1966/02/22FEPRU~RY 15, 1966 continued 3) It was voted to approve the transfer of ~500 from ~127 Contingency to ~3 High Court tc settle claim to Rita Beecher. L) It was voted that in view of the dissolution of the Board of Public Works which has been superceeded by the Water g Sewer Commission, as adopted 12/14/65, the unexpended balance {listed in the 1/31/65 statement) as ~495 in ~il6a Board of Fublic Works be and hereby is transferred to #16a W~ter & Sewer Commission. 5) It was voted to transfer %1000 from ~127 Contingency to #16c Water and Sewer Commission for a preliminary survey for qualified geologists to locate specific sites for water sources within Berlin in Accordance with a list of priority loc~tions furnished b~~ the Dir. of Public Works and to draw uD operations for test drillings for seJd sites. NEW BUSINESS: ]) Re Communication #5, Mr. Seelye, Town EnKr. stated Mr. Miller took e topography survey of the ToYm of Berlin, in an effort to gain definite information es to the possibility of Berlin yielding a well of its own. Some areas indicate the likelihood cf a gravel well. These are shallow wells and could be good producers. Mr. Seelye noted that we have to protect ourselves against the possibility of a neighboring town coming in and condemning land for water. If the Town of Berlin has sn operating well it c~n~t be condemned. Cue ~unicipality cannot condemn another's water supply. Emhart will need 1,000 g~l. a minute for 10 yrs. Berlin has enough water reasonably close to the Emhart site to supply them v.~th water. The pipe will be laid for the whole general ares. It will be about 16" in diamiter. Mr. Miller and Geraughty, geologists, will survey the entire town for water sites for ~1000. 2) Mr. Seelye recommended that the balance of the now defunct Bd. of Public Works be transferred to the Water ~ Sewer Commission. 3) Mr. Seelye further proposed item ~32 Radio rental of the Selectman's budget include an additional ~6000 combined with the ~5200 already requested. This additional allocation would permit the Town to buy-out our lease arrangement and to Furchsse two new radios. g) Chairman Doran advised that Atty. Seige]~ labor attorney, could be re~ained as counsel for the Police Commission in their dealings with labor unions at a r~te of ~35 per hour. It was voted that the ~oard of Finance look favorably upon the engagement of a special Attorney to assist town boards in certain labor relation matters and that the chairman be and hereby is authorized to discuss terms with Atty. O. Seigel and report b~ck to this board. The motion was approved unanimously. The meeting adjourned at ]l pm. Respectfully s~mitted, Clerk Pro-Tam FEBRUARY 22, 1966 BERLIN BOARD OF FINANCE KI~TES MEMBERS PRESENT: Chrm. Doran, T. Ward, S. Sargis, M. Coo and Mrs. Delaney COR~UNICATIONS RECEIVED: 1) 2/16/66 Berlin Police Dept. to Bd. of Finance requesting edvice ss to whether or not Atty. Seigel h~s been retained by the Town of Berlin to represent the Police Commission in labor negotiations. 2) 2/16/66 J. F. Scheyd, Assessor to Bd. of Finance advising trade-in- allowance on current IBM typewriter toward a new one is ~6~. Suggest further use be found for the typewriter as allowance does not seem very substantial. Advises further that $500 in the Assessor's 1965-66 budget for outside accounting services will not be used this year. Therefore, requests that this amount be transferred within the budget to purchase typewriter. 3) 3/22/66-copy- Chrm. Doran to Berlin Police Comm. advising that the Bd. of Finance approved the engagement of Atty. J. S. Seigel at en hourly rate of per hour for the purpose of advising or acting specifically and only for the Police Commission in negotiations with the Police Union. ~) 2/21/66 H. F. Bombe to Bd. of Finance requesting a reply to Town Clerk's request for a 3M reader printer. FEBRUARY 22, 1966 continued 5) Verbal Communication from the Planning Commission requesting a meeting with the Board of Finance to discuss the problems involved in the Meadow Lane Bridge Construction. There are four property owners involved. Three agree on the option: and one does'not agree. Because of the precedent which has been set in the Gontsrz case, and because the money for this bridge was voted in 5/25/65, perhaps we should try to work it out next year. TRANEFERS: l) It was voted to approve the exoenditure by the Assessor of $~77 from his outside accounting service item for the purchase of a new IBM typewriter w~th a 20" carriage, to be listed as a new Captial Item 8b in the Assessor's budget. The old IBM typewriter is to be kept on the Town's inventory for the timebeing. NEW BUSINESS: Chairman Doran discussed different aoproaches to prepare the budget. In the lattest budget breakdown presented by the Bd. of Education said Board ~ut the Board of Finance on notice that they intend to overexpend $12,000. Chairman Doran felt these members should be warned about this overage a~ain as each Bd. of Ed. member is personally liable. The meetinH adjourned at 9:20 pm. Respectf~ly ~mitted, Clerk Pro-Tem MARCN 31, 1966 BERLIN BOARD OF FINANCE MINUTES MEMBERS PRESENT: Chrm. Doran, Messrs: Brown, Ward, Sargis and Mrs. De]aney COM~UNIC^TIONS: 1) 3/30/66 Town Counsel dackawa¥ to Bd. of Finance re Gontarz vs. Town of Berlin. In budget deliberations, keep in mind judgments totalling ~&82~ plus costs have been awarded to the Gontsrz f~mily. Reommmend ~6,000 be reserved in contingency for payment of judgment costs, including Supreme Cnurt costs ~f the Town loses t~e appeal. 2) 3/24/66 Town Counsel Jackaway to Chum Doran re DAWSON vs. TOWF OF BERLIN. Case scheduled for trial 5/25/66. Plannin~ to have Doran testify as Chairman of the Finance Board. BILIS: 1. Reliable Typewriter ~6 for rental 3/2&/66 tn &/28/66. Approved for payment out of ~6 Board of Finance expense. ~EW BUSINESS: 1) Chairman Doran commented about well explorgtion program. He advised that Geraughty and Miller will explore a number of Grade "A" water sources for ~8~0OO. The Water & Sewer Commission have a comprehensive study which will not be.reedy in time to prevent someone else to secure options on %he ]and. Of the ~8,O00 allocation for well exploration, ~g,O00 is to be used to secure options, the remainder is for drilling and testing. Mr. Murray advised he would be able to secure options on 12 sites for ~2~O00. Mr. Doran questioned the amount of the actual purchase of land. How long will it take to drill one test s~te? A: The options ~re for nine months. The wRole operation will take about one month. No idea as to the price of the land. 2) The members agreed to include ~6,©O0 (upon the recommendation of Tow~ Counsel in Contingency (~127) making a total of ~25,000. 13) R~ Town Clerk Bomba's request for $1600 to purchase a filmac machine, it was the consensus of the Board that this item be tabled for consideration for the following year. The meeting adjourned at 11:30 pm. Respectfully su~.mi3t~ed, Clerk Pro-Tem