1994/09/08BERLIN PARK & RECREATION COMMISSION The September 8, 1994 meeting of the Park and Recreation Commission was called to order at 7:00 P.M. by chairman Bill Baccaro. Those present were Phil Maule, Joe Annunziata, Seb Senia, Vic Salce, Ed Giana, Steve Kelly, A1 Hawkins, and Lindsey Hansen. Len Zielinski joined the meeting at 8:50 P.M. Deb Peterson and Harry Verheyen were excused. AUDIENCE OF CITIZENS Mike Pauley and friends were present to request a town approved location for them to play rollerblade hockey. They need a well-lit, smooth surface and have been using the high school tennis courts until they were kicked off recently. The Commission discussed possible locations but was unable to come up with a suitable location. MINUTES A motion was made by Mr. Salce, seconded by Mr. Maule and voted unanimously to approve the minutes of the June 9, 1994 meeting. GREENS COMMITTEE Mr. Baccaro has been in contact with the Greens Committee. They are "disheartened" because they feel their suggestions are not being followed through. Mr. Baccaro explained to them that their role is advisory to the Commission and many of the problems they comment on are out of the Commission's control. However, the Commission has acted on some of their suggestions. GOLF COURSE The recent beer"incident during the United Way tournament was discussed. Mr. Kelly asked for a list of other organizations which have tournaments coming up. He will contact them to inform they that a liquor permit is necessary if they are approved for beer on the course. Mr. Salce discussed a recent complaint he received from a golfer regarding golf cart problems and the condition of the rug in the pro shop. Mr. Hansen stated that the rug has been fixed and he is unaware of any cart problems -- he will speak with the specific golfer. Mr. Annunziata received a complaint from two golfers who went out to play after tournament players were already out and weren't allowed on the course. Mr. Hansen stated that regular golfers are never allowed on the course during major tournament play. Mr. Hawkins stated that the golf course irrigation system is automated now and is saving on man hours. Mr. Senia questioned the possibility of using a water aerifying system. Mr. Hawkins explained that it is a new system on the market and very expensive right now. When the price comes down he feels the town should consider it because there are advantages to using it, although it should not be used in place of the regular ae~ifying system. A letter was received from Mrs. Coley, dated July 12, 1994. She and her husband are non-resident season ticket holders and, due to an injury, she cannot play the rest of the season, per doctor's orders. She requested an adjustment for the remainder of the season. A motion was made by Mr. Salce, seconded by Mr. Annunziata and voted unanimously to refund half the non-resident season ticket ($200.00) to Mrs. Coley. Mr. Salce stated that he has received nothing but compliments on the condition of the course during the past two months. The 1993-94 golf course budget was discussed. Mr. Hawkins reported that he turned back $12,787 and profit was $157,000 before benefits. He also informed the Commission that two weeks before the end of the fiscal year Gary Clinton told him he was running short in the Ranger Account and he had to cut back or he would be overdrawn. Therefore he laid off two workers for the two weeks. It turned out that there was enough money in the account and the lay offs were unnecessary. Mr. Senia wanted it noted that Mr. Clinton needs a better handle on expense accounts and budget and needs to give Mr. Hawkins better projections. In this case, the bad projection resulted in a shortage of ranger coverage on the course for two weeks. - 2 - An additional nine holes were discussed. Mr. Hansen stated that there is another possible way to bond through revenue bonds generated by revenue from the golf course. Mr. Baccaro suggested a group get together before the October meeting to get facts and figures together to present to the Executive Board to try to get things rolling for an additional nine holes. Mr. Baccaro, Mr. Senia, Mr. Hansen, and Mr. Hawkins agreed to meet for this purpose. Mr. Senia stated that the Timberlin clubhouse building is in need of repair and the town maintenance department needs to look at it. Mr. Annunziata questioned the status of a plaque inside to replace the deteriorating monuments around the trees. He feels they should be repaired or pulled out and a plaque be put inside the clubhouse by next year. He also stated that the Sam DiPietro sign in the grove needs to be replaced. Mr. Hawkins replied that a new sign is being made. Mr. Senia asked if the tee markers need to be covered over the winter. Mr. Hawkins said he spoke with the company who installed them and was told that it is better to leave them uncovered. Mr. Senia asked about more rakes. Mr. Hawkins stated that four dozen extra rakes were bought and he will speak to the rangers about putting new ones out. Mr. Senia also stated that some rangers are not being visible around the course, especially on weekends. He f~els they should be making rounds regularly. PUBLIC GROUNDS Mr. Baccaro instructed Mr. Hawkins to get new signs posted on both ends regarding no trespassing on the track and field. It was come to the attention of the Commission that people have been on the track and a high school gym class has been using the new field (which isn't ready to be used yet). He also asked Mr. Kelly to put an article in the newspaper informing the public that the track is not ready to be used. Mr. Baccaro suggested requesting Corporation Counsel investigate su~ing the bonding company for purposely delaying completion of the track. Mr. Hawkins stated that the Hubbard field is ready to be used and the principal will be notified. Mr. Maule