1990/01/25PARK AND l~E~ixE~'£1ON COmmISSION MINUTES --. JANUARY 25, 1990 The January 25, 1990 meeting of the Park and Recreation Commission was called to order at 7:00 P.M. by acting chairman Bill Baccaro. Those present were Sebastian Senia, Lois Szczepanik, Ed Giana, Len Zielinski, Phil Maule~ Joe Annunziata, A1 Hawkins and Lindsey Hansen. Those absent were George Wiecek and Vic Salce. A motion was made by Mr. Zielinski, seconded by Mrs. Szczepanik and voted unanimously to dispense with reading of the minutes of the January 11 1990 meeting and approve them as submitted. ' The remaining portion of the meeting was a public forum for comments and sugges-- tions regarding Timberlin Golf Course. Approximately 70 residents and non- residents were present. Mr. Baccaro informed those present of plans to revitalize the Greens Committee and invited those who are interested in serving on this committee to give their names to the Commission after the meeting. The following comments were made regarding condition and maintenance of the course: Steve Ludwin of Glendale Avenue asked if additional help has been asked for to help ~aintain the course. (Mr. Baccaro answered that the request has been rejected by the Finance Board in the past.) Bob Brown of Winchell Drive stated that help is needed to make the course better. Art Crandall of 60 Alling Street complained of high grass in the roughs and and the condition of the 17th green which is not level. He stated that additional help is needed to improve the condition of roughs and greens. Ed Tetreault of Metacomet Drive suggested that repair tools be given out to each golfer during the first month of each golf season to repair ball marks. Harry Verheyen pointed out that the Timberlin Men's Club bought repair tools and left them on the counter in the past for players to use but people just wouldn't use them. Cindy Facey of Park Drive stated that flood damage has never been repaired on the 4th and 5th holes and she would like to see this area cleaned up. The following were comments made in regards to revenue and the golf course budget: Art Crandall asked if the course is making any money and if additional expenses at the course would come frora taxpayers. Mr. Baccaro explained that the Commission doesn't have a handle on finances of the golf course --- he was told by the Finance Director that Timberlin showed a profit of $45,000.00 last year but according to the chairman of the Finance Board the course lost money. Commissioner Zielinski suggested the Commission try to obtain accurate cost and revenue figures and publish them. Bob Brown of Winche!l Drive noted that the money taken in from the course goes into the General Fund. A1 Miller of 37 Glenview Drive suggested that when requesting more help for Timberlin the Commission remind the Finance Board that revenue from the course goes into the General Fund. Jack Olson of Kensington Road stated that the course was built as a recreation facility and not a money making endeavor, therefore any little money it makes is a bonus. If it is meant to be a source of revenue then maybe we should start charging for use of other recreation facilities. Peter Szymascek of 1343 High Road asked if the Finance Board is trying to attain a certain percentage of profit. He noted that the amount of money made is very dependent upon the weather during the season. Mr. Baccaro replied that there is no set policy and even among the Commissioners there is disagreement as to whether the golf course should make money for the Town or be considered a park for recreation use only. i4any comments were made concerning starting times: Bob Veronesi of 31Shultz Road suggested some type of system be set up for starting times on weekends, giving preference to residents. George Jones of Bingham Street, New Britain, a season ticket holder, commented that last year the 7:00 and 7:05 starting times were reserved for 9 hole players but most days no one used those times. Mr. Szymaszek disagreed with giving preference to residents for starting times. Mr. Crandall agreed with Mr. Szymaszek because he feels the course needs out- of-towners to make money. PARK AND RECREATION COMMISSION MINUTES -- JANUARY 25, 1990 Page 2 Bill Casner of Robbins Road suggested a lottery for starting times. Alan Ladd of Biships Curve stated that he used to play golf in Massachusetts where residents were given priority for starting times and it was not detri- mental to profit from non-residents. Harry Verheyen of Cornwall Road agreed that residents should be given priority since they are the taxpayers who must pick up the