199/08/20EERLIN PARK & RECREATION COMMISSION The August 20, 1992 meeting of the Park & Recreation Commission was called to order at 7:05 P.M. by chairman Bill Baccaro. Those present were Ed Giana, Joe Annunziata, Vic Salce, Deb Peterson, Len Zielinski, Harry Verheyen, Seb Senia, Phil Maule, Steve Kelly, A1 Hawkins, and Lindsey Hansen. Deputy Mayor Tom Veronesi joined the meeting to clarify the Community Center Study Committee's relationship with the YMCA. He explained that the reason the Y is involved with the committee is that exploring a relationship with the Y is part of what the committee was charged with by the Executive Board. Through this exploration the committee determined that the only possible relationship may be a lease agreement, and co-ownership of the building with the Y has been ruled out. Mr. Baccaro stated that he is opposed to the committee making a recommendation which would include a predetermined amount of space to be leased to the Y. He feels plans should be made without any consideration as to the amount of space the Y may needs and after the building is ready, if there is room, a lease agreement may be considered. Mr. Senia stated that he feels it is wrong to discuss needs with one organization when there are many organizations who would use the building; it is not fair to these other groups. ~r. Veronesi again explained that the discussions with the Y were held to fulfill the committee's instructions from the Executive Board. The committee will make recommendations to the Executive Board soon and Mr. Veronesi stated that he wanted the Commission to be clear on what the committee is doing because this commission has to be part of the support base when the community center goes forward. A motion was made by Mr. Salce, seconded by ~{r. Verheyen and voted unanimously to approve the minutes of the July 9, 1992 as presented. Copies of the Greens Committee report were give to Commissioners. Mr. Hansen reported that he had a computer report run for comparison of rates and rounds between January 1992 to August 14, 1992 and the same dates in 1991. He found that revenue is about the same as last year although rounds especially on weekends is down. He stated that the course is being under used on weekend afternoons. He suggested that Commissioners who are golfers meet with him over the winter to go over some problems. A problem with geese on the course was discussed. Various solutions were suggested -- dogs will be tried first, lit. Baccaro commended iff. Hansen for volunteering his time in running the junior clinic. Mr. Hawkins reported on weeding and landscaping work done at Willard School by Public Grounds. The same work will have to be done at Griswold when construction work is done but he doesn't know if custodians will help with the work. Lights for the front parking lot at Sage~which are in this year's budget~ should be in for the first night football game. Also included in this budget is money to fix the toilets in the Sage concession building, and funds to run electricity to the Sage pavilion. Mr. Kelly reported that summer programs went over well despite the weather. The Coast Guard Band concert is scheduled for next Wednesday from 7:30-9:00 with no raindate. Soccer Saturday & Sunday has been worked out and will be held on September 12 & 13. A motion was made by Mr. Baccaro, seconded by ~Ir. Zielinski and voted unanimously to permit Berlin Youth Soccer Association to sell food at Sage on September 12 & 13. BYSA requested use of Sage football field with lights for 8 night games~ 3 for girls senior division and 5 for boys senior division. George Hall objec~ to the usage because parameters were set for usage and he doesn't want to see them broken. The matter was discussed and Mr. Hawkins said that the young players don't do much harm to the field. A motion was made by ~r. Baccaro, seconded by Mr. Zielinski and voted unanimously to allow BYSA 6 night games on the football field subject to Mr. Hawkins' approval regarding field condition. Mr. Kelly reported on an incident which occurred at the East Berlin pool between a lifeguard and a parent. The problem was resolved. Recreation Services has moved~o new offices in the Community Center. ~ir. Petersen is on a leave of absence until September 8 and Mr. Kelly has arranged for coverage. As requested at the last meeting, Scraptivity has provided a Financial Statement confirming their non-profit status. They have joined the Chamber of Commerce to get additional publicity. I~ayor Peters has received complaints from neighbors at the high school regarding radios being played at the tennis or basketball courts. He asked the Commission to come up with a solution. It was decided that i{r. Kelly put a note in the newspaper requesting users of the courts refrain from loud use of radios. The National Adult Baseball Association has requested use of Percival PARK & RECREATION COMMISSION - 2 - AUGUST 20, 1992 Field on 7 Sundays from August 30 to October 11 from 9:O0--4:30. They would take care of their own field maintenance. Dave Paradise is against their use of the field because he feels the field is kept locked so residents can't use it so why should we let non-residents use it. A motion was made by Mr. Zielinski, seconded by Mr. Baccaro and voted unanimously to approve use of the field by NABA on the requested dates. Mr. Salce requested a waiver of the room rental fee for the karate classes he runs at the Community Center for non-profit. A motion was made by Mr. Giana seconded by Mr. Zielinski and voted unanimously to grant the waiver. Hr. Salce abstained from the vote. It was suggested that Hr. Kelly consider taking the karate classes on as a Recreation Services program next year. The 6 year Capital Improvement budgets were reviewed. A motion was made by Mr. Baccaro~ seconded by Mr. Verheyen and voted unanimously to add $10,000 to the 1995-96 Recreation Services Capital Improvement budget for fireworks on the 4th of July 1995 for the 25th anniversary celebration of Timberlin Golf Course. A motion was made by Hr. Baccaro, seconded by Hr. VerheTen and voted unanimously to accept the Recreation Services 5 year Capital Improvement budget as amended above. A motion was made by Mr. Baccaro, seconded by Mr. Senia and voted unanimously to accept the Public Grounds and Golf Course 6 year plans as presented. Hr. Baccaro reported that bids for the track project are higher than the budgeted amount. Mr. Baccaro suggested money in the non-recurring fund from the sale of a portion of Webster Park be used for the track. ~r. ~[aule opposed this idea and feels East Berlin residents would be against this. He suggested using the money in the non-recurring fund to purchase land behind Hubbard School for future recreation development in East Berlin. A motion was made by Hr. Baccaro, seconded by Mr. Salce and voted 7-1 to recommend to the Executive Board that money from the non-recurring fund be used to finish hhe track and any unused funds shall remain in the non-recurring fund. Hr. Baccaro, Mr. Giana, Mr. Annunziata, Mr. Se~ia~ ~r. Zielinski, Mrs. Peterson and Mr. Verheyen voted in favor and fir. Haule voted against the motion. Mr. Salce abstained from voting. A motion was made by Hr. Verheyen, seconded by Hr. Annunziata and voted unanimously to adjourn the meeting at 10:05 P.H. Respectfully submitted~ Sharon Gu±te Recording Secretary