1989/06/8PARK AND RECREATION COMMISSION MINUTES -- JUNE 1989 The June 8, 1989 meeting of the Park and Recreation Commission was called to order at 7:05 P.M. by chairman George Wiecek. Those present were Vic Salce, Vin Biscoglio, Len Zielinski, Steve Gentile, Bill Baccaro, Lois Szczepanik, Lindsey Hansen, A1 Hawkins, Steve Kelly, and Jim Petersen. Bill Voelker, Town Planner, was also present for part of the meeting. Phil Maule and Ed Giana were absent. Craig Pedemonti and others were present to discuss the need for a safe area in town for skateboarding. He thinks there are about 40 regular skateboarders who would use a facility if one was available. Mr. Wiecek explained that the matter has been looked into but no suitable location was found. The community center gym was suggested. It was also suggested that the Lions Club be contacted regarding use of the black top at the fair grounds. Mr Kelly will investigate sites again. ' Sherry Provost and two other members of the non-profit organization" · Scraptlvity" were present to discuss their request for use of a room in the community center. They are proposing to set up a non-profit business selling industrial discard items to be used by children for arts, crafts, etc. The outlet would be open one Saturday a month during regular community center hours. The Commission discussed the request later in the meeting. Bill Voelker spoke about the Steering Committee and its work on the Plan of Development. It is predicted that Berlin will experience much growth in the future because of its excellent highway access. The Steering Committee will be looking at the recreation needs of the Town and needs input from the Park and Recreation Commission. Although the work on the Plan of Development will take about 1~ years, the Commission should decide what its recreation interests are and make a presentation before the Steering Committee as soon as possible. River usage for linear parks was brought up and Mr. Voelker recommended this idea also be presented to the Steering Committee. Concern was expressed over the intent of the Land Trust Commission. Mr. Voelker assured the Commission that he has been directed by the Steering Committee to work with the Land Trust Commission to make sure the Town is protected by regulations being drawn up by the Land Trust. A motion was made by Mr. Biscoglio, seconded by Mr. Gentile and voted unanimously to accept the minutes of the May 11, 1989 meeting. Mr. Wiecek reported that the Historical District Commission approved the demolition of the community house on Worthington Ridge. Land to the east of Griswold School is being looked at for field usage. It was suggested that lower land at Sage Park also be looked at. Mr. Wiecek stated that an architect is available on a consulting basis and he could work on the two sites. As requested, Mr. Hansen gave the following statistics for season tickets: Resident, regular - 51 Resident, Senior & Junior - 131 (unrestricted) Non-resident - 90 Mr. Wiecek stated that season tickets will need to be looked at economically before next season. Mr. Wiecek has found four lockers at the clubhouse with locks and he directed Mr. Hansen to bill the people who own the locks. The Executive Board requested that an adjustment for the balance of the season be made for the locker fees to encourage use. A motion was made by Mr. Zielinski, seconded by Mr. Biscoglio and voted unanimously to change the locker rate to $20.00 for the remainder of the year and to maintain the prohibition of golf clubs in the lockers. Mr. Wiecek reported that the Executive Board approved the request for an additional man at the golf course. The recommendation now will be presented to the Finance Board. The Executive Board supports the idea of giving golf course summer help a reduced rate for play. The subject was discussed. A motion was made by Mr. Zielinski, seconded by Mr. Biscoglio to permit summer help to play golf for free as part of their compensation. The motion was defeated unanimously because this compensation would not be fair to full time golf course staff who do not receive the same. A note was received from the Rotary Club of Cheshire thanking the Commission for use of Timberlin on May 25 for a shotgun tournament. They also requested a date for next year to hold another shotgun tournament. Before making a decision, Mr. Wiecek requested a break-down of finances from the 5/25 tournament from Mr. PARK AND RECREATION COMMISSION MINUTES -- JUNE 1989 Page 2 Hansen and Mr. DeMaine. At this point in the meeting Mr. Gentile and Mr. Biscoglio left. A modified crossover has been used on weekends recently which means that the split-tee crossover is used only during certain times. Mr. Weicek recommended continuing with this modified system. Mr. Hansen recommended going back to entirely all split-tee crossover. A motion was made by Mr. Baccaro and seconded · ° ki to o back to the original crossover starting at 7:00 for 18 by Mr. Z~llns.. ~ ~ .... ~ ~-~ with Mr. Baccaro and Mr. Salce in favor and holes. The mon~on w ........ ~ ~ ~ ....... ~ ~~ It was discussed · Mrs. SzczepaniK, and ~r. Mr. Zielznskz, ...... ~ ~ne with the modified plan. A motion leaving some 9 hole spons wnmcn can was made by Mrs. Szczepanik, seconded by Mr. Zielinski and passed with a 3-2 vote to continue with the modified plan and review it for the next meeting. Mrs. Szczepanik, Mr. Zielinski, and Mr. Wiecek voted in favor and Mr. Baccaro and Mr. Salce voted against the motion. "Scraptivity" request was discussed. Mr. Petersen stated that he has a room available with outside access. A motion was made by Mrs. Szczepanik, seconded by Mr. Zielinski and voted unanimously to agree in theory with the idea and to direct Mr. Petersen to present the plans to the Executive Board. The bids for deleading the community center are in and are high. The Executive Board has requested the Commission drop plans, for the time being, on improvements for the community center and look for alternate sites for activities involving young children. Mr. Kelly suggested using the football field as an all-purpose field in the spring. A motion was made by Mr. Zielinski, seconded by Mrs. Szczepanik and voted unanimously to open up the football field in the spring with Mr. Kelly's judgement and Mr. Hrubiec's consultation. Mr. Kelly reported that the pool maintenance position is vacant and is being advertised. Registration for summer programs is slow. To date, Murray Heights has very low registration which may result in Mr. Kelly closing the playground and moving the staff to another one. Dr. McIntosh has requested a family pool pass for his group home. A motion was made by Mrs. Szczepanik, seconded by Mr. Zielinski and voted unanimously to approve the request. Mr. Zielinski reported that the field was in very poor shape after the recent rugby tournament and a scheduled soccer game could not be played on it. The meeting was adjourned at 9:55 P.M. Respectfully submitted, Sharon Guite Secre%~ry