1987/08/27PARK AND RECREATION COMMISSION MINUTES -- AUGUST 1987 The August 27, 1987 meeting of the Park and Recreation Commission was called to order at 7:00 P.M. by chairman Bob Silver. Those present were Steve Gentile, George Wiecek, Phil Maule, Vic Salce, Len Zielinski, Steve Kelly, Jim Petersen, and Lindsey Hansen. A motion was made by Mr. Wiecek, seconded by Mr. Gentile and voted unanimously to accept the minutes of the July 9, 1987 meeting as printed. Bill Petit and Hank Stefanowicz were present to discuss some concerns of the Commission regarding Little League scores. Mr. Petit~and Mr. Stefanowicz explained the reasons for abnormally high scores at times, adding that when this happens the score is never published with more than a ten point spread. During one particular game which drew complaints from some of the parents, they explained that the strike zone was expanded but the winning team was having a great day and the losing team made many errors. It is not their belief to stop a game with high scoring. They rather see the kids get the extra practice and learn that they have to do their best and keep plugging along even if the odds are against them. Mr. Stafanowicz requested that in the future the town spend a little more money to get better soil for the fields than the poor quality soil that was put down this year. Mr. Hansen reported on the golf course. He stated that he is disappointed that so much money was put into the clubhouse renovations and the new maintenance building but nothing was put into the course itself. He feels that if the course is not kept up it will not remain competitive and it will cost more in the long run for major work. Mr. Silver asked Mr. Hansen to make a list, in order of priority, of things he thinks should be done on the course and get it to Mr. Silver as soon as possible. Mr. Hansen reported that he had someone interested in the ranger job but because of poor communication the wrong hourly rate was quoted to her and she decided to turn the job down. Mr. Zielinski brought up the idea of possibly leasing the course to a corporation to run but the other Commissioners were against the idea. Mr. Kelly gave out copies of the Midget Football schedule and updated copies of the Capital Requests. The Finance Board and the Executive Board will jointly review the recreation department Capital Requests at 8:30 P.M. on September 17, 1987. Commissioners are invited to attend. Mr. Wiecek questioned Mr. Kelly about a $40,000 national grant which was recently awarded to New Britain recreation department. Mr. Kelly had never heard about the grant before but he was going to check on it with New Britain. Commissioners agreed that this is an important reason why they would like to see the staff attend the national conferences - to make contacts and learn about national grants for which we may be eligible to apply. Mr. Petersen has his programs set for the fall. He reported that the appropriation has been made for the new community center architectural plans. Mr. Petersen has been asked to join the Youth Advisory Board which holds meetings the second Thursday of each month - same as this commission. He was given permission to serve on the board. Mr. Silver read a brief report from Mr. Hawkins in which he touched on the vandalism at Timberlin as reported in the newspaper. A drinking water line has been installed to the #12 tee area. A letter was received from Jim D'Errico regarding a rate increase for the Commission secretary from $40.00 to $50.00 per meeting, effective 8/1/87. Mr. Kelly contacted the Strollers Rugby Club~as requested by the Commissiont regarding switching their practices to Sage outer parking lot. They objected to the request because the lot is not adequate for practice and they don't feel they are abusing the McGee field. It was suggested to them that they list other areas on their next insurance policy for practices such as Willard, Percival and Sage. Mr. Silver stated that we have other organizations which take priority for use of fields and if McGee is being used, the Strollers will have to practice at another location or not practice at all. The subject of whether or not to charge for use of lights at the high school tennis courts was discussed. It was the consensus of the Commission, although not unanimously, that no fee should be charged but there should be a way to turn the lights off when the courts are not being used. PARK AND RECREATION COMMISSION MINUTES -- AUGUST 1987 PAGE 2 The use of the pavilions at Sage Park and Timberlin Park was discussed. was unanimously agreed that use of the pavilions should not be allowed without payment and a permit. It Mr. Maule asked if anyone knew why a high school soccer team was thrown off Hubbard field by the park department. No one present knew anything about the incident. Mr. Maule also commented on the nice improvements at Clarks Grove. He stated it looks especially nice at night with the new lights. Mr. Zielinski made a suggestion regarding Bicentennial Park. He explained that gravel had been taken out from the park in the past and a hole remains. He has noticed, with the present work being done on Norton Road, that stone is being taken away by town trucks. He suggested that this stone might be used to fill in the hole in the park. A motion was made by Mr. Wiecek, seconded by Mr. Gentile and voted unanimously to approve the request to hold the third annual Dr. Kiniry Memorial Golf Tournament under the same conditions as in the past at Timberlin on Wednesday, June 29, 1988. Mr. Wiecek suggested some type of recognition be given to the volunteers involved in the town athletic programs. It was briefly discussed and will be discussed further at the next meeting. The next meeting is scheduled for September 10, 1987. The meeting was adjourned at 8:50 P.M. Respectfully submitted, Sharon Guite Secretary