1993/06/10BERLIN pARK & RECREATION COMMISSION Park & Recreation Commission was~c~l~ed.to · of the sent were ~eb ~enla, The June 10, 1993 m~etz~man Bill Baccaro..Th~se preT~= zielinski, Deb Peterson, order at 7:30 P.M. oy c~ .__~_ Harry Verneyen, Phil Maule, ooe Annu~ Vic Salce, absent· A1 Hawkins, and Steve Kelly. Ed Giana was There was no one present for the Audience of Citizens. A motion was made by Mr. Salce, seconded by Mr. Verheyen and voted unanimously to approve the minutes of the May 13, 1993 meeting. attend the meeting· GOLF COURSE acted Mrs. Bates regarding a memorial tournament and the read report from Lindsey Hansen who could not ~[ Baccaro as co~t o . arisen is going ahead with plans for Mr. Hans~n~h ..... suooorts it, so M~ H .... ~ ~anufacturer and the new ~a ily o~ pon o=~=o ~ ~- ~ ~e reoone Dy _am oo mh~ tee marKer~ w~ ~ August ~o ..... paint will have a 25 year guarantee. Mr. Hawkins reported all summer help is on staff now. With this additional help the condition of the course has improved greatly since the last meeting, and the greens are in especially good condition. The contractor will be here within the next week to complete the sprinkler project· A petition, signed by many golfers, was received for a restroom building on the back 9, similar to that which is on the front 9. Mr. Hawkins stated that this was in the Six Year Capital Budget and was pushed back to 1994-95. He has talked with Mayor Peters about the project and was told to get some estimates. A ade by Mr. Baccaro, seconded by Mr. Verheyen and voted unanimously to motion was m ~ ~ ...... ~ xoediting the project once estimates are request the Executive Doaro ~u~ e ~ received for reasons as listed on the submitted petition. Mr. Hawkins reported that he requested a transfer of funds for overtime but the request was denied. He expects to run short before July 1, therefore greens might not be cut the last weekend of June. fall field ~ s 'oined the meeting to discuss ~_ BHS Director of ~At~lvt-i~-c~-'~!~an Le~ion will allow the Town to George Ha~--~-~.~--~n---~-t~d that nne ~ ....... extra use of §~ Mr. me±Ay ~po~ Mr. Hall stated that, because of the use their field for soccer. fields in the fall, he, BHS principal and the Superintendent are all in agreement that they will use money from their funds to help Public Grounds with field care and to get the fields back in shape as quickly as possible. Mr. Hawkins said he and Dave Paradise will work things out with Mr. Hall to prevent too much damage to fields. Dates were discussed and the following schedule was agreed upon: Men's Softball League on Sage 1 until September 6 BHS freshmen football practice on Sage 1 beginning September 7 Men's Softball League on Sage 2 until August 27 BHS JV and varsity football practice on Sage 2 beginning August 28 Midget football on Sage baseball field Aug. 9 to Aug. 28, anytime Midget football on Sage baseball field Aug. 28 to Sept. 6, 6:00 P.M. to dark Sage baseball field will also be set up for BHS soccer Grounds for PUBLIC GROUNDS Mr----. Salce stated that he had received a complaint against Public cutting grass at the Meeting House on Worthington Ridge because it is not town property, it belongs to the Historical Society. Mr Senia has received complaints about suspicious activity and speeding in the Executive Board ask the Police · ~ .... a He suggested the ~ .... surveillance in the area. · 'lion ~ · ~ ' Timberl~n pavl ..... ~= nd oossibly set up De artment to increase P~ a ~ . r. Salce was opposed to the motion s made by Mr zielinski, seconded by Mr. Baccaro and voted 7-1 to A ~otion ~a n Ti~berlln back road _~+ ~m oeople who use the road nlace spe~d bumps o ........... ~ uld rest~ ..... r ~ _ ~ ~ht -speeo ~u~o _o because he ~o~m ,, for walking exercise · , Mr. Baccaro received a request for wood chips at Sportsmen s Pond so the Boy Scouts can spread them on the area which was cleared out. Mr. Hawkins will see to that they are taken care of. Mr. Hawkins will be meeting with Dick Russell and Dave Paradise to get started on the bubbler in Sage pond. Mr. Baccaro asked Mr. Hawkins to get the bubblers in the Timberlin ponds by the July meeting. Mr. Senia complimented Public Grounds for the nice job in cutting out the infield at Willard field. Mr. Baccaro spoke about approaching another.'neighbor regarding purchasing land for the golf course. Mr. Hawkins will figure out the amount of land involved- -2 - The Executive Board did not approve the recommendation of this Commission to extend the deadline for a hot dog cart on the golf course. Since this is a contract item~the Park & Recreation Commission does not have any authority over it. The Executive Board also did not approve the recommendation to allow Fast Lane of Newington to sell swimsuits to the Swimteam at Percival Pool. The Executive Board felt the use of local businesses should be encouraged. Mr. Kelly reported that 35-45% of the track project is completed. A meeting is planned for tomorrow to go over the status. Mr. Hawkins stated that he doesn't feel the contractor has enough equipment on the project. Mr. Kelly reported that there will be 4 summer concerts and Boy Scout Troop 44 is interested in using the concession stand. The only other group who has expressed any interest is the swim team. A motion was made by Mr. Verheyen, seconded by Mr. Zielinski and voted unanimously to approve the Boy Scout Troop 44 to sell food at all the concerts, or if the Swim team is interested, to split the concerts with them. · ~elly reported.that the yo-th section has reopened summer, whzch wzll probably run later than 10:00 p M A UpBeat and Youth Services are planning a battleUof the bands at Sage Park sometime during the Mr. Zielinski, seconded by Mr. Maule and voted unanimously to support the battle motion was made by of the bands at Sage. The YMCA has requested a waiver of field usage fee to use Percival Heights field for a new co-ed adult recreation softball program from June 28 through July 30. A motion was made by Mr. Zielinski, seconded by Mr. Annunziata and Voted 7-1 to approve the request. Mr. Salce opposed the motion because the YMCA will be charging for the program. fI ES ONDENCE Three items of correspondence were received of which Mr. Baccaro informed the Commission. , NEW BUSINESS No further discussion was ~eld on an executive golf course. Mayor Peters requested Mr. Hawkins get the Commissioners,s opinion regarding location of the hot dogmon the golf course. Some Commissioners felt the 12th green would be a good location, but it was the consensus of the Commission to leave the location to the concessionai~,s discretion. AD3OURNMENT A motion was made by Mr. Verheyen, seconded by Mr. Senia and voted unanimously to adjourn the meeting at 9:20 P.M. Res~Tfully submitted, Sharon Guite Recording Secretary