1966/02/08FEBRUARY 8, 1966 MEMBERS PRESENT: W. S. Brown, T. Ward, Mrs. Delsney OTHERS PRESENT: Willard M. Wallace, Ruth C. Adams, Pat DeAngelis, Edwin S. Murray, Jr. A. R. Bengston, A. R. Benson, L. A. Chotkowski, E. Johansen BP. OF EDUCATION: Ken Place, George Bountress, Dr. McIntosh, Ray Neilan, Jim Kelly, Warren Kingsbury, Pat Spring, Wm. Dorsey NEW BUSINESS: 1. Mrs. Castiglioni appeared before the Board to discuss deficit areas. (a) ~18 Insurance (except education) had a total of ~20,%50. To date, there is a balance of $78.94. There remains an outstanding bill of ~12A6.75. During the course of the year, the four volunteer fire departments were covered for comprehensive insurance. The overage came into effect 8/31/6~. In checking with the writing agent, a comprehensive glass policy in the amount of ~27 remains to be paid. a (b) #2la M&O Town Vehicles--we are tuning low on Parts and Contractual. We had total o£ $12,OO0 in this account. The account is now depleted and we are ~102 in/ the red. The following outstanding bills remain to be paid. (al $51.25 (b) $751 (c) ~62. We are now in the snow-plow~.ng season and suggest a sum of $500 to carr~ us through. (c) ~r. Godfrey requests that the balance of $&95 remaining in the now defunct Public Works Commission be transferred to the Water & Sewer Commission. 2. ~117 Berlin Librgry-The total recuested has been chanbed to $1000 because under the new legislation, we will not receive ~500 £rom the State. In the past the town would underwrite ~500 and the State underwrite $5OO. Now the ratio is percapita and goes into the General Fund. ~. ~"119 Peek Memorial Library ~ There is an increase in salaries of ~80 as we open one extra dey and the custodian received an increase in pay. There is a fil ng fee listed as this is required, by State ~aw. ~. ~'12~a Conservation - In 1966 the budget allocation was I2~00. However, durin the year, there was a transfer of ~1800 to cover payment of survey expenses. At a towm meeting an additional appropriation of ~9,000 for the payment of attorney fees, appreiser fees, end final payment ~n the cost of the survey. After having paid these expenses, there is g total of~3900 cn hand as of 11/1/65. We do expect to spend this amount next yegr. ?Ia have flied an application for federal funds which is currently under review b~, the New York office of the Urban Renewal Commission. 5. ~70 Board of Education- Mr. Place distributed copies of a comprehensive breakdown of the Board's budget. All items were discussed in detail, including the Griswold ~nd Hubbard schools. It wes pointed out that these schools have not been accepted by the Board of Education as they are considered incomplete. All items to comFlete the schools have not been furnished. Mr. Wolcott Brown, senior member of the Board of Finance, offered to donate a iive-mmn glokenspeil to the Berlin High School Band. In discussing the overage in the1965-66 budget, Mr. War~, acting chairman, pointe out that the Boar~ of Einance mailed each School Board Member a letter of warning not to exceed the amount allocated to that Board by the Towr, meeting. He advised that each member is individually liable for any overaKe in their budget. Yr. Placarded that the School Board's budget has been reviewed end accepted bv.t~ St~ Theirs is s reescnatle school budget. The Board has not gone "o~e~oar~ ~n'~dd~ne to the system. Their progress has been at a norn~] rate. The biggest difference has been in the teachers salary. The School Boar~ request d that they be allowed to give their presentation first ~t the budget hearing. The meeting ~djourned at 11:3C pm. Respectfully submitted, Clerk Pro Tam FEBRUARY 9, 1966 An informal mecting between the Board of F~nance, Police Commission Board of F~uc~tion ~n~ ~tty. Seige] w~s Lel~ on ?ebru~ry g, lq65 ~t the ~er]~n ~gh School at 8:00 pm. IqE~<BIRS PRESEt!T: Chrm. P. kor~n, W. S. Brown, T. Ward, S. Sargis, and ~(rs. De]an OTHERS PRESENT: POLICE CCI~(ISSIO!~: F. ~occavele, S. Valenti, R. Hall, Chief Strand, Nr. ED. CF EDUCATION: P. Spring, Dr. I~cIntosh, ~irs. Smith, K. Place, M~. Bountress, Mr. Kingsbury Y Johnson