1966/05/17206: 8. Meeting adjourned at 9:30 . Next meeting May 17 at 7:30 P.M. Respectfully submitted, 1. Public Hearing Berlin Town Planning Commission May 17, 1966 at 7:30 P.M. Members present: Aldo Castiglioni, Nunzio Rosso, Robert Bennerup, and Roy Byme. Also A1 Curnow, Engrg. Dept. 2. The Secretary read the Call of the Hearing ~ "The Planning Commission of Berlin, Connecticut will hold a public hearing in the Town Hall, 983 Worthington Ridge, Berlin, Conn. on Tuesday, May 17 1966 at 7:30 P.M.D.S.T. at which time to consider resubdivision of the following: Property of William A. and Betty J. Nygren, 140 Robbins Road, Berlin, Conn, dated at Berlin, Connecticut this 9th day of May 1966, Nunzio Rosso, Secretary, Planning Commission,Berlin ,Con: 3. Mr. Curnow presented the following map - "Property of William A. and Betty I. Nygren 140 Robbins Road, Berlin, Conn. ," Map shows a change in lot line making it a re-subdivision. This lot was originally a piece of a parcel owned by Bergstrom. On Mr. Curnow's recommendation that map is o.k. engineering-wise Mr. Bennerup made a motion, seconded by Mr. Byrne to grant final approval. So voted. 4. Public Hearing adjourned at 7:45 P.M. Respectfully submitted, ~~O~SO, Secre ary 1. Regular Meeting Berlin Town Planning Commission May 17, 1966 at 7:50 P.M. Members present: Aldo Castiglioni, Robert Bennarup, Roy Byrne, and Nunzio Rosso. Also, Al Gm-now, Engineering Dept. 2. Clark Property - see Minutes of May 3, Item 4. Final map as per requirements of May 3 was presented for approval., Mr. Rosso made a .~notion seconded by Mr. Byrne, to give final approval subject to approval of the Health Director. So voted. Map was signed. 3. Bills:- The Herald Publishing Company - Legal Notices May 9, 1966 19 lines $4.56 May 11, 1966 32 lines 7.68 Voted to pay on motion of Mr. Bennerup, seconded by Mr. Byrne. 4. Meeting adjourned at 8:15 - Special meeting scheduled for May 24 at 7:30 P.M. Respectfully subm~ed, MAY iL, 1966 BOARD OF FINANCE MI~TES ME,lEERS VOTI ~G: Chrm. Dorgn, tr. Broom, S. Sergis, M. Coe TE~[SFERS: 'The following transfers were voted: 1) To Visiting Yurses's budget ~52 for 1966-67, $250 from General Fund when Federal Grant of same amount has been deposited in General Fund as advised by the Trez surer. 2) To Education budget ~130 for 1966-67, t!~50 from General Fund when Federal Grznt of same amount has been deposited dn General Fund ss advised by the Trezsurer. ~) To Building Insuector - expenses budget ~166, ~100 from Contingency 127 to partially defray trsvel expenses to National Conference. Respectfully su~mi~ted~ Clerk Pro-tam MAY 17, 1966 BERLIN BOARD OF FI~!ANCE ~EMBERS PRESENT: Chrm. Doran, Messrs. Brown, Ws~rd, Coe, Sergis and Mrs. Delaney OTHERS PRESENT: First Selectman Arthur B. Powers, ex-officio COM~NIC~TIONS: 1) 5/17/66 F. Motyka, Tax Collector requests permission to hire s temporary clerk to get tax bills out on time. Has ~150 in his supply account and would like to transfer this to special clerical for this purpose. 2) 5/11/66 Supt. Bountress - request copies for orders must be placed within a month. Funds for each district must be equal to those expended last fiscal year g6351.83. This will be allocated from these Federal Funds over and above what they received in the budget from the Town. The Ed. of Finance must certify that funds will be made available. (Mr. Doran signed the certification BILLS: 1) Reliable Typewriter ~6 for 5/28/66 to 6/28/66. Approved for p~vment out of #6 Board of Finance expense. 2) New Britain Herald for legal ad ~3.36. Approved for p~¥ment out of ~6 Board of Finance expense. 3) Plimptoms, ~3.91 for clerical supplies. Approved for payment out of #6 Board of Finance expense. g) Mrs. Ronald Polaske $75 for clerical services rendered to Board of Finance from 4/1/66 to 5/18/66. Approved for payment out of {6 Board of F~nance Expense. NEW BUSIS~$S: 1) Mr. Coe made a motion to set the tax rate for the fiscal year 1966-67 at &3.fi mills. The motion was seconded by Mr. $argis. The motion was lost on a tie vote with Messrs. Doran, Sargis and Coe "FOR" and Mr. Brown, Mrs. Delaney and Mr. W~rd "AGAINST". 2) Mr. ,~o~ made a motion to set the tax rate for the fiscal year 1966-67 at ~3.? mills. The motion was seconded by Mr. Sargis. The motion was lost on a tie vote with Messrs. Doran, $argis and Coe "FOR" And Mrs. Delaney, Messrs. Brown and Ward "AGAINST. 3) Mr. Brown m~de a motion to set the tax rate for the fiscal year 1966-67 at gL mills. The motion was seconded by Mrs. Delaney. The motion was lost on a tie vote with Messrs. Brown, Ward and Mrs. De]~ney voting "FOR" and Messrs. Dorsn, Sgrgis and Coe "AGAINST." ~) Mr. Brown m~de a motion to set the tax rate for the f~scal year ]966-67 at 43.8 mills. The motion was seconded by Mr. Coe and carried. 