget as presented. A motion was made by Mr. Baccaro,.seconded by Mr. Annunziata and voted unanimously to recommend approval of the Recreation Services budget with the addition of $3,000 for a computer for the Assistant Recreation Director. Mr. Kelly is also to check on the Commission Secretary budget amount. A motion was made by Mr. Senia, seconded by Mr. Baccaro and voted unanimously to recommend approval of the Public Grounds proposed budget. Mr. Baccaro requested a management plan from Public Grounds to utilize staff better for the next meeting. SPRING FIELD USAGE Mr. Baccaro suggested taking no action on this subject at this time and wait until spring to see how the fields come back. MEETING SCHEDULE It was the consensus of the Commission to continue holding meetings on the second Thursday of each month during 1996. A motion was made by Mr. Annunziata, seconded by Mr. Salce and voted unanimously to adjourn the meeting at 9:55 P.M. Respectfully submitted, Sharon Guite Recording Secretary