suggested fencing in the field to protect it; right now it is wide open and cars can get on it. Mr. Hawkins will talk to Mrs. Testori, the principal, to get her feelings on fencing the field in. Mr. Baccaro reported that he has talked to Dave Paradise regarding staff to work on the track and he is unhappy with the response he got. Mr. Baccaro stated that he will ask for a review by managers regarding maintenance of fields and if it can't be accomplished with staff, the town should consider contracting out field maintenance work in the future. Mr. Senia suggested Mr. Hawkins get together with Mr. Paradise and come up with a general plan or goal within 30 days on how maintenance of fields will be accomplished. Mr. Annunziata pointed out the following items that need attention: --flagpole at East Berlin pool needs to be fixed (Mr. Hawkins will get it done next week) --strings on Sage Park flagpole badly frayed (Mr. Hawkins will check on it) --grass growing high in cracks in Sage parking lot (Mr. Hawkins stated that the grass was just sprayed) --wood chips dumped over guardrails in Sage parking lot should be taken out and moved --no sand was ever put down on Sage volleyball court and it was never used; he suggested growing grass again. RECREATION SERVICES Mr. Kelly passed around copies of registration and attendance reports for summer programs. Swimming lessons were up by 66 and pool tags were up over 400 from last year. Playground attendance was also strong. Mr. Baccaro stated that this winter the Commission needs to discuss policy regarding non-resident use at pools for next year. Mr. Salce suggested eliminating the infant swim lessons. Mr. Kelly reported that the soccer league will be using Hubbard field under the lights. The premier soccer teams are scheduled to play at McGee on Sunday mornings. The soccer league has requested increasing the number of games on lighted Sage football field from six to ten for senior teams. Some Commissioners felt soccer shouldn't be given more time on the field because the field would get too much use and it is the only field football can be played on. Mr. Maule stated that the fields are there to be used and the Commission shouldn't always PARK & RECREATION COMMISSION - 3- SEPTEMBER 8, 1994 be concerned with keeping teams off to keep the fields in perfect condition. After a lengthy discussion it was the consensus of the Commission to keep the agreement with the soccer league of six games on the lighted football field. Mr. Maule suggested lighting the Sage auxiliary field instead of the baseball field. Mr. Baccaro stated that a soccer field can be put on the baseball field and lights on the baseball field shouldn't be eliminated. Mr. Hawkins suggested fields at McGee be redone as part of the school renovation and addition project, as was done with Hubbard. The National Adult Baseball Association requested use of Percival field and in the past, has made a donation to Babe Ruth league and paid field usage fees (both amounted to $500). They requested elimination of the field usage charge and in return they would make a $500 donation to the recreation department. A motion was made by Mr. Baccaro, seconded by Mr. Annunziata and voted unanimously to consider the generous donations in the past and waive the field usage fee for NABA. Mr. Baccaro suggested using the extra money to hold three fishing derbies for three ~eparate age groups rather than two as has been done in previous years. A meeting was scheduled for Thursday, September 22, 1994 at 7:00 with the Commission and volunteer coaches who are interested to discuss revamping the winter basketball programs. COMMUNITY CENTER Mr. Kelly reviewed the upcoming fall and winter events. Jim Petersen is waiting for direction from the Executive Board regarding the bike path. Mr. Zielinski asked if the powder puff football game can be moved to the auxiliary field because it takes place late in the season and by then the football field is usually in bad shape and becomes very treacherous because of mud. Mr. Kelly will suggest to Mr. Petersen that the game be moved to the auxiliary field if the football field is in bad shape. Mr. Hawkins reported that the Sage restrooms have been renovated with new toilets and sinks. SIX YEAR CAPITAL PLANS Mr. Kelly passed around copies of his Six Year Capital Plan The following changes were made: ' --Sage auxiliary field lighting added to 95-96 --Bicentennial Park moved to 96-97 --Percival Heights field improvements added to 95-96 --Griswold field improvements added to 97-98 A motion was made by Mr. Annunziata, seconded by approve the Recreation Services Six Year Capital Mr. Senia and voted 6-1 to Plan with the above amendments. Mr. Baccaro, Mr. Senia, Mr. Annunziata, Mr. Zielinski, Mr. Maule, and Mr. Giana voted in favor, and Mr. Salce voted against the motion. Mr. Salce felt the Little League fields at Percival Heights should be funded sooner rather than lighting the Sage baseball field. ' Mr. Hawkins presented preliminary plans for improvements to Sage baseball field. It was the consensus of the Commission that Mr. Baccaro present plans to the Executive Board and Finance Board for their approval before going out to bid to use the $190,000 in the nonrecurring fund for the lights and field improvements. Mr. Salce stated that he agrees with expansion of the baseball field but not the lighting. He feels some money, saved on not lighting the field, should be used for two new Little League fields at Percival Heights. Mr. Baccaro requested Commissioners call him if they know in advance that they will be unable to attend Commission meetings so the meeting can be cancelled if there is not going to be a quorum. A motion was made by Mr. Maule, seconded by Mr. Zielinski and voted unanimously to adjourn the meeting at 9:50 P.M. Respectfully submitted, Sharon Guite Recording Secretary