5) re communication ~1, the members voted to approve a within budget transfer of ~150 in account ~10 Tax Collector from supplies to special clerical. The meeting adjourned at 9:45 pm. Respectfully submi~ated, MINUTES OF TO~ MEETING: APRIL 20, 1966 (cont'd) Mr. Andrew DeVivo presented the followi~ resolution: RESOLVED: That the Selectmen be and they are he,by authorized to accept in the name and on behalf of the Ton of Berlin, five (5) parcels of land as shown on maps entitled, "Town of Berlin, land to be released to the Town of Berlin by the State of Connecticut, which maps are on file in the Town Clerk's Office. The resolution was moved, seconded and unanimously adopted. The meeting was adjourned at 9:50 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Harold F. Bombs Town Clerk MIN~JTES OF TOWN MEETING MAY 17,1966 LEGAL NOTICE The Legal Voters of the Town of Berlin are hereby warned and notified that the Annual Budget Meeting of the Town of Berlin will be held on Tuesday, May 17, 1966 at 8:00 P.M., E.D.S.T., at the Berlin High School, Patterson Way, ~rlin, Conn., then and there: 1. To hear and act upon the estimates and recommerflations of the Board of Finance and to make such specific appropriations for the expense of the Town and support of the Schools for the Fiscal year, 1966-1967. 2. To elect five (5) members to the Berlin Public Health Nursing Service. 3. To consider and take action in regard to authorizing the Board of Selectmen to accept a strip of land 50 feet in length with an average depth of nine (9) feet, at the extreme Easterly end of Ellsworth Boulevard. 4. Any other business proper to come befomthe meeting. Dated at Berlin, Connecticut this 105h day of May, 1966. Arthur B. Powers Joseph P. Lanzoni Earl A. Johansen Board of Selectmen Attest Harold F. Bomba Town Clerk Mr. Alan A. Green was elected Moderator. Mr. Harold F. Bombs was Clerk of the Meeting. Mr. Solomon Sargis presented the following resolution:- RESOLVED: That the Budget- as submitted by the Bo~rd of Finance stating the spec-~ appropriations for the expense of the Town and support of the schools for the Fiscal Year commencing July l, 1966 and ending June 30, 1967, be and the same is hereby adopted. The resolution was moved, seconded and passed. Mrs. Marshall presented the following resolution: RESOLVED: That the following names are submitted for election to the Board of D re~s of the Berlin Public Health Nursing Service for a term of three years from the date of their election: Mrs. Adam Bennett Mr. Joseph Lutkus Mrs. John F. Knaus 63 Glenbroo~ Road 95 Wlnchell Drive 73 Chatham Road Mr. Fred Downs Mrs. Richard Glidden 174 Percival Avenue 18 Farmington Avenue The.resolution was moved, seconded and unanimously passed. VOL. 5 Mr. John Miller presented the following resolution: RESOLVED: That the Selectmen be and they are hereby authorized to accept in the name of and on behalf of the Town of Berlin a strip of land 50 feet in length and an average depth of 9 feet situated at the Easterly end of Ellsworth Blvd~ The resolution was moved seconded and unanimously adopted. Under any other business proper to come before the meeting, Mr. Probst presented the following resolution: WHEREAS, the Board of Finance labored long and hard to achieve a budget which equitably distributes the funds available to be spent by the Town for the ensuing fiscal year without unduly burdening the taxpayers; and ~EREAS, said Board realized the impossibility of satisfying in full the requests of all Departments but nevertheless did its utmost to meet their necessary requirements; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that we, the people of the Town of Berlin, in meeting assembled do hereby extend our sincere thanks to the Boar~ of Finance £or its endeavors in preparing and presenting to this meeting a town budget for the fiscal year commencing July l, 1966 which meets the necessary requirements of the various Departments of the Town without unduly burdening the taxpayers. The resolution was moved, seconded ~uud passed. The meeting was adjourned at 8:55 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Harold F. Bomba Town Clerk MINUTES OF TOWN MEETING HELD JUNE 20, 1966 LEGAL NOTICE The Legal Voters of the Town of Berlin are hereby warned and notified that a Special Town Meeting of the Town of Berlin will be held on June 20, 1966 a~ 8:00 P.M., E.D.S.T. at the Berlin High School, Patterson Way, Berlin, Connecticut, then and there: 1. To approve the transfer from the Contingency Fund #127 to Account #2la, Maintenance and operation of Town Vehicles, the sum of $%300.00 as approved by the Board of Finance. 2. To hear and act upon the creation of Voting District #5 pursuant to the requirements of Section 9-169 of the General Statutes of Connecticut, as revised. 3. To take action on any other business proper to come before the meeting. Dated at Berlin, Connecticut this 14th day of June, 1966. Arthur B. Powers Joseph P. Lanzonl Earl A. Johansen Attest: Harold F. Bomba Town Clerk Mr. Alan A. Green acted as Moderator of the meeting and Mr. Harold F. Bomba acted as Clerk. Mr. Philip D. Doran presented the following resolution: RESOLVED: That a sum not in excess of $4,300.00 be and the same is hereby trans-' ferred from the Contingency Fund #127 to Account #21 a,Maintenance andI operation of town vehicles, as recommended by the Board of Finance. The resolution was moved, seconded and unanimously adopted. The following resolution was presented by Mrs. Rita F. Powers: