1987/07/09PARK AND RECREATION COMMISSION MINUTES -- JULY 9, 1987 The July 9, 1987 meeting of the Park and Recreation Commission was called to order at 7:~u P.M. by chairman Bob Silver. Those present were Steve Gentile, Vic Salce, George Wiecek, Len Zielinski, Lois Szczepanik, Bill Baccaro, Steve Kelly, Jim Petersen, A1 Hawkins, and Lindsey Hansen. The minutes of the June 11, 1987 meeting were discussed and it was pointed out that in the seventh paragraph it is reported that drinking water will be installed at the softball and hard ball fields and reference should have been made that this will take place at Sage Park. A motion was made 'by Mr. Zielinski, seconded by Mr. Wiecek and voted unanimously to approve the June 11 minutes as amended above. A motion was made by Mr. ~iecek, seconded by Mr. Gentile and voted unanimously to approve the minutes of the June 25, 1987 meeting. The Youth Soccer schedule was submitted and approved. The Strollers schedule was submitted, i~r. Zielinski suggested that the Strollers use the front secondary parking area at Sage Park for practice rather than McGee until they switch to Hubbard for lights, t-o~.~ever, ~r. Kelly explained that the secondary parking area is used for parking during high school football games and if it's wet ruts are left in the field which could be dangerous for rugby players. He also pointed out that there is not close-by parking. It was the consensus of the Commission to direct Mr. Kelly to discuss alternate practice locations with the rugby team and come up with a solution which would lessen the wear on McGee field when possible. A financial statement was submitted by Midget Football. Although their schedule will not be ready until the second week in August, the first game is scheduled for September 20. To date 50 players have registered. - The Berlin High School and McGee Middle School schedules have been submitted. Mr. Kelly reported that the summer programs are going well. The average daily attendance at the playgrounds for the first two weeks are as follows: Griswold - 11.7 ~urray Heights - 13.8 Hubbard - 16.2 Willard - 21.2 Northeast Utilities will be using Willard field on Sunday mornings from 10:00-12:00 from September 13 through December 6 for flag football. St. Paul's will be using Willard field twice a week from September 1 through the second week in October after 4:30 P.M. for girls' softball practice. Mr. Petersen reported that the ~{cGee outdoor dance was rained out but due to popular demand it has been rescheduled for Friday, July 17. The Hershey Track meet state finals are to be held this Saturday, July 11 at Willow Brook Park in New Britain. Berlin will be participating in seven events. A one-day event for radio-controlled car racing is being planned. Mr. Petersen will have details at the next meeting. ?ne architect chosen for the new Community Center is meeting with the Public Building Commission tonight to go over costs. Mr. Hawkins reported that representatives from DEP will be in Berlin tomorrow to go over bills and let the Town know what the State will pick up regarding damages from the Kenmere Dam. The golf course is getting back to normal and revenues are increasing now that the front nine holes are playable. Mr. Wiecek commented that, after discussing it at previous meetings, he still sees no security at the new maintenance building. Mr. Hawkins explained that after the building is completed PARK AND RECREATION COMMISSION MINUTES -- JULY 9, 1987 Page 2 and the contractors are out the area can be secured. Mr. Wiecek also asked if a ranger had been hired yet. Jim D'Errico requested Mr. Hawkins bring up to the Commission a suggestion to increase the ranger hours to 30 hours and sDlit the hours between two people. The job could then be combined with the park ranger position which was to come under the Police Depart- ment budget. The rangers would be eaui~ed with walkie-talkies for communication with the police station and carts to patrol the course and swing through the back picnic area. A motion was made by ~r. Wiecek, seconded by Mrs. S~zczepanik and voted unanimously to approve the two ranger conce~t for immediate implementation and to transfer funds from the supernumerary budget to the ranger budget for the second ranger and cart. Mr. Hawkins will contact the Mayor about this approval. A motion was made by Mr. Zielinski, seconded by ~r. Wiec~k ,and voted unanimously to approve a request to hold the~ annuaT italia-Swedish tournament on Sunday, October 18 at Timberlin. Mr. zielinski asked about the state highway signs for Timberlin. It was reported that they have been replaced. Mrs. Szczepanik noted that the tennis courts at Timberlin needed to be lined. A request had been made by a New Britain resident for a pro-rated refund on his Timberlin season pass because a serious heart condition has prevented him from playing. A motion was made by Mr. salce, seconded by Mr. Wiec~k and voted unanimously to approve the request. A request was made by a town employee who lives oUt of town to be allowed to pay resident rates at Timberlin. A motion was made by Mr. Wiecek, seconded by Mrs. Szczepanik and voted unanimously to follow set policy of charging non-resident rates for anyone who is not a Berlin resident. The batting cage at Percival Field was discussed at the November 13, 1986 meeting and at that time it was decided by the commission that it should be left oDen. However after further discussion it is now felt that it would be better kept locked and the key be available at the concession stand. ~nyone wanting to use the batting cage must follow the follo%.~ing rules: no more than two people at a time, adult supervision and an approved helmet must be used for any type of hard ball. ~enovation and development of fields was discussed. Mr. zielinski distributed copies of some ideas he has for long range planning of fields and it was agreed that a subcommittee should be formed to study this subject and make recommendations- Mr. Gentile, Mr. Baccaro, Mr. Silver, Mrs. Szczepanik, and Mr. zielinski agreed' to serve on this committee. The status of the community House was brought up. Although this Commission recommended it be torn down, the Historical Society objected and no one knows its present status. Mr. Wiecek also questioned the status of Webster Park and the sale of Treasure Field. It was brought, up that no one from the Babe Ruth League has resubmitted a financial report or explained the two year deficits. Mr. Kelly will request a hold be put on their check if it has not been issued yet and Ted Swanson will be contacted to get a representative from the league in to explain to the Commission the deficits for the past two years. commissioners were concerned about reports they have heard regarding allowing scores to run up in Little League. A request will be made that a representative from the league attend the next meeting to discuss the matter. Mr. Kelly passed out a copy of the Six Year plan of Capital Request to each Commissioner- It was felt clarks Grove should be added to 1988-89, additional nine holes and a driving range should be included in 1989-90, and Sage Park renovations and development should be added to 1991-92. PARK AND RECREATION COMMISSION MINUTES JULY 9 1987 Page 3 , The July 23 and August 13 meetings will be cancelled. 5'he next scheduled meeting will be on August 27, 1987. A motion was made by Mr. ~iec~k, seconded by Mr. Gentile and voted unanimously to adjourn the meeting at 9:10 P.M. Respectfully submitted, Sharon Guite Secretary