tab for staffing and maintenance work. He suggested a system which is used at a course at the Cape where walk-in residents are given every 3rd time slot. George Jones of New Britain stated that the course was built with Federal funds and if preferential treatment is given to residents he'll protest. Bill Bennett of Edgewood Road suggested starting times be given out in the evening to be fair to people who are working and can't get to the course first thing in the morning. Regarding recent public statements of a Finance Board member the following comments were made: Bob Weiss of 136 Whispering Brook Drive said that the Golf Pro's contract clearly states that he is to be on the premises 10 days prior to Christmas, however the pro shop was empty on December 15. He also commented that the driving range is a business in an area not zoned for business and because of the lack of adequate insurance coverage for the driving range, the Town experienced a loss of money. He suggested that before the Town grant, permits for businesses proper insurance coverage be checked into. Elaine Verheyen of Cornwall Road stated that she and her husband were in the pro shop on December 16 and it was fully stocked. Mrs. Facey also stated that the pro shop was fully stacked on December 16, 17 and 18. Mr. Baccaro read an excerpt from the Golf Pro's contract in which it states that the golf pro must be on the premises 10 working days prior to the Christmas holiday, of which at least 4 days must be weekend days. Other miscellaneous comments were as follows: Mr. Weiss suggested looking into the feasibility of keeping the restaurant open 12 months. He also suggested an appropriate age restriction be enacted and enforced. Mr. Weiss also recommended gift certificates which could be used for golf play. (Mr. Baccaro stated that the Commission is presently working on the second two issues.) Mr. Weiss also suggested the Town investigate feasibility of increasing revenue from the g01f carts. I[rs. Facey commented that Mr. Hansen bought the golf carts, insures them~ and incurs all expenses for their maintenance. Grace Rabis of Mountain View Drive suggested a memorial board inside the clubhouse. Joanne Ward of Oak Ridge Drive suggested that, since the lockers are not being used presently~ golf clubs be permitted in them. Terry DeMartino of Cromwell noted that the course gets much abuse from golfers and a ranger is needed to go around the course on a regular basis to monitor players and remind them of the etiquette of golf, especially when play is heavy. A suggestion was made not to hold as many tournaments at Timberlin -- let other area courses have their turn. Dick Mangone of Crater Lane suggested that an hour be set aside before tournaments for non-tournament players. ~lr. Jones noted that the new 13th tee is dangerous because of balls coming off the 2nd tee -- need to improve the set up. Mrs. Facey requested giving free golf to starters and rangers. Joe Paskiewicz of Tower Avenue stated that if any new rules are established they should be enforced. Greg Smith of Lower Lane complained that before beginning play he has gone to the concession for a hot dog or drink and by the time he gem to tee off the starter has given his turn to someone behind him. However, Mrs. Verheyen stated that she has been a starter and if someone runs into the concession they don't lose their turn unless they are gone for about 15 minutes. PARK AND RECREATION COMMISSION MINUTES -- JANUARY 25, 1990 Page 3 As well as the above suggestions and comments, many people complimented Mr. Hansen and Mr. Hawkins on the condition of the golf course and that it is something the Town can be proud of. Several people also commented that it is a positive move to revitalize the Greens Committee. A motion was made by Mr. Senia, seconded by Mrs. Szczepanik and voted unanimously to adjourn the meeting at 8:05 P.M. Respectfully submitted, Sharon Guite Secretary The following people are interested in serving on the Greens Committee: Kenneth Asal, 91 Chatham Road~ Kensington, 225-9764 Don Bates, 135 Overhill Drive, Berlin, 828-9347 Willard Bennett, 20 Edgewood Road, Kensington, 828-8116 Robert Costanzo, 48 Parish Drive, Kensington, 828-1382 Art Crandall, 60 Ailing Street, Kensington, 828-3037 Tom Farrell, 550 Lower Lane, Berlin, 828-9918 John Hartan, 12OO High Road, Kensington, 828-6668 Larry Schoech, 157 Percival Avenue, Kensington, 828-5667 Paul Veneziano, 195 Brooke Meadow Road, Kensington, 828-1976 Harry and Elaine Verheyen, 48 Cornwall Road, Kensington, 224-7634 Robert Veronesi, 31Shultz Road, Kensington, 828-6685